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i really need motivation to help me lose weight im fed up of been called fat b***h and fatty! its not like some constant bully its just random school kids that i get in the way of.
anyway i cry most night not just because of them i no im fat and i just cant stay motivated. i say to myself okay tomorrow im going on a diet sometimes i say right! im eating nothing but then 5 minutes later im eating a frigging packet of crisps??
any help or info you can give me? maybe you have lost some weight and have some tips for me?? thankyou x x

2007-05-22 09:08:20 · 32 answers · asked by ♥Hannah♥ 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

32 answers

find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

2007-05-22 20:29:47 · answer #1 · answered by Natalie 7 · 0 0

First, understand that you're not going to lose all the extra weight overnight. It's much healthier (and you have a better chance of keeping it off) if you lose about 1-2 pounds a week. Also, you don't have to change all your bad habits at once. Start with one or two at a time (for example, if you drink soda, switch to diet soda or preferably water). Instead of potato chips, find healthier snacks (fruit, veggies, etc). Keep some carrots cut up in the refrigerator so you'll be more likely to grab them instead of junk food the next time you want a snack. Also, start exercising, even if you just commit to walking 10-15 minutes every day. If nothing else, it will get you in the habit of exercising. As far as motivation, try keeping a food journal so you're more aware of what you're eating. Do you know anyone else who wants to lose weight (e.g. a parent, a friend, etc.)? You can work together and encourage each other. Good luck!

2007-05-22 09:20:32 · answer #2 · answered by Jane D 2 · 0 0

Sweetie you need to stop paying attention to those losers who have nothing else to do other than try ing to bring you down. They are the ones with the problem not you.
What I'd recommend you do is get rid of any munchies you could have around the house...even the secret stash...and instead of having doritos and snickers fill up your firdge and pantry with 100 calorie pack snacks special k bars and stop drinking soft drinks. Drink water instead and is you want something sweet try fruit juices. Be strong and dont cave into your cravings!!!!
Also limit the amount of fast food you eat and try walking more. You are young and in no time fat will be melting off!!!
Take advantage of the coming summer to work out and eat right that way you can impress next school year!!!
I used be very overweight when I was in school but no matter what I'd do my hair, dress nice, and wear neat make up. I never let my self esteem fall because of any jerk!!!after highschool I got on track and lost 140 lbs. Right now im a hottie (not to brag)and if I lost weight Im more than sure you can too.
Good Luck.

2007-05-22 09:23:01 · answer #3 · answered by Lizet 2 · 0 0

Hey there, I am 5'3 and around 150 pounds....and I was a lot heavier but I have been eating healthier (I cut out a lot of carbs, I didn't realize how many carbs I was eating). Also...I started to exercise in my own house...I don't have equipment but I do have an area in my basement where I can run on the spot, and I often fill my ipod up with tons of tunes and dance like a maniac. Also, if you happen to live in an area with no snow...you could jog outside. I have managed to lose quite a bit of weight by doing those simple things. I find I have tons more energy and I am still losing weight. Also, I snack on lowfat or non-fat things like yogurt and I don't eat past 6:00pm. I know that may be hard being a student and being in class...but it may help. Good luck...I totally understand your frustration. Hopefully these simple things will help you lose weight and feel better :)

2016-05-20 02:30:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm sorry, people can be SO CRUEL. Don't listen to them, bcuz when you feel bad about yourself, you cannot succeed with your diet.
Step One: Enlist your family members. Tell them DO NOT nag me in any way, but please do NOT eat in front of me or offer me food. If they nag you or ask you "why are you eating that?" or "here just eat some" it will also sabotage you.
Step Two: Keep a food diary. Write down everything "If you bite it, write it" and then put the time, the calories, and HOW your MOOD is at the time. This will give you a lot of insight. Keep the diary all the time, don't stop doing it.
Step Three: Determine to do a small exercise every day, even just a walk around the block. That is it! Done!
Step Four: DON'T skip breakfast. Get egg beaters and make yourself eggs and skim milk every morning. Do NOT drink juice. You may have a piece of fresh fruit. This is a ritual.
Step Five: Try to stick to lean protein, fresh fruit, and vegs. ONLY DIET sodas and water.

Good luck, God bless

2007-05-22 09:17:54 · answer #5 · answered by greengo 7 · 1 0

First of all the changes need to be made inside instead of foccusing on the outside. Yes I am big not fat (by my own conviction everyone who doesn't know says I am grossly obeese) through personal experence you have to appreciate yourself before you can make a big change. But follow the food pyramid and lots of water and exercise. And don't get frustrated and do the binge for just one day or meal. It is hard. Keep in mind school will be over and you will be away from narrow minded plicks. People outside of school aren't nearly as bad. Ok this sounds corney but I did it and it worked, I was so depressed I didn't think it was fair to other people I was alive, know that it should never go that far. You need to look in the mirror and pick one thing you like about yourself, where it be physical or emotional, and look in the mirror and tell yourself hey I like this. There is something beautiful about everyone. check my email address and I will be glad to talk to you whenever!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-05-22 09:23:44 · answer #6 · answered by Pamela J 1 · 0 0

I've been feeling fat too and so I've come up with a list of things to do and to not do when on a diet.

1. No fried foods, cheese, mayo, junk foods (chips, soda, candy, ice cream, sweets)
2. Snack only on fruits (apples, oranges, grapefruit, watermelon)
3. Drink non fat milk instead of whole fat milk
4. Do not eat anything after dinner (6pm-7pm)
5. Exercise 30 or more minutes a day
6. Drink green tea (I usually drink about 4 cups of fresh brewed tea a day)
7. Eat lean meat only (skinless chicken and fish)
8. Do not take diet pills
9. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day
10. Try not to eat too much rice or pasta for dinner. Eat more protein and vegetables for dinner.
11. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
12. Eat healthy, but in moderation too!
13. Write down everything you eat and including what you did for exercise.

That's all I can think of for now! Good luck with your diet!

2007-05-22 09:23:45 · answer #7 · answered by NT 2 · 0 0

Weight watchers has an excellent reputation and good track record for helping people lose weight and keep it off. You can join the on-line group and no one at school will ever know. It's basically taking in fewer calories than you burn.
Or burning more calories than you take in, however you want to look at it. Choose fruits and veggies or yogurt for a snack.
Take smaller helpings of potatoes, rice, pasta and meat.
Eat a little something every 3-4 hours during the day. Stop eating by 8 pm. Give up soda and dessert, other than sugar free things. And only a very, very little bit. Good Luck!

2007-05-22 09:22:54 · answer #8 · answered by M S 7 · 1 0

I went through something pretty similar about 6 years ago when i got divorced. I was grossly overweight and depressed. The quickest pointers I can give you:

1. Eat several small meals a day. In doing this, it can be hard to get a routine down, but about every three hours, eat something healthy. it doesnt have to be a full blown meal, a healthy snack will work.

2. Losing weight comes down to burning more calories than you are taking in. Come up with a fitness program that you will be able to stick with. Find a gym you feel comfortable going to. People aren't as critical in these places as you might think they are.

3. Getting adequate sleep. The body needs enough rest to recouperate and energize for the next day. If you aren't giving your body that, it will have trouble doing what you need it to do in your weight loss.

You might just research different diet programs to find one that works for you, one I would recommend would be the south beach diet. they have a website with message boards that can help you and they have recipes and stuff to get you started. To get the full benefit you need to do some reading so that you understand the diet.

Incorporating healthy eating habits and a good fitness routine are essential for losing weight, and not as hard as you might think. Ease into things, dont go to the gym for the first time and absolutely run yourself to death. Push yourself within reason, but nothing happens over night, just stick with it. I lost 90 pounds doing this on my own, I went from being the fat guy in the group (every group I hung out with) to being a fitness trainer in a gym now.

If you have any questions or other things i can help with, feel free to email me on here. Good luck!

2007-05-22 09:16:24 · answer #9 · answered by chiseledsteel 2 · 1 0

I went from 245 down to about 180 over a year and a half when I was about 20.. here's some things that I worked into my routine that really helped me...

Limit drinking soda to no more than one a day at the most... drink water instead (which also, drinking more water will help your metabolism)

Find what foods you eat constantly, and try lighter versions of them... I switched to skim milk, wheat bread, non-fat peanut butter etc... you don't need to eliminate the things you like, just learn to take them more sparingly.

Celery is great.... if you can get in the habit of eating celery when you feel the need to snack on something, it actually takes more calories to chew it than to eat it.

Avoid greasy foods, especially fast food. Swithcing to vegitarian, or even just avoiding red meat, will make a hige difference.

Don't starve yourself... that only slows down your metabolism. Eat a decent breakfast, which you will burn off throughout the day, and avoid heavy meals within 4 hours of going to sleep. Those are what will take longer to digest since you are sleeping after eating them.

Some little things I did were like parking further out when I went anywhere, so there would be more walking... I also broke my TV and VCR remote, which helped me get out of the habit of just sitting on the couch doing nothing. Haha it sounds weird, but it helped.

Develop a plan that is feasible. Tell yourself you'll walk for 30 minutes, even its just once a week, and stick to it. You don't need to work out all day everyday and stick to a hard diet... just see it as pace yourself with what will work for you the best so you can stick with it.

Alot of it is mental... try and adapt the mentality of "eat when you're hungry, not when you want to eat". Also, learning to eat slower will help you with that.

Don't give up... know that it takes time to change, but in the end, you will be glad you did. You'll have adjusted to a new lifestlye more or less, and feel much better about yourself. Over time, your metabolism will slowly increase, and it won't be as much work to keep the weight off. Don't see it as you'll lose 10 pounds in a month or you're giving up, but see it like you'll lose maybe 45 in a year, then another 30 the next year. It just takes time.

I can honestly tell you, there's about nothing better than the feeling of being in shape and looking good, when I was always the fat kid that got made fun of on the playground my whole life and such. You say you're tired of being picked on for it, so use that as a motivator. Show those people what you can do. Spite is what partially drove me to really get into shape.

Hope some of those things help you out a bit. Good luck!

2007-05-22 09:31:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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