We don't work for the same co. but both of our co. works w/ each other. Long story & I'll try to break it down as much as I can. I have to call his co. to place orders, I don't directly deal w/ him but if things gets too complicated then I would end up dealing w/ him. We decided to stay friends which I was happy about but I asked if he wanted to meet up a while after the breakup over email & he replied yes & asked when. I told him it was up to him bc his sch. is more crazy than mine. It's been a week & he never responded & I ended up feeling really hurt. At work an issue came up w/ an order that was placed & they said they may have to contact him. The second his name was mentioned literally brought me down. Background, he cheated on me w/ his co-worker who is married w. kids. If worse comes to worse, I sometimes have to talk to her for work. Also, in the future, I may have to physically go to his work for work. I wanted to stay friends bc of work, what now?
4 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
Telling me to not date a co-worker is a known factor. We used to work w/ each other at the same co. but then I quit. Shortly after he asked me out, then I got a job that ended up dealing w/ his. That is how the connection was made.
08:25:00 ·
update #1