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We don't work for the same co. but both of our co. works w/ each other. Long story & I'll try to break it down as much as I can. I have to call his co. to place orders, I don't directly deal w/ him but if things gets too complicated then I would end up dealing w/ him. We decided to stay friends which I was happy about but I asked if he wanted to meet up a while after the breakup over email & he replied yes & asked when. I told him it was up to him bc his sch. is more crazy than mine. It's been a week & he never responded & I ended up feeling really hurt. At work an issue came up w/ an order that was placed & they said they may have to contact him. The second his name was mentioned literally brought me down. Background, he cheated on me w/ his co-worker who is married w. kids. If worse comes to worse, I sometimes have to talk to her for work. Also, in the future, I may have to physically go to his work for work. I wanted to stay friends bc of work, what now?

2007-05-22 07:55:47 · 4 answers · asked by basmusiq 5 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Telling me to not date a co-worker is a known factor. We used to work w/ each other at the same co. but then I quit. Shortly after he asked me out, then I got a job that ended up dealing w/ his. That is how the connection was made.

2007-05-22 08:25:00 · update #1

4 answers

The best thing I can say is in the future, don't ever date someone that you work with. You need to just do you job and forget about dating this guy. Whatever you have to do with him, keep it professional. Don't bring your personal life (or his) into the situtation anymore. If you can't do this, you might want to start looking for a new job.

2007-05-22 08:07:00 · answer #1 · answered by corpsman9903 2 · 0 0

Thats a really tough situation. I had to work with an ex and it was absolute hell. Not only did I have to work with him, but his family and his new girlfriend, who went out her way to make my life miserable. In the end, it wasn't worth the grief, you can only endure some things for so long, I ended up quitting. Although I don't advocate quitting at things all the time, sometimes you just have to walk away from a situation. Good luck. Really, good luck.

2007-05-22 15:00:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is why you shouldn't date people you work with.

2007-05-22 15:01:19 · answer #3 · answered by janicajayne 7 · 0 1

Screw one of his friends and then you can see him eye to eye without being hurt by his inconsiderate actions.

2007-05-22 15:02:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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