Whoa there! Please do not ever, ever put money between Christian's and their god...money will win out everytime. But, they will repent on Sunday morning...and be forgiven too....It's in the book!
2007-05-22 07:52:56
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
First let me say that we do not have to live under the laws of the OT. We have only two commandments to abide by: To love God and to love our fellow man. Of course these two commandments summarize the ten. All of the ten commandments can be boiled down to loving God and your fellow man i.e. If you love God, you won't worship other gods or idols and if you love your fellow man you won't steal from him or covet his wife.
Second, almost no Christians even know what day the Sabbath is. The Jews have been observing the Sabbath from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday for thousands of years. In the 4th century AD, Emperor Constantine outlawed the observance of the Sabbath on Saturday and changed it to Sunday in order to harmonize Christianity with the pagans and establish more political hold over both groups.
Third, I can't speak for everyone but I know that's it's sometimes impractical to take Saturday (or Sunday) off. In my case, my job requires me to work weekends. I would prefer to rest on the Sabbath but I can't without losing my job. (btw, before anyone says I should just change jobs, I'm disabled and rather than live off the government, I prefer to work. I was lucky enough to find a job where I can earn a weeks worth of pay in only two days and the job duties are within my physical limitations).
Fourth, the churches don't teach very much about the Sabbath. They're too interested in the money that comes in every Sunday for them to recommend Christians stay home and rest. Of course if they'd bother to do a little research, they could tell everyone to rest on Saturday and still collect their money on Sunday.
2007-05-22 15:20:34
answer #2
answered by Dakota 5
The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains how for Christians the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the first day of the week (Sunday) replaces the Sabbath as the day of ceremonial observance of the Commandment to keep the Lord's Day holy.
Here is the link: http://www.nccbuscc.org/catechism/text/pt3sect2chpt1art3.htm
The Catholic Church follows the teaching and practice of the Apostles. In the 20th chapter of the Act of the Apostles, the church in Troas gathered on the first day of the week, Sunday.
The first Christians were Jews. They went to temple or synagogue on the Sabbath (Saturday) with fellow Jews.
Then they gathered on the first day of the week, the day on which Jesus rose from the dead (Sunday), with fellow Christians to tell stories of Jesus and share Eucharist. See Acts 20:7.
Later Gentiles joined Christianity. The Apostles, filled with the Holy Spirit, decided that the Gentiles did not have to covert to Judaism. Therefore, they only attended on Sundays and did not have to abide by Jewish dietary laws.
This has been the practice ever since.
With love in Christ.
2007-05-22 23:32:54
answer #3
answered by imacatholic2 7
The Ten Commandments as well as many others were given to the Israelites under the Old Covenant or Testament. Jesus fulfilled them which means that He lived the laws which other humans could not successfully do and He gave us a New Covenant or Testament. That is to love God with all of our heart, soul and mind and to love others as ourselves. Matthew 22:40. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.
As humans we still have a problem with the two that He told us to do. That is why we need His forgiveness and His sacrifice.
2007-05-22 15:01:24
answer #4
answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7
Check out Collosians 2:16 and Romans 14:5.
The specific observance of the Sabbath day was for the Jews under the Covenant of the Law. Under the Covenant of Grace brought by our Lord Jesus Christ, we have the Lord of the Sabbath in our hearts. We observe the Sabbath by entering into His rest, not by legally requiring rest on a given day of the week.
2007-05-22 14:57:13
answer #5
answered by David 2
I dont understand your question, but being a christian I do not break the sabbath. If one does, and he repents that is between that person and God, we are not to judge, only God is. The sabbath can be a day off other then Sunday even if some must work on a Sunday. The sabbath was also a Saturday -
2007-05-22 14:55:29
answer #6
answered by yeppers 5
I'm a Christian and I do my best to keep the Sabbath holy. I don't do any shopping (even online) I don't do any work nor do I go out to eat or to the movies and make any one else work. I spend time with my family, go to church, and maybe have our missionaries over for dinner. Although even dinner is simple and not over done.
I also pay a full tithe............
But to answer your question no Christian is perfect so why bother asking those questions. I am far from perfect but I love my God and His Son Jesus Christ. I try to be the best Latter Day Saint I can be.
2007-05-22 14:59:33
answer #7
answered by Bubblewrap 4
The 10 commandments was given to Jews not to gentiles. We as Christians are not bound by the sabbath. Christ gave us two commandments which encompass all 10 to follow:
Matthew 37-40 "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. "
2007-05-22 14:56:45
answer #8
answered by ? 5
everyone (including me and you) have broken all of the ten commandments. God's word tells us that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. It also tells us that there are none good, no not one and that to break even one commandment is to become guilty of them all. We all stand guilty before God.
However, the Gospel (which means good news) of Jesus Christ tells us that he (Jesus, who was God in the flesh) had no sin but he chose to become sin for us and took the punishment for all sin upon himself and all who believe, to them he freely gives the gift of eternal life!
No one is worthy of receiving God's gift, for then it would be called a wage. But it's the gift of God. As God's word puts it; For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
As Christians we are under no law, no rules no regulations as a requirement to become acceptable to God. But, it is the Blood of Jesus (and that alone) that makes us acceptable to God. We are under Grace! Now Grace is getting something you don't deserve and Mercy is not getting what you do deserve. God is full of both Mercy and Grace.
This is what the athiest cant comprehend; It's not what we (human beings) have done or not done nor what we do or dont do that makes us acceptable to God. But, it is simply what Jesus Christ has done for us at the cross!
Christianity is not a religion...its a relationship with the one true living God.
athiests should thank God that he has given them the right to not believe in him! They also need to know that he (God) still loves them wether they like it or not.
I know, that all you non-believers out there are probably saying, "how do you know the bible is the true word of God".
Well, the Bible actually proves itself in many ways... the most obvious to me is that nothing in the scriptures has ever been disproved by anyone, fullfilled prophecy, and most of all.... what man or men could ever sit down and wright a book that utterly and completly takes themselves out of the picture where the payment of thier sins is concerned, giving none of us anything to boast about? The Bible gives no man credit for anything good, so what man or men could ever even conceive such a book unless it was truly inspired by God, who by the way is the only one who gets credit for all that is good and the only one worthy of praise!
2007-05-22 16:51:59
answer #9
answered by markk39 1
Please explain how Christians are breaking the Sabbath.
Man was not made for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath for man.
Mark 2:27
And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:
2007-05-22 14:57:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Christians are not under the old law in the Old Testemant, which is where the 10 commandments are found
2007-05-22 14:53:06
answer #11
answered by mlp7 4