in my previous question, some people stated that by not telling a friend about your different religious views, you're lying and decieving them. how much personal information do you have to share with friends?
i'm a private person with many friends, but don't feel the need to always share my religious beliefs, or my musical ability, or why my sister is my sister when my mother didn't give birth to her, or how old i was when i lost my virginity, or even the fact that i love my wall paper in my kitchen more than any other wall paper i've seen!
30 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
here's a link to the last question
07:13:22 ·
update #1
as i tried to state, i am not ashamed about my religion, i just don't feel the need to share it - i tried to articulate this by using other examples like my sister and musical ability. apparently some of you missed that point entirely
07:19:36 ·
update #2
you tell em girl! i stick with my original answer....tell if you want to, if they snub you, then they weren't a true friend to start with.
2007-05-22 07:19:34
answer #1
answered by ddking37 5
It is ok to be private. I tell my husband, mother and sisters everything and I have a couple of dear girlfriends that well we know everything about each other. Then their are friends I have who I do not share every detail of my life with them. They do know that I am a Christian, but not because I tell them. They know I go to church and they see the way I live my life. I don't feel the need to tell them how I vote or how I feel about everything going on in the world.
BTW, I'm glad you like your wall paper. . that got me tickled. Don't ya just love when you do something new in the house and it is done and you just get to look at it for a moment. . .:)
2007-05-22 07:22:40
answer #2
answered by sparkles9 6
From my experience, religion beyond perhaps staying to a friend ,"this is my faith" is not something you are required to share. Sharing beyond that point can strain the friendship easily, unless the other says I want to know more or they share the faith and want to discuss something in depth. Basically don't push your faith any more than you or your friends are comfortable with. Some of the ones criticizing you probably feel a need to push their faith on perfect strangers as their friends. Then again other than knowing that my sister is a non-Christian, I can't say I know exactly what her faith is and haven't cared enough to ask specifically yet either.
2007-05-22 07:52:34
answer #3
answered by Moonsilk 3
"Omission of truth" a practice I am getting good at.
When answering your other question I said I would be hurt if something was important to a friend and they didn't feel they could tell me. But this is exactly what I am doing in real life, omitting the truth of my own beliefs (or lack there of) from those I know would not understand or accept.
I guess we do a lot of tap dancing in life.
2007-05-22 08:08:49
answer #4
answered by Aria 3
I think it all depends on your relationship and the circumstances. If you are dating, then yes you should disclose this information. If you are really close friends or roommates then it is a good idea, but if not then it is left up to your discretion. But Never should you lead someone to believe that you are a different faith than you profess to be.
I worked at my job for quite sometime before my coworkers knew my religion. I did not feel like I needed to go around telling everyone what my religion was. Most just figured it out- because I don;t drink alcohol or cofee. I never changed my beliefs to hide it, I just did my thing and lived my life like it was normal.
Also if your beliefs run contrary to something your friend feels strongly about, you should tell them or they will feel betrayed.
2007-05-22 07:31:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I would suspect it never really came up. I don't think you need to go around saying, by the way I'm a Wiccan. So I don't see how that is really deceptive and defiantly not a lie.
I am friends with many people that I have know Idea what their faith is if any. I don't even know what my own brother believes about god or god's. I rarely go around saying I'm an atheist. It really isn't any body's business, unless I invite the question.
2007-05-22 07:23:20
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I don't think there can be a hard and fast rule to cover all situations. You have to weigh the circumstances. I don't think one has to feel obligated to reveal everything to everyone, even to one's friends and family, but I also think it would be immoral of me, as a non-Christian, to pretend to be a Christian in order to take advantage of some service offered just to Christians, or just for show. There is remaining private and then there's lying.
I don't usually wear a t-shirt that shouts to the world that "I'm a Humanist!" but neither do I conceal the fact from anyone when it comes up. I live in a country founded upon religious freedom. I refuse to pretend to be something I'm not.
2007-05-22 07:24:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No it's not lying or deceptive to keep your private business private. Even in a court of law, you're under no obligation to disclose information about yourself -- that's why the fifth amendment is part of the Bill of Rights. As far as I'm concerned, how much personal information you care to divulge to anyone is your own affair. It's an essential part of living in a free country.
Peace and Love...........
2007-05-22 07:22:49
answer #8
answered by Diogenes 7
I don't think so. I think it's just that some people wouldn't understand some things, so you don't discuss them. I agree with you here. I keep a secret about anyone but myself, but even I don't feel a need to talk about everything with everyone. The Pepsi delivery girl at my office may know how many Diet Pepsis I'll drink in a day, and it's a good idea for me to be honest about that with my doctor as well, but I don't need to tell the office health freak who constantly preaches on the evils of anything that tastes good, you know?
2007-05-22 07:18:41
answer #9
answered by GreenEyedLilo 7
It's not deceptive, it's just in your nature to be more on the private side and there's nothing wrong with that. But if you have some good insightful views, then sharing is caring ;)
2007-05-22 07:19:00
answer #10
answered by Princess 3
Be an example of Christ. Walk your talk.
I have stated before that I believe sharing of one's faith is a priviledge not a right and that we should wait until the opportunity presents itself.
You shouldn't have to say anything about your religion or faith unless someone asks you to then I believe you need to and should share your faith :)
2007-05-22 07:31:08
answer #11
answered by Kaliko 6