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This question is for anyone who can give me an honest answer, but a guys answer will be most appreciated!! So here it is.....Why do most popular guys prefer the girls who have long hair and are as skinny as Lindsey Lohan to other girls?
I am 18 and have noticed this attraction trend with most popular (that is attractive, stylish, cool) guys more times than not. What is it about size 3-5 girls with long hair that turn guys on?? My fiance and I just broke up about a month ago and one of the reasons was because he found another girl who he was more attracted to. I'm 5'6", a size 9-11 in JR's bottoms & sm-med in JR's tops. I have medium blonde hair and green/blue eyes. I would love to have that long blonde Carrie Underwood type hair that guys seems to love, but my hair looks better shorter than when it's long and grown out (trust me!) So how small is skinny and how big is fat? I can't help but think that if I were smaller....(well, you know) I would love to get some input here? Thanks!

2007-05-22 07:02:05 · 23 answers · asked by Alesha 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

23 answers

Guys have no idea what sizes are...hell they barely know there own size. As you get older you'll see changes in yourself and in others. Be happy and life your life and dont worry about what guys want focus on what you want cause you young and you have a life time ahead of you!

2007-05-22 07:16:51 · answer #1 · answered by divers_godeeper 5 · 0 0

I'm a guy who knows a little bit about fashion and I have know idea what a 3-5 size girl is. So I would figure most guys don't.

Biologically, it has been determined that guys are attracted to women whose waists are 70% the size of their hips. So, if a girl has a 26 in waist, then they prefer someone with a 37 in hip/butt. It's all about proportions.

Additionally, I hate to say it, but the media has also portrayed this image and fascination with women of a certain dimension. This influences guys to think that's what they want to. Generally though, people are attracted to people who look like them.

2007-05-22 07:14:40 · answer #2 · answered by orangelyricist 2 · 0 0

A lot can be the media too...the 'popular' guys want a girl that looks like Angelina Jolie or something, then they watch MTV and of course, they got gorgeous girls on there as well...you being a size 9 isn't fat at all, it might be the way you carry yourself, idk...but for your fiance to leave you for another 'skinny' long hair girl is just a stereo type, if you were a size 0 with long blonde hair, he would still leave you for that girl, he might just be a scum, and your probably better off not to have even married him, he probably would have played you in the future.

You sound very pretty, you will find a guy sooner or later that will appreciate you, for who YOU are.

Good Luck!

2007-05-22 07:13:51 · answer #3 · answered by MyA 1 · 0 0

I just don't think thats true. I'm a size 6 on top and 8 on the bottom, and I've been called "skinny " and "scrawny" when I weighed more than I do right now, as well as "too fat" when I was much skinnier... this has a lot more to do with dating total jerks than actual size (clue: if a guy makes you feel not good enough, you should dump him). Actually though scientific studies show that most normal men are attracted to women who weigh considerably more than actresses and models. Besides every guy has his own type that might not have much to do with cultural ideals. Some prefer large women, some like skinny, some like women who look like guys. I know at least one guy who's looking for a woman with a "six pack".

2007-05-22 07:21:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Skinny doesn't always mean good body. Okay? Average size is a good body. Healthy is a good body. And that's different for everyone. Secondly, 2 is not super skinny. I'm a 2 and I am definitely not super skinny, but I am short. And more of my body weight is distributed in my chest than my hips. Different people have different body shapes and weight distributions. Something *i* hate is when people call me anorexic for having size two jeans. I'm healthy. I eat all I want, I'm not anorexic. And guys call skinny girls fat because it's an insult. It's just an insult, they usually don't mean it unless they're stuck up and stupid. If you're hanging with guys that say that, get some better friends.

2016-03-12 20:58:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have to be comfortable in your own size, not someone Else's size. Keep in mind that these dudes are in high school, right? They aren't mature at all. A real man finds curves attractive. I ma 5'10" and weigh 160lbs.I'm a size 7/8. I work out and have awesome muscle tone and men go gaga over me..I do have that long hair you were talking about but that doesn't matter. Trust me on this...a MAN wants a WOMAN, a little boy, wants a little girl.

2007-05-22 07:09:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is all in how one carrys themself. I am 24 and currently a size 10-12 but all my friends are about a size 4-8 and I get more attention then all of them b/c I am confident. Men notice that first. It doesnt really matter your size. If you put your focus on that then so will everyone else! Just be happy the size you are and accept it and when you do others will too!!!
Also know how to dress your body. If you are a size 9-11 then wear size 9-11 clothes and dont try to wear sizes smaller b/c they will just make you look bigger than you are!

2007-05-22 07:08:43 · answer #7 · answered by bnelly05 3 · 0 0

Hey sweetie, first of all your ex had the problem not you. If you are 5'6" you are a little above average height and a sixe 9 is not bad. Guys are attracted to a variety of things. Even the same guy can fall for woman of many sizes and shapes. I would say the biggest thing is your confidence in yourself. Confidence radiates from within to without. Once you do not worry about catching a guy and focus on building your self confidence believe me they will start flocking after you. There are many much bigger woman who get many guys and I used to wonder that often myself. I now know it is the self confidence. I am married and not hardly as skinny as I used to be and I get many men attracted to me now that I am more mature an have accepted my self as I am. But... now I am happily married.

2007-05-22 07:12:25 · answer #8 · answered by Searching for help 2 · 0 0

well i have no idea on how to tell what womens sizes are lol but not every guy likes that lindsay lohan look, thats not very attractive at all, i do however find petitte gurls very hott, theyre r just cuter that way, they seem more cuddley n stuff like that, but body size def is not everythin, thats actaully the 2nd thing i look at, im more of an pretty eye guy for sum reason lol oh and personality is huge as well...and im not sayin that i wuldnt date a size 9+ gurl, even tho i have no idea how large or small a 9 is lol but smaller gurls r more of a turn on for me, but also i have to say that there are slightly larger gurls that i find very attractive, it all comes down to how the gurl is as a person, not what size she is....by the way, u sound very beautiful, so dont worry bout what size u are or bout ur hair length, i find sum gurls look better with short hair, and sum better with long, it just depends on the gurl, so just be urself n you'll find the Right guy, just dont worry bout it so much, b/c like i said not EVERY guy likes that very very skinny look, and whatever u do, dont try to starve urself just to get some guy, b/c if hes a Real man, then he'll love u for u and not what size u are, or if u have long hair....oh and as far as ur ex-fiance goes, he didnt deserve u if he thought sum other gurl was more attractive and just dumped u like that, i guarantee he'll probly do that to her when he finds another "more attractive" gurl, trust me u deserve better.....well hope this helps u out sum =)

2007-05-22 07:16:52 · answer #9 · answered by AJ 3 · 1 0

Guys don't know sizes... they just want a girl in shape.

I'm a size 0 and I get a lot of guys, and so does my roommate who is a size 9. It's all about confidence and being healthy.

2007-05-22 07:05:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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