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I believe in God, I've seen him work in my favor. So I am one who believes. And I'll continue to believe

Why do you or Why don't you?

So if you don't believe in God than what or who do you believe in? What has they or it done for you?

2007-05-22 06:59:49 · 30 answers · asked by SexyBlackFasho 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I'm not rating

2007-05-22 07:14:10 · update #1

30 answers

I believe in God because he is there. He speaks to me and I speak to him. His word is true. You can feel the presence of his Holy Spirit at times. God is not a one culture religion, but he is a living God for the whole earth.

In believing in God and the Word, you confess your sins and ask him for forgiveness, ask him to come into your life and lead you and guide, to help you live according to his will.

2007-05-22 07:06:24 · answer #1 · answered by Eskimo Hammer 4 · 3 0

That is a hard question but hey I will give it a shot

I do not believe in any god because I honestly find the idea well silly. I do not mean that as an insult but what I am saying is I do not see how someone can take the idea of a being just always existing in nothingness then creating a universe then deciding to create life then make that life do certain things to get to a place that they can not perceive until they die and enter and afterlife which is a strange concept when you think about it. Life after the end of life just doesn’t work for me.

I put my faith in science because well I can measure and quantify it. Science has no problem saying oops we are wrong and changing its structure on how the universe works. Science attempts to answer questions instead of saying the whim of some deity just decided it should be so.

Science has helped me be able to look outside the window and understand how everything is interacting and how I part of it. Science makes me feel more aware of the universe and its workings so that I truly feel and know that I am part of it. What I truly love is science tells me that I am immortal because of the laws of thermodynamics sure I may not be alive in the sense but my energy will go on to affect the universe and everything else.

2007-05-22 07:11:00 · answer #2 · answered by John C 6 · 0 0

I used to believe in God. Then I studied my religion. I realized that people were making up the things they said about God. Everything people supposedly "knew" about God was taken from the Bible, which was written by other people (ignorant Bronze Age people) who also just made it up. A lot of it was based on even older myths and stories about god or gods.

I realized that answered prayers happen about 50% of the time. Which is about random. The rest of the time you tell yourself "god wanted something different," right? But there's really no one there answering your prayers. Try an experiment: don't pray for a week. See if your life changes drastically or if some things still work out for the good and other things don't.

I also read enough about the brain to realize that there is no "soul" - YOU are just a product of your physical brain. When the brain dies, so do you.

There's a lot of information out there if you are interested in why people don't believe in God. Most Christians are too afraid to read it, however. I think they secretly know that religion is all bogus.

See the link below for some good food for thought. Read it and ask your pastor about the questions he raises.

2007-05-22 07:19:22 · answer #3 · answered by Mom 4 · 0 0

I've always struggled with this question. As a background, I never really went to church, although I went to a Catholic High School here in Chicago.

I've always said that God is the answer to the unanswerable. He is the answer to what science cannot prove, or disprove. Nothing about God can be proven, or disproven. So how can millions of people worship him? What is inside us that makes us think that there is a God? Before I started this, one user said that she believes in him because she has faith. What is faith? Hope? Trusting in something or someone that you think is there?

I think I'm too much of a scientific thinker to believe in God. There is a cause, and an effect, for everything. There is an answer to every question. I think we create God in our minds, because our minds are too immature to fathom the real reality.

I do not think there is a Personal God that looks over me, watches me, or is in the slightest bit interested in what I do. I do believe in good and evil, and I believe that I do my best to be one who is sided with the good.

2007-05-22 07:14:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't believe because I think everything makes more sense if there is NO god. I also don't believe that the universe needs an explanation - HUMANS need an explanation for it.

I also can't stand to be told what to do and not do, what is right and not right, so could never follow any religion. I decide my own morals based on my own views.

I find most religions cause more problems than they solve, are hypocritical and self-important.

Lastly - I don't feel the need to think life has a meaning. For me, it doesn't, but I can't do anything about that, so I won't lie to myself and pretend there is a reason for it.

EDIT - what I believe in. I believe in making life more just and peaceful, because I believe that people who die in suffering aren't going to get any kind of afterlife or 'reward'. So we need to make this one better.

2007-05-22 07:09:00 · answer #5 · answered by Kati 2 · 1 0

I used to believe. I was a Baptist, a Congregationalist, a Mormon and studied the Bible for five years with Jehovah's Witnesses. All I saw was competition (I'm a better Christian than you), and back-biting, false doctrine and lies. No one was truly sincere and it was all a show. After reading the Bible through several times, so that no one could tell me that it said what it did not, I did some studying on my own on the validity of the Bible. It's just not true. It's full of stories written as such and the first Christians knew that they were parables. Stories to learn by. Once Christianity became big business, the Bible was used as a weapon by unscrupulous "holy" men to keep people in line. I searched within myself and realized what made sense, what did not, and decided to give it all up and stick with reason and science.

2007-05-22 07:08:53 · answer #6 · answered by AuroraDawn 7 · 1 0

I personally believe in a higher being but what that is I'm not sure. I think since there are so many religions in the world how are we so certain that one is more true than another? All have had defining moments so how can we be certain that any or all are true? I simply believe that if there's a higher being out there s/he or whatever the deity is would want us to not worry about it and get on with our lives.

2007-05-22 07:10:14 · answer #7 · answered by thj1313 2 · 0 0

I don't believe in God because I never really have. My
"near death" experiences, and even the ones perceived to be "near death" all only produced a bunch of thoughts about myself, and how I just ****** myself over.

In other words; I'm too selfish to believe in God.

What do I believe in? Well, I guess doing what I want.

That, and I believe in my own little pseudo philosophies that I post up here in quotations sometimes. LOL

That's done a lot of things for me! It's allowed me to not feel shame about things most people feel shame about. It's given me the abilty to forget the "bad things" I've done to people altogether. I mean, not caring is awesome! You really have no ties to people, or religions, or any of that garbage.

2007-05-22 07:05:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe that god is the noosphere. I have seen and experienced enough inexplicable extrapersonal interplay to hold this belief. I am working on the answers.

I WON'T believe in the Abrahamic god because he's a malevolent dictator. Actually I probably mean I won't have faith in him, although I don't believe either.

What has my 'god' done for me? Well technically nothing, since I have done it myself or with others. Connection to others via reiki / kundalini energy using a sympathetic resonance (via beat frequency) carrier via the noosphere.. Use of this conduit to cycle the energy between participants to assist healing, occasionally with observable results. I suppose that to call it god isn't neccessary, but the word seems to fit.

2007-05-22 07:02:44 · answer #9 · answered by Dharma Nature 7 · 1 0

I believe in God because I have a powerful connection with nature. It's just somethiing I feel. It's hard to describe. When I stare into the night sky, or watch the leaves fall from the trees and everything is silent, I can hear our Maker like sirens. I don't need to go to a church or listen to a Pastor. All I need to do is to step outside on my balcony, remain silent and open, and allow nature to manifest itself and I can speak with God.

2007-05-22 07:04:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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