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I have so far noticed these types of atheists:
the angry atheist
the EMO atheist
the logical atheist
the atheist

2007-05-22 06:52:48 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

pseudo-intellectual atheist

2007-05-22 06:59:53 · update #1

i forgot a few:
the anti-religion atheist
the anti-christianity atheist
the "i have got no life, so i troll R&S on Y!A" atheist
the "troll" atheist

2007-05-22 07:06:36 · update #2

The lady by the name of "Hottie", go throw yourself over a cliff, its stupid people like you who cause all the anger around here with those idiotic beliefs.

2007-05-22 07:17:20 · update #3

29 answers

The irreverent atheist! me...

2007-05-22 06:58:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

The same case can be made for Christians - on top of the 200+ sects you have...

There are only two kinds - strong and weak atheists. Your other descriptions describe the personalilty of the atheist, not the atheist directly.

2007-05-22 06:56:31 · answer #2 · answered by Athiests_are_dumb 3 · 4 1

These are different personality types, not different belief system within atheism.

I know of people who are not only atheist but what is sometimes called anti-theist. That is they think that belief in god is not only false but harmfull to society.

Anti-clerical means that a person is anti organized religion.

2007-05-22 06:56:28 · answer #3 · answered by robert2020 6 · 3 1

The happy atheist...=0)

2007-05-22 08:01:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Ever Atheist is different.

That is what is so great about being one.

You get to rely on your own sources of education verses tradition, myth or old scripture for a basis for belief.

2007-05-22 06:56:55 · answer #5 · answered by ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker 7 · 3 1

the atheist missionary (me)

the stupid atheist (which is about 30 percent, give or take) http://kspark.kaist.ac.kr/Jesus/Intelligence%20&%20religion.htm

the narrow minded atheist (those who came to atheism early because their parent are of different religions from eachother, and is more likely if one parents something weird like a scientologist or believes aliens bred with apes to make humans)

the opportunist atheist (many religious figures who use religion for power)

the satanist atheist (not to be confused with the luciferians or any of a number of satanists who actually believe in satan. satanist atheists just recognize and use the benifits of ritual, just using the term satan for this ritual because it pisses off christians)

the intoxicated atheist (an atheist who uses mind altering substances to forget about all of the suffering and death caused by religion.)

the dead atheist (an atheist who mentioned or let it be known in the presence of the wrong christians)

the famous atheist (i.e. abraham lincoln, albert einstein, isaac asimov, ernest hemingway, arthur c. clarke, benjamin franklin, carl sagan, dave matthews,george carlin, billy joel, frank zappa, george bernard shaw, helen keller, james madison, john adams, marilyn manson, napolean bonaparte, john lennon, sir alfred hitchcock, robert heinlin, george orwell, charles schultz, samuel clemens "mark twain", robert ingersoll, robert frost, susan b. anthony, vincent van gogh, thomas edison, william taft, sigmund freud, oscar wilde, sir charles spencer "charlie" chapman, h.p. lovecraft, anton szandor lavey, woody allen.)

2007-05-22 07:33:05 · answer #6 · answered by NotAnotherNickName 2 · 0 1

uhm, why stereotype us? i could say, the emo Christian, the stupid Christian, the happy Christian. Everyone is different, and is depends on how the person, im a atheist, and i really wouldnt care if someone disagreed with me, and i respect other religions. its how a individual person deals with their choice and how they go about it. Me, i wouldnt push atheism on to anyone, im mature and respectful to do that and alot more understanding.

2007-05-22 07:01:22 · answer #7 · answered by shadyfridge4 3 · 3 2

There's as many different types as there are atheists. There are no rules for atheists, (you need to think this, or behave like that...) with the exception that they don't believe in a deity. They're individuals.

2007-05-22 06:56:20 · answer #8 · answered by Jess H 7 · 3 2

One!!Just like there are christians!!Personalities aside!! I have noticed alot of angry christians, EMO christians, logical christians and christians !! Like angry Hottie for instants !!

2007-05-22 07:12:44 · answer #9 · answered by Polar Molar 7 · 3 2

Just one--the atheist

2007-05-22 06:58:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You left out the tall atheist and the French atheist.

2007-05-22 06:56:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 11 2

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