I do not use the term, atheist, because gods and tooth fairies and Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, etc., etc., play no role at all in my work, my life, my mind, my heart. Many thousands of gods have been named and worshiped across our puling species' brief span on this little blue rock. Interesting in the slow evolution of human existence but only that, the god of a murdering tribe of desert nomads, vicious rapists, human- and animal-sacrificers, child abusers, women haters, genocidal, fascist, frightened, unknowing, myth-seekers of the Bronze Age. No, dear hearts, the earth is not flat and our little star does not go around it. Later on, perhaps, but not in 2007.
2007-05-21 21:13:55
answer #1
answered by ? 3
I am an atheist because my whole life I tried to search for the truth with religions. After belonging to 4 churches, studying the Bible for five years and being involved with Catholic rites and rituals with certain members of my family, it became clear to me that it was all so primitive. That all religions tell the same stories based on a book of stories that are not even written by the people it was attributed to have been. Fear of death drove early man to create religions and from that point on, gods and stories abounded. There is no god, there is no Santa, there are no fairies, there is no magic, there is no Easter bunny, there is no heaven, hell or afterlife. That is just how I believe. The reason God and religion do not click is that they are not true and do not exist.
2007-05-22 02:21:09
answer #2
answered by AuroraDawn 7
No, I don't believe in God. Here's what I've put together by way of an explanation:
First, you have to define the term "God." The problem with most theists is that this term is a moving target.
In addition, because there is no evidence either for or against the existence of God, you cannot use deductive logic (a+b=c; therefore c-b=a). You can only reach a conclusion by inductive reasoning using the balance of evidence (90% of A is also B; C is B, so the chances are 90% that C is also A).
So to begin with, I will assert (and others may shoot this down) that the only RELEVANT definition of God states that GOD INTERVENES TO CIRCUMVENT NATURAL LAWS.
If God circumvents natural laws, then it becomes impossible to understand natural laws. All scientific findings would have to include the stipulation, "It is also possible that these results are an act of God, a miracle, thereby making our research meaningless."
However, we have been able to expand our knowledge of natural laws (evidenced by every appliance in your kitchen). Therefore, because the scientific method leads to applicable discoveries, and the likely conclusion is that God, at least the intervening kind, does not exist.
Additionally, if God is defined as all loving, all powerful, and all knowing, then it is impossible to explain suffering. Either God is not all loving (he acts sadistically), not all powerful (he cannot prevent suffering), or not all knowing (he created suffering by mistake because he didn't know the consequences of his actions). A God who is not all-loving, all-powerful or all-knowing is also not sufficient for the definition of God, because any God that fails to meet these criteria becomes bound by rules that are greater than God.
If God is bound by external rules and/or does not intervene in our existence, then God is either non-existent or irrelevant. The classic Bertrand Russell argument is that I cannot prove that a china teapot is orbiting the sun between the earth's orbit and Mars. But while I cannot prove this is not true, the evidence against it is compelling.
The evidence against God is equally compelling, and while it is not possible to prove beyond any doubt, it makes enormously more sense to live your life as if there were no God.
It is more compelling to me that humans have invented God (a) to help people deal with the pain and fear associated with death and loss, and (b) to reflect the thoughts of the ruling powers in a particular time. Humans are always searching for explanations. When none were found, it was the natural inclination to declare that the cause of the unexplained was "God" (or gods). As the faith grew, miracles (coincidences) and laws were ascribed to this Divinity, and an orthodoxy grew up around it.
Now it seems unhelpful to believe in such superstition. The only matters that aid in our ongoing well-being are work, location, health, sustenance, and pure, blind luck.
So that's why I don't believe God exists. And you know what? It's okay if others do believe God exists.
2007-05-22 02:16:40
answer #3
answered by NHBaritone 7
Do you believe that God cares about the piece of leather in the road that used to be a squirrel?
Do you believe that God cares about the countless plankton that the blue whale eats?
Do you believe that God cares about the ant that you just stepped on?
I do not believe that some 'personality' is making the calls, for these reasons. We are no 'better' than other life forms. We simply are another life form. We are a smart enough life form, to have an ego that doesn't want to be less than.
Religion strokes the ego, and helps fearful people sleep better. Self delusion can be a very comforting bed to sleep in.
We don't want to cease to exist, so religion gives us the delusion of everlasting life. Even if we go to 'Hell', we get to live forever.
Religion comforts the fearful, and gives them false meaning.
Powerful people realize this delusion, and abuse it often. The followers blindly obey, so long as they have their delusions stroked. Madmen throughout history have led their sheep to slaughter. The sheep gladly obey, it is a tragedy they don't even know is a tragedy. Religion is tragedy, founded on sound psychology.
It is sad.
2007-05-22 02:32:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
As a rule I think it would be more accurate for me to describe myself as an agnostic than an Atheist. But if I say I don't believe in God most just use the tag Atheist,simple answer is I don't know if there is a God,but I have seen no proof thus far that would cause me to believe in God. And I certainly have seen no proof that if God exists that he in any way has any love for his creation. Most of the description that the Bible gives of God describes a person that we as a society would lynch if they treated their children the way God has supposedly treated his creation. So at a minimum I would hope that God in no way resembles the sadistic overlord the Bible portrays,just because you use the word love to describe vicious acts does not make them moral acts.
However looking at the world around us I would have to say that if God exists he is at best an absentee landlord,since he clearly has no regard for that under his power. For now i choose to just live my life the best I can,and if proof of God ever comes my way I'm open to it,as long as he isn't anything like some religions describe him because then I would still have no use for him.
2007-05-22 02:58:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Because it is common sense not to believe in a sky fairy. The concept is so obviosly man-made, given the characteristics of such entity as the common paradigm would have us believe. It is absurd to the nth degree. Moreover, it is the same ol' same ol' -- that is, all of creation is all about us. How many times have we been shown how wrong we are with this delusion. The universe is not geocentric, to begin with. We are just another life form among countless living things. The universe may well turn on life, but humans aren't exactly the best example of such.
2007-05-22 02:14:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I'm a nontheist. It's similar to an atheist, but slightly different.
In my opinion, the existence of God is completely irrelevant.
There are 3 possibilities:
1) God doesn't exist. (The general stance of atheism.) That means that humans should try improve the world around us instead of relying on divine intervention to do it.
2) God does exist and he's an almighty, perfect being that truly cares about humanity. (Highly unlikely, but still hypothetically possible.) In this case, he would want us to work to improve the world around us instead of relying on divine intervention to do it.
3) God does exist, but he is not almighty, imperfect, or doesn't care about humanity. (More likely than point 2, but not the God theists worship.) In this case, we should work to improve the world around us instead of relying on divine intervention to do it.
In each case, you get the same answer. God doesn't matter.
Any God worth worshipping would not care whether or not people worshipped him. He would care how they act towards each other.
The validity of teachings do not change based on their sources. If religious teachings are true, they can be backed up by reason and evidence. "Faith" should never be encouraged. It only causes people to believe things that aren't true.
Religions often claim that "God works in mysterious ways." They also claim that "God is almighty." If God is almighty, why can't he explain the reasons behind the religious teachings he supposedly gave us in a manner that would allow us mere mortals to understand them? That would definitely cause more people to follow them. Isn't that what a just and caring God would ultimately want?
If religions could use reason and evidence to justify their teachings, they would have no need to call for faith.
I could go on, but I think you get the point. The existence of God is irrelevant.
2007-05-22 02:40:53
answer #7
answered by scifiguy 6
I was at work today and I live in Utah. Yes, we have a big population of Mormon, and no we arent polygamists... thats a different subject... Anyway, this new kid at work today said "I'm Atheist... I don't want to hear any of your remarks about The Book of Mormon, or how Joseph Smith is a true prophet. I hate being pressured to believe what you believe. I'm tired of everyone telling me that I am so wrong, and I shouldn't be here." Ok, now one thing I don't understand is why is he being so bossy when he is saying we are pressuring him??? This doesn't really even apply to your question lol... anywayyyy... I'm not Athiest, I'm Mormon (as you might have guessed) And I'm a strong believer. What is Atheist? What do you believe?
2007-05-22 02:15:55
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Atheist....hell no. I'm not into any organized religion but I think there is a force at work u cant physically account 4. Are minds cannot comprehend all. I was once spiritually blind, acid changed that
2007-05-22 02:13:55
answer #9
answered by Psychedelic Enlightenment 3
Nobody can prove any gods, much less a specific god, exist; many people will tell you their god exists but no others, but will never be able to prove it, even if they think so. Some will threaten you with eternal pain or promise eternal joy to get you to believe in their god; these are all stories, created for people who were scared long before we understood the universe. Now we have no more reason for these superstitions.
How terrible the bible in particular is:
What's the origin of the Jesus stories?
How silly and horrible religion in general is:
The alternative:
2007-05-22 02:12:15
answer #10
answered by eldad9 6