I think the biggest difference between a temple marriage vs. other marriages is the commitment involved. A temple marriage is the creation by the authority of God of an eternal family. Our Heavenly Father knows that the greatest happiness possible for his children will come through family relationships that span the eternities. A temple marriage symbolizes this commitment and hope.
Another aspect of this commitment is that it's not just between husband and wife, but between husband and wife, and God. The common understanding of our place in the universe and our dependence on our Heavenly Father helps create lasting bonds in the marriage covenant.
2007-05-21 10:57:19
answer #1
answered by Bryan Kingsford 5
There is no other wedding ceremony in the world that comes with the promise of a marriage that can last forever, as opposed to, 'till death do you part. A temple marriage is not merely a wedding, but a religious ceremony in which not only does the couple make promises to each other, but they make promises with God; that if they remain faithful to their marriage vows, and the comandments of God, they have the promise that their marriage will survive beyond the grave (1).
Because of the mutual belief that both partners in such a marriage share, there is a base of agreement upon which both can fall back on and create a foundation for their relationship (2).
Brigham Young University professor Daniel K. Judd computed in the year 2000 that only 6% of those Mormons who marry in a temple ceremony subsequently go through a divorce. This is a small fraction of the rate in the general American population (3).
I was born into a family in which my parents had been married in the temple. Those same promises extend to the children as well. My mother died 4 years ago, but because my parents were sealed together, I know that if I am faithful, my mother will still be my mother after I die, and I will see her again.
2007-05-21 16:03:51
answer #2
answered by yoselahonda 3
Well, whether you are married in the temple or not, you are joined to your spouse for life, unless you get divorced of course. The difference in a temple marriage and a civil marriage is that we believe we are sealed for time and eternity. So after death, we are able to be with our spouses and family forever. No one can break that family unit apart. That is why it is special to me.
Getting married today has become, to some people, a way to see if it "works out". A lot of people believe in a "starter marriage", as if that person they are marrying isn't going to really be the right one. I don't understand that. I went into my marriage knowing, without a doubt, that he was the man that God wanted and had saved for me. I had confirmation of this from God. I didn't go into marriage thinking "if this doesn't work out, there will be someone else". There isn't anyone else.
We both went into this knowing that our commitments were to God, as well as each other. We KNEW this was for longer then this life. We went into it knowing that.
Marriage is a commitment, no matter what way you are married. Just because you are married out side the temple doesn't mean there is something wrong with it. It's just a different way of going things. As long as that couple is committed to one another fully, and go into the marriage realizing that, then it's as binding as a temple marriage, except that it is for life and not eternity.
2007-05-21 15:50:52
answer #3
answered by odd duck 6
Marriages that are solemnized and "sealed" in the Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are performed for "time and all eternity." This means that this union of matrimony is not time limited, is not dissolved upon death. Rather, it continues beyond the grave and the marriage is continued through the eternities. It also means, that the same sociality that exists in this life, continues in the life to come. We will continue to live in family relationships and marriage relationships in the eternities. Accordingly, to allow this to occur, the marriage ordinance needs to be "sealed" on earth, as it heaven. This can be accomplished in a temple. (One of the important reasons for the existence of temples).
2007-05-21 15:44:40
answer #4
answered by Kerry 7
Mormons believe that a temple marriage will unite them for all eternity - even through death. This includes all the children from the "sealed" marriage as well. Since it is so scary to think of someone you love dying and you never seeing them again, the idea that you are guaranteed an eternal family is extremely important to them.
2007-05-21 15:48:03
answer #5
answered by StormyC 5
Couples married in the temple are sealed for time and eternity. Any other contracts are binding only in this life, and of no efficacy in the next. When a marriage is forever, it puts life into a whole new perspective. It makes the marriage covenant more serious and sacred.
2007-05-21 15:55:09
answer #6
answered by Dave F 3
The advantage of a Temple marriage is that you and your spouse and your children will be together for all eternity.
2007-05-21 16:25:14
answer #7
answered by georgewallace78 6
While traditional Christian marriages are "til death do you part" Mormon marriages are supposedly for "time and all eternity".
2007-05-21 15:44:02
answer #8
answered by Anonymous