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A study of teenagers and their consumption of books, magazines, kits, film and other media found that there are some 700,000 internet sites for teenage witches. The Pagan Federation claims to have several hundred inquiries a week from young people, and has set up a network for those under 18.
According to Professor Cush’s report, based on interviews with witches aged 18 to 24, it is the attitude to women that most attracts them: “Paganism and witchcraft appealed because of their clear feminist credentials and absence of homophobia. A main attraction is the positive valuation of women in comparison with other religions.”

2007-05-21 05:20:06 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

49 answers

They say a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous/ There are and have been programs like Bewitched, the Charmed ones {not rightr name with girl who was Brenda on 90210 that make witchcraft look like fun and glamorous and the goddesses instead of a male God that make it more glamorous for women.

2007-05-21 05:27:29 · answer #1 · answered by devora k 7 · 0 3

This question, as other posters have pointed out already, is madness. The problem is, from seeing this and your other posts, you are either perfectly serious and dangerously misinformed, or a ludicrous troll vying for attention among other trolls. I fear the former.

No-one objects to you believing whatever you want, apart from believing such nonsense about atheists and anyone else in a group that isn't you. You plainly have no idea what you are talking about with regards atheism or witchcraft, or feminism for that matter. My advice to you, as someone who (like most atheists on here) has gone to some trouble and effort to understand the Christian perspective, that you stop posting ridiculous questions on topics you have no understanding of, read a few books, do a little research, and put yourself in a position where you can speak authoritatively about your topic. You are a nurse, so you must have done a bit of study in your time. Do some more if you're at all interested in what atheism is.

We don't ask that you agree with us, and the greatest beneficiary will be you, for not appearing so ill-informed. You are becoming tiresome the way you are.

2007-05-21 05:30:44 · answer #2 · answered by Bad Liberal 7 · 5 0

I think neither. It is more likely a matter of respect shown to all life. Females are the nurturers of our species and we pay attention when life is honored.

There is also the matter of getting back to Nature and acknowledging the power therein. A reconnection to the powers, laws, forces, rules and boundaries of Nature seems to be a valid course to take if we, as a species, are truly going to make a positive difference amid all the devastation and chaos we have heaped upon the planet, (which is our only home), and all its inhabitants.

I believe it also has to do with personal freedom and the ability to effect change either in groups or on our own, without mandated prescripts.

And also there is the matter of Wicca and Witchcraft not necessarily being one in the same. Wicca is definitely deity based whereas Witchcraft is not, however the word witchcraft is used to indicate both.

One home, one family.


2007-05-21 13:54:58 · answer #3 · answered by OC 1 · 0 0

People are so negative when you ask a question sometimes. You did not say anything negative about this, just stating some facts....although, Atheism is certainly not a reason for witchcraft, feminism may be.
We now live in a society where women are trying very hard to be treated as equals, many women see the downfall of many modern religions that refuse to see them as equals, not allowing them full participation in religious activities or considering them second class next to the men in their households. This is one reason many young women are turning to different forms of Paganism and witchcraft.
Another reason is the misconception about witchcraft itself, they are watching shows like Charmed and The Craft and assuming that a God/ess is going to bestow awsome powers upon them.
Many are turning to Paganism as a form of rebellion against society and their parents...what teenager doesn't want to rebell in some way?
Others are drawn because they are shown what Paganism is, and there are no longer curtains drawn around the religions. Paganism used to be looked at as devil worship and anyone who claimed to be a Pagan could suffer persecution, with the birth of the internet and a more liberal society we see that the shadows are coming off and many of the old misconceptions are being thrown away. Wicca and most other Pagan religions inspire peace within their followers, we are not out for blood and revenge in the name of our God/ess, we are about living with nature and one another in a peaceful society.
With all the turmoil in the world today and many of the major religions fighting over land and religion we are seeing many women and men running away from religion that condones war and see them running to find something good in the world to believe in.
Everyone has their own path to Deity, I hope you find yours=)

2007-05-21 06:04:19 · answer #4 · answered by paganmom 6 · 0 0

I cannot answer for others, personal beliefs is just that. I am middle-age and was there at the beginning of Feminism but I didnot come to Wicca until later in life because nothing else I looked into/read of rang true. Wicca honors women and motherhood. I felt I must look inward and then embrace all that is without. I encourage the young to keep examining all other paths as well. Open minds work best. Peace and Blessed Be - Adalinda

2007-05-22 05:39:49 · answer #5 · answered by Adalinda 1 · 0 0

First off, pagan is a blanket term for any religion that is not Christian, Jewish,or Muslim in origin. So many kids grow up having their parents beliefs crammed down their throats and use witchcraft and other pagan religions as a way to rebel against the doctrines of their parents. There are a few that are truly looking to find their own spiritual path and end up becoming practitioners rather than mere dabblers. I have been a practitioner of witchcraft for almost 20 years now and I do teach it to my children but do not force it on them. Everyone must find their own spiritual path so I encourage them to explore any that interest them.

2007-05-22 07:55:56 · answer #6 · answered by cerridwens_majikl_child 2 · 0 0

I think it is peer group pressure that causes young women to dabble in witchcraft, not to mention the mass media recently making it popular with the young such as the "Craft", "Charmed" and "Harry Potter". It is also naive to believe that that is what witchcraft is all about.

There are several reasons why some young women dabble with it. One is that they want to rebel against the patriarchy. Two is that they are disillusioned with Christianity because of what some crooked priests or ministers had done to them, or were reported as doing. Three is because witchcraft (as you've mentioned before) does not discriminate against a person based on their sexual orientation.

I don't understand why you wanted to include Atheism as a reason why young women want to explore witchcraft. Could you please be a bit more specific?

2007-05-21 08:59:47 · answer #7 · answered by Larrikin70 2 · 0 0

This is very simple. Atheism is simply the lack of belief in gods--ANY gods, period. That's it. Atheism does not cause young women to do anything *other* than not believe in gods. Feminism *might* be an impetus for young women to look into paganism because feminism encourages women to value themselves and since NONE of the monotheistic religions cause women to value themselves *except* as wives and mothers, then it would make sense that those women who feel a need for some kind of spirituality to look into paganism.

2007-05-21 14:07:37 · answer #8 · answered by ladyfractal 2 · 0 0

The only logic of the question is that you equate 'atheism' and 'feminism' as two enemys attacking your precious Christianity, otherwise the question does not make sense. Perhaps neo-pagan, wiccan and other post "NewAge" beliefs are on the rise among both men and woman. Woman who study the roots of western witchcraft cannot help to feel empowered to explore a "positive valuation of women" in opposition to the paternalistic second class assigned them in mainstream religions; religions of the Male father God. The religions of the "Book", Judaism, Christianity, and Islam generally look to the role of woman as a temptation away from the males' quest for God and spirituallity. Neo-Pagan beliefs are usually accepting of different sexual expressions; homosexuality, bi-sexuality, and other 'creative forms' of sexual expression.

The failure of mainstream Christianity definitely has led young people and young women especially to question societies previously accepted norms. The rise of fundamentalism as a political and social force has definitely led to a disenfranchisement and generational polarity. Feminism, sexual liberation, atheism, and neopaganism were all reactions first and now have become positive alternative responses.

Some of us have found Neo-Paganism through environmental concerns in the way feminists did. We saw that the 'establishment' religions too readily accepted the plunder and rape of our precious Mother Earth (Gaia).
Many of us who reject conservative mainstream religions reject it on scientific grounds; therefore the rise of Atheism. I am one of those who did not want to reject the spirituality, only the self serving male dominated judgmental fake righteousness that passes for spirituality in the mainstream Christian community.
Is feminism, paganism, and atheism killing faith in America? No, I think Fundamentalism is doing that. Neo-paganism is helping bring back the magic. This is an age of "re-enchantment"!

2007-05-21 13:58:30 · answer #9 · answered by ba2rey 2 · 1 0

Witchcraft is prevalent on TV and in movies nowadays. The girls studied have a point. But I think it's probably a phase they are going through. If not, no big deal. Being an atheist, witchcraft is about a credible as Christianity or any other religion.

Atheists have no religion. Wicca and Paganism are religions.

2007-05-21 05:27:35 · answer #10 · answered by AuroraDawn 7 · 2 1

It is never, never land and fantasy - it simply indicates that the female influence on society is inclining the females to flights of fancy instead of living in the real world.

Atheism is not a problem - well only to Christian fundamentalists! They simply do not believe in a God - why would that make a difference? In many ways it is hard to see how a person can be an atheist and a witch at the same time?

The biggest driver though is the fundamentalist, extremist, zealot, pseudo Christians spouting hell and damnation, intolerance and hatred. Plus the fact that the true and good Christians - the ones that believe in a loving, inclusive, tolerant and forgiving God seem to have lost their voice on here - Fear of the fundies probably!!!

2007-05-21 05:38:13 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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