Always shopping for junk on eBay
Clothes don't match, look old, unfashionable, unflattering
Doesn't shower every day
Always giving money and gifts to her extended family because they're poor
Watches too much TV shows from her country on You Tube
Won't wear her glasses so she can't see very well
Can't drive, and won't study to pass even written test
Often cold
Insists I bring her two Advil and glass of water instead of just going in the bathroom, opening the bottle and getting some herself
Doesn't confront me about looking at porn
Gets really mad when I'm mad instead of trying to calm me down
I could go on...
That's my wife. My ex-gf was a gambling addict that gave her entire paycheck every week to the indian casino, bounced checks, loans from co-workers, couldn't wake up in the morning, fell asleep on the sofa, was fat, shopped in the men's department... So I'm not complaining.
2007-05-20 19:20:22
answer #1
answered by Shinigami 2
hmmmm theres really no such thing as 10 bad things.... { too pastimistic]
i try to look at the positive side [ coz no ones perfect right?]
ill tell u 10 things i like about women.....
their abilily to apply feelings over logic
their frankness [ some times it hurts its still better than lying]
i like the fact that thier moods are affected according the way they dress [e.g if they wear a dress they feel more girly]
when they try to beat things outta u lololol because women know when ur feeling down or if something is bugging you and they want to understand this why this is happening because they want to cheer u up....
i love it when a women makes u a sandwich when ur sick...
i love it when a women gives u a hug everyday
i love it when a woman dress up and wear earrings only 4 u
i love it when a girl makes up a nickname you becoz she wants to separate you from the other guys she went out with
i love when a woman gets really frustrated [ from work] and runs away from you because she knows shes gonna say somnething stupied
i love it when a woman trys minds games...... [ if u made her upset she doesnt talk to untill u beg her to 4give you lololol]
2007-05-21 06:01:59
answer #2
answered by redhotddp 2
Incapability of communication (gossip != communication).
After sex, wanting to talk or cuddle or anything that doesn't involve me rolling over and sleeping.
Not 10, but you get the idea.
2007-05-21 02:20:43
answer #3
answered by Desperate Loser 5
your a women - I am a man , if I told you , you wouldnt understand anyway, then you nag , then you'ld ask why I said it , it all is to hard , so I might just hang my head down , and say..pass
2007-05-21 02:16:34
answer #4
answered by DSV 6
i got one....they play too many games, playing hard to get and acting like they arnt interested but they are thats annoying i kno i kno part of the game but annoying..
2007-05-21 02:15:57
answer #5
answered by AirsoftDude 2
How it's easier for a girl to get a boyfriend than a guy to get a girlfriend.
How they watch dumb shows.
Say dumb stuff.
That's about it.
2007-05-21 02:14:25
answer #6
answered by Matthew E 3
lieing . cheating. using. . unfaitful . lazy. selfconced. puton. that about coves it in my opion/
2007-05-21 02:16:40
answer #7
answered by the_silverfoxx 7
how u can never tell them anything is bad about them
how u can never tell them anything is bad about them
how u can never tell them anything is bad about them
how u can never tell them anything is bad about them
how u can never tell them anything is bad about them
how u can never tell them anything is bad about them
how u can never tell them anything is bad about them
how u can never tell them anything is bad about them
how u can never tell them anything is bad about them
how u can never tell them anything is bad about them
2007-05-21 02:15:53
answer #8
answered by Millennials' Planning Program Consultant 3
only one thing ... they are very confused... thats all..
2007-05-21 02:18:12
answer #9
answered by Anonymous