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First, if god wants us all to accept him. Why would he make (the trinity) such a hard concept to understand, why didn't he make it easy, so that everyone understands it?

If Jesus is part of the trinity, doesn't that mean that god didn't really die for our sins. Since Jesus is not the only part of god.

If Jesus died for our sins, and was revived back, isn't that not much of a sacrafice?

If Jesus is part of a trinity and he is god, wouldn't that make him Alpha and omega, (he is the first and last), but he had an end, he died, according to you. (he is not the last).

If Jesus is not part of a trinity, and only the son of god, wouldn't that make god a ruthless, unjust god, for killing his son who is innocent for other people's actions instead of punishing people who are guilty of sin?

Sorry, for any spelling errors!!!

2007-05-20 16:42:48 · 30 answers · asked by DBznut 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

it is a "mystery" because it was born from the "mystery" religions of paganism.

There is no mystery whatsoever in Jesus' own words; please read them and stop believing in a mysterious pagan god disguised as "christian"
John 20:17
John 17:3-5
John 5:19
John 14:28
Mark 10:18
Matthew 26:39
John 8:17-18
Mark 13:32
Matthew 20:23
Matthew 3:17
Revelation 3:12

Acts 3:13
but also in the future, after the 1,000 year reign of peace under Christ,
after he restores all obedient ones to everlasting life the
following will take place in heaven:;
1 Cor 15:24-28

before Yhshua/Jesus came to earth, the pagan Romans believed in a pagan trinity god.
when the pagan Roman emperor decided it would be in the best interest of his government to control the Christian congregation, he gathered all the religious leaders to a council at Nicea in 325 A.D. to figure out how they could mix the popular pagan rituals, traditions, festivals and beliefs with this growing new cult of Christianity.

They basically came up with a plan of changing the names of all the pagan, false god worshipping rituals that they knew the pagan Romans would not tolerate giving up and gave those rituals that dishonor and anger "the only true God" (John 17:3) YHWH/Jehovah a "christian" facade.
It is like spray painting a dog turd gold and trying to sell it to God as a precious metal!

The ancient pagan trinity god is one of those golden dog turds that angers the Almighty God and Father who Yhshua/Jesus serves.

Yhshua/Jesus made it quite clear in his own words and the things he taught his Apostles that he is *not* equal to his God YHWH/Jehovah. (Acts 3:13)

Yhshua/Jesus always submits to YHWH/Jehovah's will and never considered himself equal to his God (Philippians 2:5-11 & 1 Corinthians 15:24-28)

Jesus is our role model. Everything he did, we are supposed to do (1 Peter 2:21; John 13:15-17) He preached about his Father Jehovah, he made known the name of his Father Jehovah, he prayed to his Father Jehovah, he served his Father Jehovah (John 12:28 & John 17:26 & Matthew 26:39-42 & Matthew 20:23 & Luke 22:29 & John 8:54 & Acts 3:13) A true Christian does as Jesus did. You can not serve Christ's Father the way Christ did if you do not know (or refuse to use) His name Jehovah. Are you worshipping the God that Jesus worships? You certainly wouldn't want to be denying Jesus words (John 20:17 & Revelation 3:12 & Mark 15:34) or the truth that he taught to his apostles (Acts 3:13 & 1 Corinthians 15:24-28) Anyone who claims that Jesus is equal to Jehovah is opposing Jesus own words and is thereby blinded as mentioned at 2 Corinthians 11:3, 4. Jesus own words condemn any notion that he is equal to Jehovah (Philippians 2:5-7)
Satan has successfully had Jehovah's name removed from most Bibles now. Satan has also convinced many that it is right to murder for their country and that it is ok to carry on celebrations rooted in pagan worship to false gods. Most people who call themselves christian today are false christians (Matthew 7:21-23) They are on the broad road to destruction (Matthew 7:13) but only those few that are doing the will of Christ's Father (Matthew 7:21) are on the narrow road to life (Matthew 7:14)

I can not show you texts that say Yhshua/Jesus is equal to his Almighty Father and God YHWH/Jehovah because they truly don’t exist.
I can tell you that there are 4 Scriptures that supporters of the pagan Roman trinity god often use and I can try to clarify those in context with sound reasoning;

1. John 1:1 in most Bibles reads "in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god" but if you get a book on ancient Koine Greek which John 1:1 was written in, you will see that John used two different words for each "god" in that verse and a more precise translation would be "in the beginning was the word and the word was with the God and the word was a powerful being". John was simply explaining that Yhshua/Jesus existed with YHWH/Jehovah in heaven before the earth was created.

2. Jesus said "I and the Father are one" at John 10:30, then they picked up stones to stone him, but then he explained just six verses later that he is only "God's Son" John 10:36. it's interesting how people who choose the pagan Roman trinity god stop reading before John 10:36! then, to top it all off, Jesus says that his true followers are "one" like he and his Father (John 17:21, 22) making it crystal clear that "one" doesn't mean 'the same person', it means 'in unity'.

3. then there's John 8:58 which should be read in context. here the Jewish leaders are telling Jesus that Abraham and the prophets are greater than him. Then Jesus clearly says that he can not glorify himself, only the Father can. Then he says that Abraham rejoiced about the Messiah, to which they said 'how can you claim to have seen Abraham when you aren't even 50?' Then Jesus says that he existed before Abraham.
that is a logical answer to the Jews telling him he couldn‘t possibly have seen Abraham. However supporters of the traditional pagan Roman 3-in-1 god say that Jesus uttered God's Holy name in verse 58; how does that make any sense?
which is a more sensible answer to the Jews question of 'you aren’t even 50, how can you have seen Abraham?'
A. I existed before Abraham
B. Before Abraham YHWH
it makes no grammatical sense to say he was answering their question with a sentence fragment.
if he were wanting to claim to be YHWH wouldn’t he have said 'I am YHWH' instead of "before Abraham I am"
however it certainly *was* outrageous to the Jews for him to claim that he existed in heaven before Abraham!

4. supporters of the traditional pagan Roman god also use 1 John 5:7 to prove their co-equal 3-in-1 god but 1 John 5:5 says "Jesus is the son of God" and verse 6 in the oldest manuscripts extant states that he came by "water and blood". John, like all Bible writers is inspired by God's holy “spirit” to “bear witness“. Verse 7 only says "the three bear witness", the rest of the stuff in verse 7 in the KJVersions was added in the FIFTH CENTURY! Then in the oldest manuscripts extant verse 8 doesn’t have anything about "and there are three that bear witness in earth", nor does it contain the Greek words for “Father” or “Word” but it uses the same Greek words from verse 6 for "water” and “blood".
All theologic historians know those facts!

now, Jesus' own words and the things he taught his Apostles about his subjection to his Almighty God and Father Jehovah are quite clear. Jesus makes it clear that he is *never* (past, present and future) equal to his Father Jehovah. The trinity idea makes him equal to Jehovah and is tantamount to calling Jesus a liar.
John 20:17
John 17:3-5
John 5:19
John 14:28
Mark 10:18
Matthew 26:39
John 8:17-18
Mark 13:32
Matthew 20:23
Matthew 3:17
Matthew 14:23
Mark 1:35
Mark 6:46
Mark 14:32
Luke 6:12
Colossians 1:15
John 3:16
Revelation 3:12
1 Corinthians 15:24-28
Acts 3:13
Philippians 2:6
Matthew 26:64
Mark 14:62
Luke 22:69
Acts 2:33-36
Acts 5:30, 31
Acts 7:55, 56
Romans 8:34
Ephesians 1:17-21
Psalm 110:1
Hebrews 10:13
Hebrews 12:2
1 Peter 3:22



2007-05-20 18:05:01 · answer #1 · answered by seeker 3 · 3 2

You should be too from these explanations. Simply put: Trinity implies 1+1+1 = 1 BUT even a 5 year old can tell you that there is no way that 3 adds up to 1 whichever way you look at it. If you read the Gospels and meditate on the verses where Jesus states clearly that he isn't equal to his Father (just this statement - he is the son, God is the Father disproves that Jesus is God). One eg when he got baptised (Matthew 3:17) . . .Look! Also, there was a voice from the heavens that said: “This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved.” If Jesus is God - who's voice was this - how could he approve himself?? Why would he need to if he is God....? There is a huge amount of evidence in the Bible against the trinity for the person who wants to see the truth and Jesus said (John 14:6) . . .Jesus said to him: “I am the way and the truth and the life. . . . by examining what Jesus said we can find out the truth - eg: (John 14:28) . . .YOU heard that I said to YOU, I am going away and I am coming [back] to YOU. If YOU loved me, YOU would rejoice that I am going my way to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am. Try praying for God to guide you to the truth.

2016-05-22 15:43:03 · answer #2 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

The "trinity thing" was a debate at the Nicene Council 325 C.E. (A.D).

You will not find references to "trinity" in the collection of books called Bible.

As far as "Let Us" goes it is my understanding in languages like Hebrew or Arabic in order to illustrate in words the incomprhensible immensity of the Deity the plural first person pronoun is used.

The verse you have quoted Genesis 1:26 has polytheistic overtones and influences. Take the portion -" and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." Indicates that there is an individual god for all of the various creatures.

I believe that there are verses in ALL alleged holy books that definite in description and direction, some are metaphorical or figuretive, and all require scrutinization by the question "why?"

Remember there are certain constants where Humans are involved: Well meaning knowledgeable Humans that make mistakes, Well meaning not so knowledgeble Humans that make mistakes, and unscrupualous Humans who seek to manipulate. These types were present in the past as they are in the present.

Consider how "spin" is used in the news that you view everyday. Imagine what could be done with text that were prohibited from the eyes of common men due to the ruling class restrictions or common men being illiterate.

Imagine the "spin" that could be employed on text that were kept from the common public for a long period of years,centuries, or millenia.

For instance, how do you know that the collection of books are the "bible" or intended to be the "bible"? How is it that there are different versions with some books missing and some present? Why were common men discouraged from reading it? Who is King James? Can any King make a version? What makes his version better than anyones elses version? Why would a country adopt a holy book of its colonizing king?

Why was it necessary at the Nicene Council 325 C.E. to vote which books were included or not, in the collection of books called the "bible"? Why was it at these council was it necessary to debate the sonship of Jesus or existence of Holy Trinity?

What does image and likeness really mean?

Does me, myself and I consitute a trinity?

Why does not the bilbe call itself bible?

Used to answer similar question, still appropriate.

2007-05-20 23:31:20 · answer #3 · answered by LeBlanc 6 · 0 0

I'm not going to complicate this. The Trinity is easy to understand.God the Father- God the inventor-the creator.
Jesus was the manifestation-God the body.God came to earth in the mantle of a human being-Jesus. Although Jesus died for our sins,that wasn't the main reason he arrived on earth.God came to cleanse the earth from the scourge of Satan. Look at all those graven images that were goiing strong at the time. The flood got rid of a lot.But Satan worked his way back in. The Holy Spirit or Ghost is the Spirit which is within all of us. Just like a dormant disease or illness,the Spirit is only awakened in us through an act.Fortunately when that happens we are "Zapped In The Spirit>" We can and often do overcome disease and problems when the Spirit moves in us. God isn't ruthless,because God doesn't experience emotion. The laws and design he gave to us,are the same for all,regardless of religion. It is our Free Will which creates the way we will go. Jesus was the only son of God who was God. We are all sons and daughters of God.Only we are not omnipotent.

2007-05-20 16:59:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Question: (Trinity), this topic is so confusing, the question even confused me?
First, if god wants us all to accept him. Why would he make (the trinity) such a hard concept to understand, why didn't he make it easy, so that everyone understands it?

Answer: The word Trinity is not found in the Bible. However, it a concept. There is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Question: If Jesus is part of the trinity, doesn't that mean that god didn't really die for our sins. Since Jesus is not the only part of god.

Jesus is God's Word in the flesh. When God was forming man, He said, "Let us make man in our immage." Jesus was with God during creation. He was named Jesus when He was born as a human being.

God's Holy Spirit was present during creation He moved over the creation. This is first seen in Genesis 1:1. Then when the church came in the book of Acts, God's Holy Spirit was present.

Question: If Jesus died for our sins, and was revived back, isn't that not much of a sacrafice?

Answer: Jesus became our sin. Corinthians 5:21, says, "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."

The reason that Jesus willfully was put to death, is so that those who accept Him can be forgiven because in His death, He took our sins upon Himself so that we will not experience death.

Question: If Jesus is part of a trinity and he is god, wouldn't that make him Alpha and omega, (he is the first and last), but he had an end, he died, according to you. (he is not the last).

Answer: Jesus did die. However, He is now alive. He overcame death by the power of the Holy Spirit, who also will raise us from death if we belong to Jesus.

Question: If Jesus is not part of a trinity, and only the son of god, wouldn't that make god a ruthless, unjust god, for killing his son who is innocent for other people's actions instead of punishing people who are guilty of sin?

Answer: Jesus is both God and man. In reality, God Himself in human form, went to the cross. God tells us in His Word, that all sin must be punished by death. Those who choose Jesus as their Lord and Savior are declaired not guilty by God. Those who don't choose Jesus, are still guilty.

Now, God and Jesus are in Heaven. The Bible says that Jesus is the head of His Church. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He sits at the right hand of God.

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the earth to help Christians. He (The Holy Spirit) comforts us , leads us, reminds us of God's love and desires and delivers our prayers to God. The power of the Holy Spirit will raise us (Christians) from death just as He did Jesus.

2007-05-20 17:18:18 · answer #5 · answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7 · 2 2

You have some great answers here to explain the mystery of the Trinity. In my opinion - It's confusing because it's false. It's a man created teaching with no Biblical ground to stand on. If it were truth it would be easy to understand because God would want you to understand it. Don't you think?

God is The Creator.
Jesus is His Son.
The Holy Spirit is God's messenger or his creative force.

The end.

But I must admit I am not Christian (though I was at one time) so you might not want to take my word for it. Like I stated - you have some great answers here to explain why it is false. Check out L P's answer.

Bright Blessings!

2007-05-21 00:08:58 · answer #6 · answered by )0( Cricket Song 4 · 2 0

Philippians 2:5-8 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the FORM of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in the appearance oas a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

The trinity just means that there are three "forms" of the Godhead, there is the Father, the son Jesus and The Holy Spirit.
As for the sacrifice, Jesus was made to bear a cross, had a crown of thorns shoved on his head, he was whipped and stoned and then nailed to a cross...seems torturous and I would say that is a sacrifice.
The point that He rose again, means He didn't truly have an end in death.

2007-05-20 16:58:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The most important issue to alleviate your confusion is to realize that the Trinitarian doctrine is NOT from God! It came from MEN who do NOT understand the Word of God, the Bible. This doctrine is not found in the Bible at all -- except for one place (part of 1 John 5:7-8) in a few Bibles where it was inserted in the 4th century by those who wanted the Bible to support their heresy. The doctrine of the Trinity is from Satan, not God!

The doctrine of the Trinity is contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and contrary to salvation. Once you realize this, most of your confusion, as well as your questions, will vanish.

As for this making God "ruthless," this can be answered very simply also, even from the Bible itself:
John 10:18 -- No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father."

Jesus VOLUNTEERED to give his life for us! God didn't MAKE him do it. And he did it because we COULD NOT PAY the penalty -- the penalty for our sins is death -- full, complete and permanent death. That is, we could have paid for it, but then there wouldn't be any of us around afterward. Jesus paid for us so that we could live with him and God eternally. He saved us from death -- not the temporary ceasing of breath, from which there will be a resurrection, but from permanent death.

2007-05-20 23:33:59 · answer #8 · answered by BC 6 · 1 0

Good insight!

Here in the last book of the Bible -

Revelations 3

verse 2
Awake, and strengthen what remains and is on the point of death, for I have not found your works perfect in the sight of my God.

and verse 12

12 He who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God; never shall he go out of it, and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.

This is Jesus speaking in these verses! And again he says "my God"! Not "my self".

Obviously trinity is in error from these last verses that cover the separateness of Jesus and Jehovah.

The trinity is but one set of beliefs though most of the Christians today are really on the verge of "modalism" which teaches that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are really three offices held by the one God.

There are many Christians that do not believe either the trinity or modalism.

When a person says:
The Father is God. The Son is God. The Holy Spirit is God. But not three gods only one God.

They are really teaching something akin to modalism. This is considered heretical by true trinitarians. Often they will use also the word or label "Godhead".

"Godhead" is in many bible translations. But the Greek word should be taken to be "God's Divinity and the multiple forms He shows this to us". Paul used local concepts or concepts locals understood to explain God.

True trinitarians do not believe in a "Godhead", as taught in modalism, they believe that each is God but each is a distinct entity.

This is where many religious teachers can confuse the newcomer to religion. It is easy for them to show the errors in modalism, but difficult to show that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not also one with God in purpose and essence yet distinct self's which is close to "trinity".

Trinity and Godhead is a bunch of garbage and a very powerful deception.

2007-05-20 17:32:37 · answer #9 · answered by cordsoforion 5 · 2 2

In my religion the trinity is "Father, Son, Holy Spirit"
That is called the three-in-one, meaning they are all the same.
I have been a Christian all my life and I just found this out a couple years ago.
No one ever told me that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit were the same thing.
Then one minister told me if we pray to God and not Jesus, we are Jewish because that's what they do.
Well, I still think God it the higher power, though I do believe he sent Jesus to die for our sins.
Thank you God!

2007-05-20 16:55:21 · answer #10 · answered by Tigger 7 · 1 2

Your conscience and for most of them as well not allowing it to digest the concept of Trinity. Due to Satanic influence most of them deviated from the true worship of one God and started believing in Trinity. God has neither beginning nor end. He begets not nor begotten. Now the time has come for you folks to come out of ignorance and start believing in one God.

2007-05-20 18:29:53 · answer #11 · answered by feroz k 2 · 1 0

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