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Hi fellow brothers and sister in Christ!
The last couple of months have been very hard for me. It has been a spiritually hard season, but one I had to go thru and I thank God I did and came out alive. I believe God is teaching me to be a disciple and "true follower of him, Jesus Christ". He has taught me not to be quick to judge others or the (without in Christ), not to argue about his word to the (without), not to be arrogant, not to bring them, the without, down because they don't understand scripture. Why don't they understand? ItS because they don't know God, so how on earth can they relate. Its our PERSONAL TESTIMONY!! The light bulb has gone on for me and I needed to share this with my family on here.
Christians, we need to stop arguing with the lost. What we need to do when they ask "why do we believe in a God? Why do we believe in a bible, why...? It's our testimony that has the power to change them, not bible bashing. Yes we need to stand on the word of God, but with love

2007-05-19 18:53:30 · 14 answers · asked by Purity 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

CHRISTIANS- Tell them about your personal testimony. Tell them when you met Jesus and tell them what he has done for you!!!
What the devil knows is whenever you open that mouth of yours and begin to tell the world on here the glorious things that have happened inside you when Jesus came into your life. "THAT WILL BLOW SATANS KINGDOM TO PEICES!!!

2007-05-19 18:57:54 · update #1

TESTIMONY FIRST!! Then when the without want to know more then "you" tell them about the gospel of God. Jesus said.. Preach the gospel to all the world for a "witness" testimony!! and then shall the end come.
I want to hurry back the return of the king, but somethings gotta change!!!

2007-05-19 19:05:19 · update #2

AMANDA C- I am not any better then you, we are the same!!. I just know the truth, you however don’t. Our/my gospel if it is hidden is hidden to those that are perishing “YOU”. Disciples of Christ literally must open the eyes of the blind “You”. We must tell the word about an uninvited gospel, about an uninvited Christ and an uninvited salvation, but minister it with power, love, grace and mercy and see men and women converted to the lord Jesus Christ!!

2007-05-19 19:33:45 · update #3

KURT B- Even though you hate me, I love you. Even though you hate your maker/God, he loves you beyond your ability to love anything. I pray your heart will soften and that you know God soon. I pray the lord will send disciples to minister his love to you. I pray that one day your eyes will look for Jesus. I pray this happens before judgement day, because on that day when you stand before him/God you will wish with all your being you didn't blaspheme the lord your /Father God the way you have.
Repent, now I beg you!. Hell is real and you don't want to go there.
I love you and always will!!

2007-05-19 23:27:07 · update #4

14 answers

hello sister, God bless your heart! The Lord has also shown me this too, Consider how much He suffered that day and all the verbal insults and abuse He got as He carried His own cross,they mocked His Father, spit on Him, beat Him, questioned Him and demanded He prove He was the Son of God, and drove nails into His Hands & Feet, on a wooden cross, made a crown of thorns for His head and hung a sign above His head to mock Him and set His cross on a hill in front of the whole town,and "yet He uttered not a word." He just lifted His eyes toward heaven and said, "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do"

He never argued or got provoked by anything someone said. He said to speak peace upon a house before you enter it, and if someone doesn't receive you, shake the dust off of your feet and do not look back. And He never entered anyone's house uninvited. EVER. He only went where He was invited.

First we gotta have common ground or our words are just 'blowing in the wind'. It's Love that changes hearts, not words. "We walk by faith, not by sight", we believe without seeing, whereas, those who walk in darkness are blind, and have to see things first to believe it. They want facts, proof and evidence, when God has already supplied this to whosoever will believe. Their eyes have to be open first. Neither can they hear or understand the scriptures,The Scriptures themselves say the unbeliever cannot hear nor can they understand the things of God for they are spiritually discerned

We have to establish a common ground with a person first, and identify with them rather than judging them because Jesus first loved us when we were still yet sinners, We need to love them as He loved us in our sins and our mess, when we weren't so nice. We ALL did things and said things that weren't so pretty. We need to humble ourselves and not be to afraid or ashamed to admit that we've been there, and be gentle and meek with them. Just as we'd want others to do to us. They need real people who they can relate to, people they can trust not to judge them or accuse them of sin, they some place they can turn to that is different than the rest of the world.

A heart first has to be willing to receive, we can't give answers and info and bible quotes, unless a person ASKS specifically for them. When a person asks a genuine question and sincerely wants to know, THEN they will be open to receive it. It's like planting a seed. If your neighbor asks you for corn and you hand him/her tomato seeds, what good will that do?

A person's heart is like soil, some is hard and weathered even dry and cracked. But Jesus said, the seed that falls on the hard soil, either falls in the cracks or the birds carry it away. The seed that fell among the wayside, thorns and weeds, choked it out. Some even if it springs up, when troubles come, whither up and die. We need to sow our seed in good soil, and it is God who gives seed to the sower. He's the Gardener, not us. Maybe we would be more fruitful ourselves, if tended better to our own gardens,

Sometimes God has to break up the soil first, and soften a hard heart so that it will be 'able' to receive. A plant needs Light and Water and the soil must be fertile to take root, "a seed must fall into the ground and die, before it can live" it is God who gives it life. Alls we can do, is sow the seeds that God gives us and give them as we are asked, It won't do any good to throw seed onto hard ground. Seed needs to be watered and have sunlight 'every' day to produce good fruit. If it is fertile soil, then the Lord will water it and it will grow.

There are plenty of people out there who ARE hungry and thirsty for the truth, whose soil is broken up and ready to be planted. Jesus asked Simon Peter three times is he loved Him, and he said yes Lord you know I love you, and each time Jesus said, "then feed My lambs", "feed My sheep",...." feed My sheep"†

2007-05-19 20:50:24 · answer #1 · answered by cas1025 4 · 1 0

I agree with you. When Jesus spoke with everyday sinners, he was humble, kind, understanding, and loving. Except for the pharisees, and we have those pretentious jerk-offs on YA everyday. Who cares what the Athiests' say? They aren't claiming to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. And they aren't going to change their minds by anything hostile or judgmental that Christians can throw at them. Jesus said that they are to know us by our love. LOVE!!! And honestly there isn't much love in the R&S section. From anyone.

Just like in John 9, the begger said "Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!"

That's how to testify.

2007-05-20 02:12:27 · answer #2 · answered by Earthling 3 · 0 0

You are trying to connect with Christinas, and you need to work on your sentence structure in order to convince people that you are so well connected.

You mixed it up a little with this sentence:
It's our testimony that has the power to change them, not bible bashing.

I think that you mixed up the bashers and the bashees!

I agree that we need to stand on the word of God with love.

2007-05-20 02:08:28 · answer #3 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 0 0

the christian faith just like all religion is all BS. i ask, how many of you Christians know that there are over 76 Gospels and that only 4 were chosen by roman military leaders in the 4 year C.E. How many of you know that although the roman catholic church asks you to lead a life of simplicity and helping others, that the church itself has over 50 billion doll as in assets and shareholdings.
how many of you know that the christian faith is founded on sun worship.
how many of you know that Jesus was really a pimp and Mary was one of his bitches
hmmm answer me that

2007-05-20 04:42:43 · answer #4 · answered by kurt b 2 · 0 0

I believe religion is a tormenting, pyschological journey if you decide to really engage yourself with the biblical tenets. In a way you are projecting your own insecurity through preaching because its obvious that your condemning other people to feel good about yourself.

2007-05-20 02:01:56 · answer #5 · answered by ibid 3 · 0 0

I've been saying the way a believer of a god acts is the way they are representing their god. If a person can be friendly then I'm willing to accept your god is friendly as well.

2007-05-20 02:07:31 · answer #6 · answered by felpa_de_osa 3 · 1 0

i appreciate that other christians have realized how much personal testimony is than bible bashing in helping explain the atheists' question "why do we believe in what we believe in" and i hope alll other christians can learn from this and take it to heart as their discipleship "theme"

2007-05-20 02:09:31 · answer #7 · answered by monkey_going_bananas 3 · 0 0

Question to Rod C: Was Jesus totally clueless as to the proper use of apostrophes?

2007-05-20 02:00:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

you're the one who's lost. whatever will you do when death approacheth and all u see before you is the dirt that will cover your grave? im not lost. i am quite firm with where i stand, and i don't base it apon a work of fiction. btw, les miserables is a far better read among a list of many, none of which tell u that judging other ppl is OK.

2007-05-20 02:07:52 · answer #9 · answered by amanda c 6 · 1 1

Baby, you can blow my kingdom to pieces any time you want. I can make glorious things happen inside you.

2007-05-20 01:59:46 · answer #10 · answered by Enslavementality 2 · 2 1

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