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9 answers

There's the dilemma, the problem, the part to be figured out, etc.

2007-05-19 17:59:35 · answer #1 · answered by DSL 4 · 1 0


2016-12-23 02:37:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The phrase relates to a sore spot. It is kind of like what happens when you have shoes that fit improperly. The spot rubs and rubs until it becomes uncomfortable and begins to even hurt. So when he says "there's the rub" he means that's the spot or thing that is bothering me.

2007-05-19 18:06:11 · answer #3 · answered by udontreallydou 4 · 1 1

It means "that's the problem with this idea".
Hamlet is considering suicide, he compares death to sleep, but if death is like sleep, then maybe he will dream, and if he dreams about the same depressing, crazy stuff then there's no point in killing himself.

2007-05-19 18:05:10 · answer #4 · answered by J.R. B 2 · 1 0

It's the small print at the end of a contract.

2007-05-19 18:13:24 · answer #5 · answered by Lorenzo Steed 7 · 1 0

There Is The Rub

2016-10-16 05:46:07 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Hamlet is saying "That's the problem. For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?" Could be nightmares...the thought of that "must give us pause", must make us fear the unknown realm of death.

2007-05-19 18:00:32 · answer #7 · answered by Vee James 1 · 0 0

If wit be the measure of a man, Captain Kidd stands on the jokes of (t)witters

2016-04-17 06:07:48 · answer #8 · answered by Ken Johnston 1 · 0 0

Today it would be, "Aha! I knew there was a catch!"

2007-05-22 13:45:02 · answer #9 · answered by Brant 7 · 0 0

For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/awyVg

LAWN MOWING AND PIRACY ON THE HIGH SEAS One day I was out mowing my lawn. I happened to shut it off for a minute and I heard Clem finish hollering over the fence to Wally. "Yeah, he sure is a slob this one!" I knew they were talking about me and figured since the lawn mower was on I wouldn't be able to hear. I looked at both of them and said "A CURSE ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES" and stalked off. Just because I wasn't neat and kept an old car up on blocks in my front yard was no reason to slander a guy. I went into the house, and tired from the mowing, I lay down for a while on the sofa and dozed off. Someone in my dream said "TO SLEEP, PERCHANCE TO DREAM" and dream I did. I dreamt I had a bad itch and I was looking all over for my desinex. I was also a pirate and spoke with a distinct accent. I finally found it, declaring "AYE THERE'S THE RUB!" and said to myself "Arrr!" The captain of the pirate ship was a Cubs fan even though he was actually from Pittsburg. He was also rather philosophical about his line of work, the raping and pillaging of innocent vessels on the high seas. He never called himself a pirate, but fashioned himself a "privateer". He called the merchant marine as the "public sector" and he called his own role in it all as the "privateer sector". Before he became a pirate he was a Washington Lobbyist apparently. The name said it all. He had a desk inside his cabin with a little nameplate velcro'd to its surface saying "CAPTAIN KIDD, PRIVATEER" which he ordered last time he visited Office Max. It had cachet, class. He was always a classy pirate captain. He would walk the deck, his spyglass in his hand and, complaining about the discipline of the eyeless toothless crew around him he would think aloud saying things like "AAAR!!!WHAT A PIECE OF WORK IS MAN, THE PARAGON OF ANGELS" (He was a little on the deaf side you see and so he shouted.) Captain Kidd was also getting on in years and he reflected on it out loud and sadly, thinking of his inevitable retirement party when he turned 62 and 1/2. He stared out to sea in his melancholy way and said to no one in particular "After all these years of raping and pillaging, and doing a darn good job at it too, I fear my golden years will just be a LONG FAREWELL TO ALL MY GREATNESS" and then he would sigh. One day his vessel pulled alongside another one, obviously in the public sector. " Avast ye lubbers!" he cried. What have we here? It had soda pop, it had Doritos, it even had Pork Rinds and M&M's on board. No Coke however, just Pepsi. And nothing that was caffeine free. The captain, who had given up caffeine because of his blood pressure just looked on with disgust. Who be ye, and what be your bisiness on Kidd's high seas?" The ship was in the private sector obviously but no privateer. A prosperous man named Captain Capital strode up on his peg leg and shouted "I WILL BUY WITH YOU, I WILL SELL WITH YOU, I WILL TALK WITH YOU, WHAT WILL IT BE? Captain Kidd reflected for a minute. It was the legendary "Snack Bar on the High Seas" and it offered snacks and soft drinks to hungry sailors. I'll have a bag of Cheetos and a Diet Coke" said Kidd. Capital said "That'll be three doubloons, sir!" "THAT'S SEAWAY ROBBERY!" Kidd shouted back. But Captain Capital had him over a barrel. Where else was he going to get Cheetos here in the Sargasso Sea? Sure salty snacks were not what any of the crew needed on the high seas. Any old salt would tell you that, but what choice did he have? Captain Capital had a meaner crew than his. They were all sugared up from candy bars and stuff anyway. There was no telling what they would do. They all had a crazed look in their eyes. His crew, eyeless, toothless and loopy from rum half the time, they were no match for those fools. If Captain Capital's kids stormed aboard they would be helpless. They certainly couldn't bite them. They had no teeth. It was then I woke up, realizing I was hungry. I went to the kitchen and found my stash of Cheetos. My hands and face quickly assuming the same orange tinge. Messy they were, and incriminating, but I was helpless to resist. They were sooo delish. I turned on the TV and there was Rachel Ray declaring that she was "AS CONSTANT AS THE NORTHERN STAR". And I reflected "Not me. I am as incontinent as a newborn puppy." And I rushed off to the bathroom, again. I was regretting my harsh words to my neighbors and MORE IN SORROW THAN IN ANGER, that my neighbor's low opinion of my neatness was a TALE TOLD BY AN IDIOT, to an idiot, FULL OF SOUND AND FURY (so that they could be heard over my lawn mower) SIGNIFYING NOTHING. Then I reflected that neither one was going to speak to me ever again I said sadly to myself I ALONE BEWEEP MY OUTCAST STATE. It was then I decided to call up my girlfriend. I thought "SHALL I COMPARE THEE TO A SUMMER'S DAY? Yes" I said, answering myself I would. After all she was hot, a little buggy, and had a dry sense of humor. I dialed her number and she answered. I started to tell her about my dream and I went on and on. Then I thought I would tell her a pirate joke, but I took too long to tell it and she guessed the punch line and told it to me. "Darn! You're no fun!" I declared. "BREVITY IS THE SOUL OF WIT" she reminded me, and laughed.

2016-04-04 01:06:25 · answer #10 · answered by Norine 4 · 2 0

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