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I live in arizona were we have allot of illegal immirants we are sourounded by mexicans left and right. i dont like paying taxes for illegeals and there millions of kids. thats what they do come here have a million kids get welfare we tax payers pay for it and they dont have to leave.i,m tired of it we are sourounded with ilegals. It shouldnt be the united states fault that mexico has such a corupt goverment that gives such unberable liveing conditions to its own people. i say we kick them all out and make them wait in line like all the others i come from a immigrant family that came here legaley and did everything by the book.

2007-05-19 17:44:28 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

They should atleast learn some english

2007-05-19 17:52:41 · update #1

36 answers

Unlawful Entry is a CRIME. Zero tolerance for immigration-law violators! No amnesty, no "stealth-amnesty." No "change of status," marriage fraud, "exceptional leave to remain," no "Temporary Protected Status." If you break the law, depart or be deported. Illegal aliens kill more US citizens each year than the war in Iraq has killed in four years. Apologists for illegal immigration like to paint it as a victimless crime. But in fact, illegal immigration causes substantial harm to American citizens and legal immigrants, particularly those in the most vulnerable sectors of our population--the poor, minorities, and children. Additionally, job competition by waves of illegal immigrants willing to work at substandard wages and working conditions depresses the wages of American workers, hitting hardest at minority workers and those without high school degrees. Illegal immigration also contributes to the dramatic population growth overwhelming communities across America--crowding school classrooms, consuming already limited affordable housing, and straining precious natural resources like water, energy, and forestland. Taxpayers are being forced to pay for the free health care, education, and other welfare programs being given to illegal aliens; Those tax dollars could be given back to U.S. taxpayers or used to keep our borders secure; They may be here illegally, but they sure know how to "work the system" to collect "free" medical care, "free" education, "free" food, Section 8 housing vouchers and other housing assistance, and hundreds of other social services. It costs citizens additional hundreds of billions of tax dollars at every level: local, state, and federal. It gobbles up billions of our charitable contributions. And much of that money ends up siphoned out of our economy and into offshore accounts. Illegal aliens, over half of whom work "under the table" with neither job nor income reported (nor taxed), are not counted as employed or unemployed. But some of those day-labor and off-the-books "job-lets" would be "real" jobs - available to American citizen job-seekers - if employment regulations were enforced. Illegal aliens can get away with tax evasion, et al., which citizens cannot. In short, we have too many workforce entrants and too few jobs created. The ratio works out to roughly 7-10 workforce entrants per job created. If all illegal aliens depart or are deported, all legal immigration halted, and all temporary employment visas abolished, we still have a problem with more US-born workforce entrants than new jobs created. Illegal immigration damages our country and our citizens every day at every level. And not even the attacks of 2/26 and 9/11 have awakened many Americans to the vast dangers illegal immigration poses to our selves, our families, our communities, our society, our values, our principles, our civilization. Zero Tolerance for Immigration-Law Violators! We must remember the lessons of 2/26, 9/11, and the costs we bear every single day. God Bless the U S A !

2007-05-21 15:51:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Illegal immigration causes many problems that's for sure. That is an indisputable fact. Given your estimate of 20 million illegals let's proceed from there. Let's say even 1/3 of them are holding jobs. That's almost 7 million people in the workforce. Contributing to the tax base etc. That would leave 7 million job vacancies. Would our nation be able to handle that many leaving the workforce? Probably not. Would Americans step into these jobs for the pay offered? Probably not. Companies bottom line is profit. Would they raise wages to get Americans to work these jobs? Probably not. More companies would begin to outsource. Thus leaving many Americans out of jobs that now hold jobs. Our entire country would collapse and the Great Depression would look like a cakewalk. As I've said illegal immigration is wrong and needs to stop. But we also need to be realistic on deporting as you say 20 million people. Believe me...It's not going to happen for various reasons. So we must move forward and think of realistic ways to deal with the situation at hand and also insure the illegal situation is stemmed in the future. Better border security and visa systems need to be taken care of first and foremost so the situation doesn't progressively get worse. Once the flow is stopped we can then work on what to do with those already here.

2016-05-21 22:24:50 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

A new immigration bill if passed, will grant legal status to those 12 million that are already here.
And to show I'm not taking this info out of the blue sky, here's a link to back up my facts:
I think that's a great idea to give them legal status.. But of course any that are involved in criminal activities that are not contributing to our country in a positive manner should be deported, but I believe most of them are here just to give their families a better way of life that they could not get in their home countries. Too many Americans do not realize how hard it is to earn a living in countries like Mexico, Honduras and El Salvador to name a few. And yes-they DO take the jobs that most Americans wouldn't ever take!! You cry,"Them illegals are taking jobs away from us Americans!" Oh really? So you'd been interviewed b/f for a job as a rest room janitor at a Mc Donald's? Or a chambor maid? Since its so difficult to get work in their home countries, they're happy to take these types of jobs that most Americans feel are 'beneath them.'Then once they are legal, those opposing lillegals can't cry anymore b/c they'll have legal status.
I bet you weren't aware that illegals can pay income taxes! And as long as they're illegal, they'll never get any of that money back! So many of them DO pay taxes, and you blindly believe that YOUR taxes are paying for them?
You should get more educated on this topic before you're ready to cry about being a tax payer-many of them are tax payers too! Don't believe me? Check out this link:
They can even become U.S. citizens at some point if they wish.

2007-05-20 12:00:24 · answer #3 · answered by (no subject) 4 · 1 1

S**t. The odds are already stacked against the Citizens that dare to be out numbered(Mexican Stand off) for real. Because if one should get socked. It's going to be an all things go riot for sure since they are crazy enough to not give a s**t! At worst they won't be the ones to lose something they don't have.
Unless. One go and hire all the ones at the labor agencies that day. And pay them to protest themselves!
Ahhh is it called: 'ando avajo de allas y soy puro numero gente?!

2007-05-19 18:15:30 · answer #4 · answered by SMILING BOB. 2 · 1 1

For your information Mexicans are not the only immigrants in this country. There are many races, including people from Iraq, Korea, Africa, and people from other countries. Don't be ignorant and just talk about things that bother you, if you write something, inform yourself, please, and you will save time for many. Your arrogance does not make you any better than mexicans or any other races. Mexicans have come to this country to find a better life. No person is more hardworking than they are. What happened to "...and the pursuit of happiness" and "liberty and justice for ALL." Just because they are not from here does not mean that those terms do not apply to them. About the taxes, they pay taxes too. When in stores they also pay taxes for what they buy... or are you going to tell me that they purchase everything without the tax. You are not the only ones who pay for these things, but they take part in it also. You should know how it feels, you were once in their situation. If you would kick all of them out, then who will do the jobs they take? Your "millionaire" parents? I dont think so. Your "people" would not last one hour in the fields, cutting the crops to be sent around. And what about cleaning? Do not tell me you guys will take over this jobs, because they are sure you would not. All you care about is money and you would not do it for various reasons. Two reasons are because you would not accept the paycheck you will recieve because it is too low in payment, and the important reason is because most are not fit for the job.
So tell me is it really worth kicking all of them out. Oh, and one last thing, not all mexicans speak just Spanish, most go to school, give it their best, and get an education. Most are bilingual, which is better than speaking just one. You should know, so why do you have to act ignorant and talk trash. What is wrong with you, talking like that about your own kind. Do not say things to satisfy others, but rather what you know is right. Your prejudice and stereotype does not work HERE!

"And...? How much have we wasted on the war? In fact, how much money do we spend on private transportation for the president (car rides, plane rides, etc.)? How much money have YOU used and how much have YOU gained from the work of 'illegals'? " Source: Yahoo User

"They do not have the freedoms we do. The right to assemble is not allowed. No labor unions are allowed. They can wire tap any calls in or out of the country. Freedom of speech does not exist. Drug lords own the country and the super rich.
But I do believe that we should sit up and take notice.
Because it is happening here and can happen in any country.
We may one day be trying to get into Mexico.
Hopefully they will treat us better than we do them." Source: Yahoo User

2007-05-19 18:29:48 · answer #5 · answered by efrosty 2 · 5 4

(note: when I speak of citizens, I include those who are here legally.)Yes, I am for the legal removal of the illegal immigrants in this country. I don't have any problem with those individuals who have gone through the legal process to become citizens. Those here illegally get so many of the benefits that our own poor citizens are not able to get. This is just not right. They may be working in the lower paying jobs but most do not pay taxes. They place a drain on Medicaid and Food Stamps utilizing those services that were set up to help our citizens.
And now they protest that we do not give them the full rights that they think they deserve just because they are standing on American soil (illegally) and breathing our air. We pay for that privilege in blood, sweat , and tears. This is Our Country...those who are here by birth and those who are here by the legal process to obtain citizenship. And you know what really burns me - they don't even think it's important to learn the language.
I live in Texas and now it's gotten to the point that a great many jobs require that you know how to speak Spanish. Now that's a real burn. It's just not right.

2007-05-19 19:23:18 · answer #6 · answered by Kathy M 1 · 4 4

Yes, I am.

Speaking about funding...I can see that we have funded that blood bath, uh, I mean "war" in Iraq. If we actually spent it on protecting the USA, then by ACTING on following the current law we would actually be AHEAD in the long run, because we spend so much money on the illegal aliens. This is shown time and time again.

But this wont happen because they need more money in the Federal Reserve..and they also need to make it easier to cross the border so they can further the North American Union...Chertoff himself even says the DHS is UNDER the SPP (Another words DHS answers to MEXICO and CANADA and NOT the USA LAWS!) I kid you not, I have memos of him ORDERING this...can send them to you too if you want..got them off of the Judicial Watch article!

2007-05-19 18:58:34 · answer #7 · answered by hera 4 · 0 4

If one hundred people invaded my house and the police told me they couldn't remove everyone because there's too many of them, I'd be ticked off.
When our government tells us they can't kick out all the illegals, it ticks me off as well. The government is telling us they can't protect us. The number one job of the government is to protect its citizens from an invasion.
If it doesn't worry citizens that our government can't or won't protect them from a foreign invasion, then they're hopeless. Maybe they deserve what they get.

2007-05-19 19:04:08 · answer #8 · answered by sister_godzilla 6 · 2 3

Mexican's have as much right to be here as anyone else in my opinion. The American Indians wanted us to go away too because we were all over the place having kids and stealing their land, but hey we fix that didn't we. How is this any different. I think the federal agencies such as the welfare and medicaid and all that should get their **** together and stop giving illegals our tax money. I also think that getting a green card shouldn't be as difficult as it is. They are all coming anyways the system is just keeping them from paying taxes I think....

2007-05-19 17:51:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 7 7

Our inept government isnt up to that challenge, we should penalize employers who hire them and landlords who rent to them and denie them welfare then they will go home on thier own.

At the same time we do need to increase leagal immagration to this country it shouldnt take 10 yrs to get a green card and when you do you shouldnt automaticly be elligible for welfare and other handouts.

2007-05-19 17:53:06 · answer #10 · answered by Nancy P 5 · 8 3

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