If you read the story of creation (Biblical - there are many different creation stories from different cultures and civilizations around the world) very carefully and take it literally, it contradicts itself repeatedly - its full of "holes". Evolution has mountains (literally) of evidence to back it up, no matter what the naysayers say about it - most of them don't even know what the word REALLY means, and yet still deny that it ever took place, which is absurd if you understand how DNA works.
In Hebrew, the word "Adam" means "mankind", therefore when God created "Adam" God created "mankind". Knowing what the ORIGINAL words are can profoundly affect what the Bible REALLY means. When people quote the Bible they often quote the English translation, and by the very act of translation some of the meanings are lost or distorted. The Bible becomes a lot more interesting if you know the actual history behind it - it makes the stories that much richer.
2007-05-19 16:51:48
answer #1
answered by Paul Hxyz 7
That's the very first time I ever heard anything about a meteor, unless you are speaking of the notion that it was a meteor that wiped out the dinos.
I've been saying for years that the Bible was never meant to be a science textbook, that there is no conflict between God and science, that evolution may or may not be a fact, but it makes no difference to a Christian's faith, and many other such things.
I don't see what the big argument is all about anyhow. If this person believes that evolution is all bunk and God did it just as he thinks it says in Genesis, how does that weaken science?
OTH, if that person believes that there is no god at all, and everything happened by chance, how does that weaken God?I am a Christian. No scientific theory or principle has ever weakened my faith in God, nor could it ever. Science is dynamic, ever changing, ever making new discoveries. For all anyone knows, tomorrow, some genius may discover that evolution is all a mistake, and the reason that nobody has yet found the "common ancestor" is because there isn't one. Or, he may find that common ancestor, and prove once and for all that evolution is true. Either way, science would have to change to allow for this new discovery.
God, on the other hand, is immutable. Whatever discoveries are made, He remains the same as ever.
Since science will never be able to go outside of our universe to discover God, I don't see how science could ever impact faith.
2007-05-20 00:08:46
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It would take somersaults in logic to do so for Christianity.
There is a lineage in the Bible. If science is right, that lineage is wrong, and Adam was not the first person.
If Adam was not a real person, but only a metaphor... then are all the people begatted after him also metaphors? How about King David, who had to be an ancestor to Christ in order for Christ to be the Messiah. Is King David a metaphor? Is Christ?
It's pretty simple, really. Any way you look at it, something is not right. If even one thing in the word of a perfect deity is fallible, you must then question what to believe and what not to believe from that word. You must then also question the perfection of that deity, and yes, the existence of that deity.
Now, some beliefs can be reconciled with evolution - Deism, for example. Most organized religions, however, cannot - well, not logically anyway.
2007-05-20 02:19:36
answer #3
answered by Snark 7
I used to think that too...but now I do not see how.
1) In evolution things happen by chance. That is not Creation.
2) The Bible tells us that God created the birds as the first animals. Evolution would lead you to believe something else.
3) The Bible tells us that everything was destroyed by the Flood...not a meteor.
4) The Bible tells us that each kind begets its own kind...and God created each kind. This could not be further from evolution.
5) and on and on...
The more I live, the more I realize how little I knew about Creation. I realize how it is far more plausible than evolution theory. I do believe that we all adapt in time and environment. I do not believe that one kind of animal has ever had another kind. Although I run counter to societal thoughts, I personally think evolution is absurd.
2007-05-20 00:02:04
answer #4
answered by BowtiePasta 6
The two are a pair. Science, up until recent years, was used to prove the bible. The creation follows, almost exactly, what we learn in evolution. First stars and planets, then water and sea creatures, then land and then man. And all forms of religion dating back to acient times, despite the multi gods, would all have one main God, and any earthly son. The Egyptians had Ra and the Pharoah, Greeks(later romans) had Zeus and Hercules, and modern day Chritians have God and Jesus. Same story repeating itself over and over. And I'm sure there were as many skeptics then as now, it's just now they're allowed to speak aloud about it.
Remember, the sun that sets today is the same one that has set for thousands of years, nothing much really changes.
2007-05-19 23:52:57
answer #5
answered by crknapp79 5
Now, the Lord says when He had finished these works He pronounced them “very good.” All right, if everything was very good - and can you imagine the Lord creating anything that was not good? What in the world are you going to do with these theories of men that place this world for millions of years in a condition of trouble, of death, of change, of strife; what are you going to do about it? I ask you that question.
Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
2007-05-20 00:14:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Many think that the can coexist.
But- for them to coexist you can no longer believe that the bible is the word of god. So- if you now believe that the bible is just a bunch of old silly allegories and stories, then you've just thrown away the only proof of creation.
2007-05-19 23:59:39
answer #7
answered by Morey000 7
We either believe or we don't..no messing around trying to combine 2 totally different beliefs. The Bible said that God spoke things into existence......oh and the meteor and the earth had to be created in the first place.
2007-05-19 23:49:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Because it didn't. The bible is a book made to serve as a moral code for the people at the time, they actually believed it to be true or else they wouldn't have followed it with such devotion. The writers however, could be a possibility. But the bible and evolution obviously don't go together, they had no knowledge of evolution back then, and were quite ignorant.
2007-05-19 23:49:42
answer #9
answered by trinitybombshella 2
It's problematic for any personal God -- at what POINT in evolution did humans become spiritually separate from animals?
For what it's worth though, among most Christians that is the accepted view -- evolution is scientific fact, and creationism is religious meaning. Only fundamentalist Christians reject evolution -- mostly out of personal moral failings.
2007-05-19 23:46:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous