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There is a great scope of beliefs within the christian set, the most moderate embrace science and all it has achieved, but still believe in their god, while at the other end of the scale there are those who feel able to damn people to hell, interpret the bible literally, some believe that men have one less rib than women, they can denounce ALL science that challenges their highly selective view of the world, maybe believe that they alone will rightly live forever, fabricate psuedo science to compliment their beliefs, and generally display a level of bigotry, ignorance and arrogance unheard of in the modern and informed western world.

The disparity of perspectives within the chriatian set cannot be denied, so they cannot all be right..!

Where does the mind of a moderate christian draw the line at becoming fundimentalist fruitcakes, and where to the fundies think the moderates have got it wrong?

I can't see how the two ends of the spectrum could sit in the same room..??

2007-05-19 16:31:11 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

"expertless", what an appropriate name.. If you haven't fabricated "pseudo" science, then you will have repeated it..!!
How clever of you to do a spell check on my TYPO..

By your defensive reply it seems you consider yourself more than a moderate. Maybe more towards the fruitcake element..??

2007-05-19 16:47:03 · update #1

"John k", Thanks for your response.
I would add that your comments on what constitutes "crossing the line" regarding alleged "madness", would a be a fair comment if "all things being equal" were the premised criteria..

However in the real world sway must go towards those who can logically explain, verify ,and be able to repeat the reasons and evidence for their comprehension of maistream scientific understandings or "beliefs"...

On this basis a fervent interest and following of mainstream sciences cannot qualify as "madness"...

2007-05-20 16:13:27 · update #2

19 answers

I really don't know what's wrong with the christians but you should see the thousands who LODGED COMPLAINTS yesterday in Hong Kong ABOUT TALES OF INCEST, RAPE, CANNIBALISM, AND VIOLENCE in the Bible.

2007-05-19 16:39:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The OT was written by a bunch of jews while they were the slaves of the Babylonians about 2600 years ago, it was then compiled as a selection of metaphors to tell their children so they new some morals, it was never meant to be literal. There are dozens, maybe hundreds, of people who have compiled the bible into what we know it as today, and unless you believe that they all talked to God and he told them what to write (not saying it can't happen) then the whole thing doesn't have a trace of Truth in it. There are 4 million species of animals known to man, did they all go on the ark? When was the last time you lived 3 days underwater in a whale? The person that said you're going to hell, that is there only defense against rational people like you and me who know the bible isn't true, they scare you into saying if you don't believe, get ready to roast. Honestly, I take from the bible an interpretation, Jacob didn't literally wrestle with the lord, did he? but maybe he wrestled with the concept of a lord, and talked it over with himself, feeling God's presence. Take from this what you will, but remember to use your instincts, and you'll realize that fallible men are the ones who wrote the bible, it's not the word of God.

2016-05-21 22:04:43 · answer #2 · answered by trisha 3 · 0 0

As a relatively moderate christian (I voted half R & half D on the last election), I am inclined to say that often, these groups will not sit in the same room. I have heard (and unfortunately participated in) arguments were some "christians" accuse others of not being true, and condemning them to hell for a few differences in belief.

However, do the same debates not happen in any social circles? How about science or mathematics? Many mathematicians refuse to speak with each other because of differing theories. How about Psycology? Same situation. Need I suggest Philosophy or Politics?

Of course not everyone is right. This does not constitute madness, however. The best definition I have heard for madness is a single-mindedness that so engrosses someone that they loose sight of any other focus of importance, to their own detriment. Yes, there are quite a few religious lunatics out there. I don't look down on them, though. I love them and pray for them, so they may learn to love others as they themselves have been loved,

Where do moderate christians draw the line? I would suggest that if your beliefs motivate you to cause undue harm to another, then you have crossed the line. If you tell someone else where they will go when they die, you have crossed the line (the only time Jesus did that was when he told the thief next to him on the cross that he would join him in paradise). If you think that you are better than anyone else, because of what you have done or believe, you have crossed the line.

Our God is a God of love. Our God is a God of logic (read Romans or Ecclesiastes). Obviously, terrible things have been done in the name of God. This madness you speak of is not acceptable in God's eyes. People who bring hatred, ignorance and violence into the world will reap their own consequences. I hope you will join me in forgiving these madmen of their "bigotry, ignorance and arrogance," as we are all guilty in one way or another. Forgive yourself, too, and work on your own salvation. No one else can do it for you.

2007-05-19 17:05:31 · answer #3 · answered by john k 2 · 0 0

Great question!
I have learned over time that many people are followers of someone. These men often take one verse to mean lots of things rather than take the bible as a whole to see what else is in harmony with any perticular scripture or doctrine.
No one is going to heaven who can't show from thier own bibles what they believe. A pastor or minister can only stimulate the mind and occationally the heart, but no one is God except God. And on judgement day, the words "My pastor said....." ain't gonna be enough to excuse error.

Please note Revelation 20:12-
Each is individually responsible!!

2007-05-19 17:41:46 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It all boils down to whether youre going to love God or the world more.

If you love the world more, you will accept the dogmatic atheistic philosophy of the day with how we came to be here, without the assistance of God. You will NOT issue judgments about what is evil and what is good as God does, and you wont take your faith seriously. These are the hypocritical believers that the world like sto see because they are a lot like them.

However, people that love God more, are going to go strong in their faith for him, take what they read seriously, and put it into belief and practice. They ARE going to judge what is right and wrong and speak for God whenever they can.

And we dont damn anybody to hell. Only God has the power because he is the judge. We are just reminding you of the court date! And we would be hypocrites if we didnt.

2007-05-19 16:49:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

First I'd like to applaud the fact that you're the first yet (from any questions that I've answered) to see a clear difference amongst Christians. Generalizations tend to get a bit wearing.

I've never really reflected upon this issue before. However, I tend to label the worst fundamentalists as those with whom I cannot communicate my thoughts. I suppose I draw the line with those who blatantly refuse one of the most prominent principles of our religion: to love your neighbor as yourself. Those who are close-minded enough to disrespect another person (just because of a difference in beliefs or opinions) most clearly violate this principle, and contribute most to the stereotypical images of Christians.

2007-05-19 16:47:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Typically, the two ends of the spectrum can't stand each other. My grandfather is a preacher, and he can't stand the "Super, Holier than thou" christians. From growing up in the chruch (mother plays piano, uncle leads chior, grandfather preaches), typically, your holy rollers get drunk and beat their wives on Friday, molest their kids on Sat., and look down their nose at you on Sunday.
To ignore the modern science we have is ignorant, however, to disregard those with religious values (that acutually follow these values) is equally ignorant. Some people need to believe (real or not) to keep them on the strait and narrow.

2007-05-19 16:42:48 · answer #7 · answered by crknapp79 5 · 1 0

They can't sit in the same room.
No one sect can prevent the others from claiming the title of "Christian." What frustrates me more than anything is when folks (mostly non-Christian) refuse to study the history of Christianity or theology, and simply attribute all the characteristics of modern fundamentalism to the Christian religion indiscriminately. Evangelical fundamentalism is less than 100 years old, and reflects the beliefs of a relatively small minority of Christians world-wide. But the nut cases make better news, so...

2007-05-19 16:39:07 · answer #8 · answered by NONAME 7 · 2 1

I have the same problem with my political party (democrats).

Actually, its a blessing for them and us. The freedom of religion this country (U.S.A.) allows is a wonder and I love it.
I'm not a Christian, but could you imagine what it is like to live in a country where other ways of "being a Christian" were suppressed? Thank goodness we have such choice.

Aren't you glad of it?

2007-05-19 16:38:22 · answer #9 · answered by mckenziecalhoun 7 · 2 0

I have never fabricated pseudo science in my life. I would though if I knew how. By the way, I did spell check and you spelled pseudo wrong.

2007-05-19 16:40:15 · answer #10 · answered by expertless 5 · 1 0

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