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Alrighty here's how it is. I go to this Christian school and so i know the whole "He died ont he cross" stuff. I've always stayed pretty loyal to God until around 6th grade i think. ( i am currently 14 and at the end of my 8th grade year) i don't think i lost faith in Him b/c of the issues thats happened but i just feel like...i don't completely want to give myself to Him. I mean, i've been through a lot of betrayal (xcept with this one amazing friend) so it's hard for me to trust my entire life in the hands of a man who i don't necceraly want to love. But i want to go to heaven, and i want to have eternal life it's just so hard to give myself to Him. But i know ineed to it's just i don't want to FORCE myself into this relationship with Him because honestly i don't think He really cares, no matter how many times i hear that He does.

i don't want this to be a "God debate" I'm 14, so please take your unneccesary "he doesn't exist" comments elsewhere. I just want help in my faith.

2007-05-19 15:27:42 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

First of all...ignore people who don't believe...they have absolutely no proof....and they NEVER will...because the fact is that God DOES exist.

The way I know...and the way YOU can know...is through personal revelation...
You are entitled to receive a confirmation of your faith....
If you do what you are supposed to...you are entitled to receive confirmation from God that you are on the right path...

So how can you get that?
Matthew 7:7 basically says Ask and you shall receive......So I would suggest that you go somewhere where you can be alone and pray and open up your heart to God...tell Him what is really on your mind and what you are feeling in your heart....and that you desire to know your status before Him....and then listen... if you say a long intense prayer you may get a very powerful spiritual experience right at that moment...or God may answer you in a different way...by something in your life that happens...
God answers prayers in His own way...and also in His own time...
so if nothing happens right away, then know that God trusts you, and go on living in the best way you can...and know that God will answer that prayer later on...in the way it will be best for you....

As far as the "force" issue....God won't "force" you to do anything...for example...you aren't being "forced" to pray to Him...
Has God ever "forced" you to pray to Him before? of course not...and He never will! The relationship is a perfect one! He is there at ALL times for us...day and night...and whenever we want to we can talk to Him...that is total FREEDOM! (not force!)

and when you say it is hard to trust your life into the hands of a man .....Jesus Christ is not 'just a man'...He is the Savior of the World...He is the Son of God!...He is aligned with the Father perfectly....and believe me...He DOES really care...He cares more about us than we can even imagine!

you say that you don't believe it no matter how many times you HEAR that He does care about you...and that is EXACTLY why you need to FEEL His love! That is why you need to have Him SHOW you that He is there!

so do your part...ASK...pray in faith...and then wait for Him to fulfil HIS promise.

God lives. And I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that He was crucified for the sins of the world.

2007-05-19 15:57:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I'm an American and I converted to Islam 2 years ago and it changed my life for the best. I had a messed up life before I was Muslim and now it's better. We pray 5 times a day so we can remember God and all the things he's given us. I don't have a lot but I'm happy for what i do have. I recently got married but my husband and I live in his parents basement, I have no job, he doesn't make much money at his job, we don't have a nice car and we can't manage to get out on our own and start our own family, but hey things could be worse. We could have cancer and be dying or liven in a poverty stricken counrty or live in a country where everyday we see soldiers with guns and houses being blown up. Life isn't about money! If you do work real hard and become rich, who do you think helped you? God! He gave you life and a brain to use to work and get that money. Sometimes God tests those that he loves the most and he puts them through hard times to see how much they can stand and how strong their faith will be. In the end, if you do what's right, you will be rewarded. I don't want to offend you but maybe you should look into a different religion, maybe you should look into Islam. It helped me so much and I'll never leave Islam for anything. Maybe it would help you too! Hope this helped!

2016-05-21 21:47:16 · answer #2 · answered by holly 3 · 0 0

You will not lose your faith. Your spirit is crying out for help because you know that which you hold dear is being threatened. You are being tested so that faith can grow even more.
Sounds wild, right? It doesn't have to make sense right now.
The issues that happened will fade in importance as time passes. Some things can not be forgotten. Some can.
Just sit yourself right down in the middle of the spot where you feel most comfortable with God and talk to Him. Let Him know that more trials and growth will depend upon His control in your life because you just do not have the strength to carry more on your own. Then wait patiently for Him to work in your life. He will not pile on more than you can bear. He loves you and does not want to lose you.
Jesus enjoyed this life tremendously. Do the same.

2007-05-19 16:51:04 · answer #3 · answered by sympleesymple 5 · 0 0

You know, I don't want to talk down to you at all, just realize that you being fourteen, you haven't had a whole lot of experiences that are really bad, nor really good. Love God, but live life too (I'm not talking about doing drugs or anything), but while you're in school, focus on who you are rather than what God wants you to be.
Here's what I mean- a lot of times, the bible's teachings really correlate to common sense laws- do not kill, don't idolize your neighbor's possessions, but until you know why they're good, they will always be just words.
Find who you are, become yourself. When you're young, you want to be a part of a group, and that makes up your identity, but in time, you'll realize that you wish you would have spent time developing yourself.
I love the fact that you're questioning your destiny, just don't accept cliche answers- be careful who you listen to. Don't listen to your preacher's words without a second's thoughts. Think about how it can apply to your life.
Good for you, you sound quite mature for your age, I applaud you, keep up the search, it never ends.

2007-05-19 15:42:24 · answer #4 · answered by Blah 3 · 3 0

I think you know of God/Jesus (what you've been taught), but I do not think you truly know Him, therefore do not trust Him enough to love Him fully. Resistance is the barrier that stands in your way to wanting an intimate relationship with Jesus. What is keeping you from knowing Him? Sometimes it is your age and maybe the perceived fun you will miss if you totally give yourself to Him. But that is one of the biggest lies satan uses to keep you from true joy that surpasses human understanding. You can still have fun, enjoy life and stay moral, living a christian life. Get to know Him thru His Word and prayer. He loves you so much that even if you were the only one who existed, would die for just you. Do not let satan deceive you with these lies. Look to Jesus for strength in your Faith. He promises to be with you to the very end, and will never leave you or forsake you. But it is up to you to accept His undying love for you. He will not force it. Get to know Him and you won't be able to help but love Him deeply. God bless

2007-05-19 15:44:34 · answer #5 · answered by connie 6 · 0 0

Romans 10
1 & 2 Thes
Eph 2:8-9
1 Tim 1
Pray,read bible,ask for the Spirit of God into your life for comfort and guidance.

2007-05-19 18:02:14 · answer #6 · answered by robert p 7 · 0 0

well, i dont know much about faith but i DO know that if you are following him out of fear of getting into heaven, you are definitely doing it for the wrong reasons. You don't have to completely give yourself to him. My philosophy is all you have to do is leave this world a little better than you found it. If you do that, then you've done your part, and imagine how great everything would be if everyone did their part. Try talking to your school or church leader.

2007-05-19 15:42:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

hmmmmmm, first of all its great for you to mention all that. Let me tell you something, life is one big experince. Our relationship with God is spiritual and our therefore our completion more then anything else. Alot of young people do forskae the religion but then come back to it because life actually gets worse without God. So you instead of expecting any favors from him or fearing, should simply be thankful that he gave u a life and u should remember u are so much more fortunate then all the people suffering in Africa or Asia. I hope this helps.

2007-05-19 15:35:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I'm 13 and in eighth grade, too. I started questioning my faith a couple years ago. I stopped questioning it about a year later (I think it was the Holy Spirit helping me.) I was just Confirmed and I think I'm happier than ever to be a Catholic. You're supposed to question your faith. It's part of life. You're supposed to fight with God like Jacob did when he wrestled with The Lord. Just pray and ask God to help you make the sacrifices that you'll have to make to serve Him. Good luck and God Bless You!

2007-05-19 15:40:30 · answer #9 · answered by Atticus Finch 4 · 4 1

Jesus died for us, because we are sinners. He died not just us as a crowd, but for you and me. Satan wants you to think you are not worth it, Jesus doesn't love you alone! I am older then you but have had things happen and did not feel worthy of God... uintil I found out this is exactly what satan wants us to feel....any betrayal you have had are through people here on earth who are imperfect... God and his Son will never betray us... no matter what. But we do have to get to know him and see what he asks of us.... the more you know about God the more you love him... if you would like to write and maybe even have a Bible study through email I am happy to do that bible_comfort@yahoo.com just me sherrie

2007-05-19 15:36:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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