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Martin Luther took out many books from the OT.

Catholics say he was wrong, Protestants say he was right......

Both Christian groups say the other is wrong and the Holy Ghost guided THEM while both are opposite in belief !!


2007-05-19 15:00:33 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

the bible has been changed more than baby diapers. and it has been altered by many different people.

and -- if you want REAL entertainment, go into an xian bookstore. there you will find over a hundred different versions, editions and translations of the bible, all with different meanings, yet each one claims to be the true word of god. the proof that it has been edited and tampered with is RIGHT THERE IN THE BOOKSTORE, right in front of your eyes.

even those "documents" that are referred to as the "original manuscripts" were discovered in pieces, nothing near all the words intact, and so, a great deal of it was interpolated. entire sentences and complete paragraphs were inserted to compelte what the compilers thought were the "sense" or the "intent" of a chapter or book. but, they were complete interpolation.

what a complete and utter joke. the biggest joke ever played on mankind.


Lazarus. Did you just tell someone to go to the "Billy Graham" website -- and to "hurry, before you make a bigger fool of yourself"???


Um, POT meet KETTLE...

2007-05-19 15:03:31 · answer #1 · answered by Phyllis 4 · 1 3

Actually there are only 6 books in question and a few additional passages in other books. They are collectively referred to as the duterocannon (parallel cannon, not second cannon as some claim).

The official stance of the Christian Catholic church has always been that those books are not inspired by God but historically accurate and good for providing perspective and teaching. The main Protestant Christian argument is that those books should be excluded from the Bible because some people might become confused and believe that they are inspired by God and not just historical details. In the last 50-75 years some of the newer Christian denoms have attacked the historical accuracy of the books in question.

Martin Luther did not remove the historical books from the Bible. He did move them to a distinct section of the Bible between the OT and NT. The original King James version included all of these texts in their original location.

The whole argument about the 6 books and additional text is way overblown. You're just making a mountain out of a molehill.

2007-05-19 22:12:47 · answer #2 · answered by angry 6 · 0 0

The Catholic Church finalized the Canon of Scripture once and for all time in 397 AD. Since then not a word of the Bible has been changed within Christ's Church. What unauthorized manmade denominational churches do is their own business. The true and complete Bible has not been changed in any way, and is still available to anyone who wants to use it. As for Luther, he fully intended to throw out 3 New testament books along with the 7 old Testament books he discarded. Fortunately his followers wouldn't hear of throwing out the writings of the apostles themselves, or the protestant Bible would have only 63 books instead of 66. So much for the Holy Spirit guiding his choices of which parts of God's Word to trash.

2007-05-19 22:18:39 · answer #3 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 0 0

Christ established one church (not 2) and placed that church into Peter's hands. That church is the Catholic Church. If not for the Catholic Church we would not even have a bible, only the Torah. The bible was put together with the guidance of the Holy Spirit
The Protestants (Martin Luther )REMOVED 7 books from the bible.

What did Martin Luther, the Protestant Reformer, state about the Bible? In his "Commentary On St. John," he stated the following: "We are compelled to concede to the Papists that they have the Word of God, that we have received It from them, and that without them we should have no knowledge of It at all." Regardless of what non-Catholic Christians may think or say, according to secular, objective historians, the Catholic Church alone preserved Sacred Scripture throughout the persecution of the Roman Empire and during the Dark Ages. All non-Catholic Christian denominations owe the existence of the Bible to the Catholic Church alone. Why did God choose the Catholic Church to preserve Scripture if It is not His Church?

2007-05-19 22:16:45 · answer #4 · answered by tebone0315 7 · 0 0

Christians are fully aware that the Catholic church had apochryphal books in the Bible. Those are the books that Luther and others don't include in the Protestant Bible. Other than that, there are no changes made in the Bible, New or Old Testament.

2007-05-19 22:05:03 · answer #5 · answered by †Lawrence R† 6 · 1 2

First, I must testify that I was a dedicated christian for 37 yrs. before YAHWEH called me into HIS HOUSE. I was actually a pentecostal preacher at the time of my calling, so my answer is not meant to offend any one. Now, for a person to be in 'denial' they must first understand the truth to begin with. The sad thing is that the TRUTH is not taught in any of the christioan churches. Thus, the only thing left to people is the deception that satan has sown through out the earth with the help of well meaning, uneducated preachers who just don't know any better. They teach a "feel good" religion that contains lots of christian phsycology that sounds wonderful, but has nothing to do with salvation. With a different church on every other corner, satan has offered you your choice of many different beliefs, just as long as you stay away from THE HOUSE OF YAHWEH where the WHOLE TRUTH is taught, satan has the victory. Now, we can recognize the fact that when we walk into a book store and ask for the Holy Scriptures, there should only be "ONE" book. The fact that there are literally dozens of different bibles out there, each designed to accomodate the beliefs of certain denomination, this reveals the fool hearty work of man as he is held under the deception of satan! Where then do we look for the TRUTH? Where then can we find a TRUE VERSION of the HOLY SCRIPTURES? There's "ONLY ONE PLACE" on earth that these things can be found--- "THE HOUSE OF YAHWEH in Abilene, TX., lead by our Pastor YISRAYL HAWKINS, the ONLY PROPHESIED WITNESS ORDAINED BY YAHWEH to TEACH in these last days." call 3256769494 & ask at Abel, & that will settle the matter! The Scriptures were originally written in the Hebrew language. Through out the years, the Hebrew version of the scriptures were changed time, & time again. The TRUTH of the Scriptures was lost with each rewritten version until the very name of our HEAVENLY FATHER YAHWEH was lost & exchanged for the names of the neighboring gods, such as, the cananite word "el" whnich is today known as "god" in the english language, or the phenecian name "baal" the sun-god is today pronouned in our language as simply 'lord'. The TRUTH of the TRUE SABBATH DAY was lost by the work of the roman catholic church as millions of people were murdered enforcing the worship of sunday as the new testiment day of worship rather than Saturday as taught in the Scriptures. Imagine, worshipping on sunday instead of on the day that the Sriptures clearly dictate Saturday. Is god being glorified there? Obviousily, baal, the lord, or el, god, is being worshipped on sunday. YAHWEH says that HE will gather with HIS PEOPLE ON SATURDAY --- this is the MARK OF YAHWEH on HIS PEOPLE!!! The keeping of the TRUE SABBATH IDENTIFIES us as YAHWEH'S PEOPLE!!! Thus, the worship on sunday marks us as gods people, or as belonging to the kingdom of satan, even if people do not know or understand; they are blissfully decieved, cf, Rev. 12:9. This identifies sunday worship as the mark of the beast. Oh, these are just a small few of the deceptions that the people of this earth are trapped in. Now, once a person knows the TRUTH, then denies it, then he or she would be in total denial. Otherwise, thier simply decieved!!!

2007-05-19 22:49:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Maybe a lot of Christians don't know or care where their Bible came from. As for me, I know where by Bible came from. It came from God and it has been preserve by God in the majority Text and it was translated into English and we have it in the King James Bible. Psalms 12: 6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Psalms 12: 7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

2007-05-19 22:21:23 · answer #7 · answered by Ray W 6 · 0 0

Christians are in total denial about all the nonsense thats in the bible..... So I don't think any thing else would make a difference.

2007-05-19 22:04:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

What are you trying to prove yourself?. There are no changes in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

2007-05-19 22:04:37 · answer #9 · answered by Jesus M 7 · 3 2

Catholics added those books after the split
but what other examples do you have

2007-05-19 22:03:04 · answer #10 · answered by servant FM 5 · 1 2

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