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does asking someone's child to move in wal-mart(not unkindly) give the mother the right to track someone to the other side of the store accuse them of using obsenities and call another person trash! I am not a racist but most african americans i have met are the rudest people on the face of this planet would anyone agree?

2007-05-19 14:34:30 · 20 answers · asked by redlined_tach 1 in Society & Culture Etiquette

asking someone's child to move in wal-mart(not unkindly) give the mother the right to track someone to the other side of the store accuse them of using obsenities and call another person trash! I am not a racist but most african americans i have met are the rudest people on the face of this planet would anyone agree? (okay now i am being called racist and low class great!Let me clarify this a little bit the phrase excuse me was used! And this is not the first time this has happened,and i know there are rude people in every race,But from what i have encountered "most"african americans "not all i am actually freinds with quite a few" are rude!!!as for racism here i have been called "honky cracker,whitey and a few other slurs thats ok though there is nothing wrong with it but if i say N!&&ER i am the biggest racist on the planet!

2007-05-19 15:23:20 · update #1

20 answers

i use to lived in a white community a couple of years ago and there where so many rude white people there. just like there are alot of rude white people here, but that dont make me think that all of white people are rude. i guess what i am trying to say is you have good people and rude people of all races.you really shouldn't judge a book by its color.

2007-05-19 16:25:20 · answer #1 · answered by wishwash 3 · 1 0

In my workplace, I feel that there are a ot more rude Blacks than Whites. The Blacks are so much louder than the Whites. There are Whites who have some types of discretion. I wonder what the problem is. I work in the restaurant and wonder how they treat people outside of my workplace.
Once a woman, who did her best to hurt me, had the nerve to get upset because I wouldn't breakdown to her insults across the room; I had messed up nails. She was only making a fool of herself. If she wants to do that, she can. It was no skin off my back.

2007-05-19 15:01:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No. And your post does portray you as having a racist slant.Most African-Americans are not rude.But many people are,many people from all races are rude. And it is a question of CLASS and not race--social class and not economic class;there is a big difference between having money and having manners(just look at Donald Trump).It's all in the upbringing;either you are reared to be well-mannered,empathetic,
considerate,or you are not.Many people,
no matter what their race is,are rude,crude,unprincipled,
ignorant,vain,lazy boors!They never learned how to be anything else,or they chose not to listen to their parents and went on their merry,uncivil ways.
So,no,I do not agree with you!Maybe if you knew more African-American people from different backgrounds,you'd change your tune.Lena Horne,Camille and Bill Cosby,the late Arthur Ashe,his wife Jeanne Ashe,Susan-Fales Hill,Gail Lumet Buckley...this list could go on and on to name some of the best mannered people of African-American descent.

2007-05-19 14:54:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

what do you mean by ( ALLOWED TO BE RUDE ) who is going to stop them ???

and they are rude for the same reasons we are we all think we have the right to treat others any way we want to with no regards to how it will make them feel if i had to list from rudest to not rude

1 white men
2 Hispanic women
3 mothers
4 teens
5 kids from 10-13
6 black women
7 white women
8 Hispanic men

and so on and remember ITS JUST MY OPINION NOT FACT

2007-05-19 16:29:22 · answer #4 · answered by debrasearch 6 · 1 1

Did you say excuse me to the child or did you actually say move to the child? I am sure you would be offended if someone said "MOVE" to you.

People fail to understand that it is not what you say it is how you say it. Saying "Excuse me but could you please move" and when they did you said "Thank You". If you had done that then no she did not have the right to be rude. Saying "MOVE" to anyone is rude and if you did do that it is the reason why you got attitude.

There is no excuse for rudeness no matter who you are.

2007-05-19 15:09:30 · answer #5 · answered by Colour3 3 · 0 0

Especially the ones from New Orleans. I live in Houston and after Katrina I could not believe the most rude ppl I had ever seen in my life descended on Houston, and they are still here.

Boo Hoo

2007-05-19 15:44:50 · answer #6 · answered by wisdom 4 · 2 1

well, that's a bit racial, don't you think. well, first off, not all african american's are rude. and what's wrong with asking a child to move in wal-mart? and if you say unkindly, then what's your deal, meng? i don't know what race you are, but i bet you there are rude people in your own race as well. and plus, saying african americans are rude, is rude itself. you say you aren't a racist, but yet you're calling out a single race. there are racist white people, black people, asians, europeas, you name it. what you are doing isn't right, you shouldn't be calling out a single race just becuase somebody asked a child, not even rudely, to move. and by the way, african americans aren't allowed to be rude, just like everybody else isn't allowed to be rude, but people just do it. and just because a few people in a race do it doesnt mean you can blame the whole race. like the people in iraq, not all of them are bad. well, according to the way you think, i bet you do think that they are all bad, but they aren't. so you need to get to know more people of a race before you just go and make racial comments like that.

2007-05-19 14:49:46 · answer #7 · answered by Taylorrinay 1 · 4 2

I for one am not rude and would not yell and cuss someone out in public and draw unnecessary attention to myself. If the people you met are rude it is just the people themselves I don't think that it has to do with them being black. There are rude people of all colors. Don't let your bad experiences generalize a group of people.

2007-05-19 14:41:01 · answer #8 · answered by Joi S 6 · 8 0

comparable i stay in a white section and at school the black ladies consistently say why do you act so white and stuff like that and it particularly receives to me because of the fact im purely 15. yet after conversing to my mum she instructed me that i will purely act how i do and that i shouldn't replace because of the fact people say im not black sufficient because of the fact you won't have the ability to act black because of the fact its not a sequence way purely because of the fact a majority of folk act that way do not advise all of us do. I used to loiter around with a collection of black people and that is how they dealt with me and so i could not take it and now loiter around with white people yet i nonetheless like black people yet i could not stand being dealt with like a fool and feeling down each and every of the time i don't comprehend each and every of the words to rap songs because of the fact im not into rap and in the event that they don't love it there not sturdy acquaintances because of the fact they could such as you for how you're actually not because of the fact your colour, there immature i think of because of the fact my generic movie is advise ladies and while a guy love's a women people not any black movie yet that is me and that's what i like. i'm from British btw so im not precisely american yet its reason i will relate to you and sorry for some diverse spellings like colour yet that is how we spell it

2016-10-05 09:47:03 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

No the color of skin or ethnicity has nothing to do with rudeness... just perhaps their education on manners. I've met rich white people who are as rude as hell too, then there are those who are arrogant...which for you 411 is not polite. but no the lady should have approached you differently if you said "excuse me"in a nice tone as you did.\
you're just associating the African American lady to rudeness because you're angry that you got yelled at.

2007-05-19 14:41:56 · answer #10 · answered by patty 2 · 7 2

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