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2007-05-19 14:05:56 · 24 answers · asked by jamesleebruno 1 in Sports Outdoor Recreation Hunting

24 answers

Because others have them.

2007-05-19 15:58:10 · answer #1 · answered by DJ 7 · 2 1

First of all, as an American, it is my right and that alone is justification; I am exercising my right. Second I enjoy hunting and a firearm is a logical tool to use; I just can't hit anything with a bow. Third, I like shooting on the weekends. it is a very enjoyable sport. I also like to collect guns, some I buy even though I have no intent to shoot them. They can be an investment, others just have historical interest to me. I am trying to get a gun from every country invloved in World War 2. After that I will pick another era to collect from. Lastly, I do own a gun for self defense. In the event that someone were to enter my house and mean me harm, I want to be able to stand my ground. I called the police once cause a man was breaking into my car, it took the cops a hlaf hour to get here. If he were coming in through the door or a window, to harm me I probably wouldn't be here. I would rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.

Your reasons my vary, but these are mine.

2007-05-20 01:35:19 · answer #2 · answered by Matt M 5 · 2 1

Why do we need guns? Because we don't live in Paradise.


2007-05-21 22:45:47 · answer #3 · answered by H 7 · 0 0

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. "

Never.... In the history of man has any government lasted forever... The founders did not include this for hunting or even self protection. (which are both valid and improtant) The simple fact is that at the beginning of EVERY totalitarian since the industrial revolution, one of the first laws establish is a ban on guns, followed by a ban on certain types of speech.

If you didn't recognize the quote, it is from the Declaration of Independence.

2007-05-19 21:20:44 · answer #4 · answered by mrtryitall 2 · 7 1

hey I wasn't gonna answer this but somebody had an answer that bothered me. I love to hunt deer, turkeys, hopefully elk this year, i have a freaking arsenal. I love to shoot skeet, cans, fruit pumpkins anything that i can blow to pieces. BUT I HATE BUSH. I voted for him the first time around and i am embarrassed for it now. He used our love of hunting to get himself elected. The bush haters aren't out to get us. Before I used to buy ammo to go have fun, now that Bush has screwed up everything so bad i stock up on ammo for what ever the next few years is gonna bring, I'm scared folks and I think it's gonna get bad.

2007-05-21 21:27:33 · answer #5 · answered by herbie's man 2 · 0 0

Think about it. If you were another country, would you screw with a country where EVERYONE can have as many guns as they want?

We need guns to protect our homes, families, and property, since the police have no duty to do so. I use mine to protect livestock, and to help manage the wild animal population. Have you hit a deer with a new car in my area recently?


2007-05-21 04:36:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Because we want them for Hunting, Personal Protection, Trap and skeet shooting, Target shooting, Plinking, The Tyranny of Government, Self defense, Collecting, Pleasure and enjoyment and Pride of Ownership, Training Dogs, Buying, Selling, and Trading, Military, War if it comes to that, Crime Prevention,Education, History of Firearms, Food, Home Defense, Training, Homeland Defense......

2007-05-19 22:50:39 · answer #7 · answered by dca2003311@yahoo.com 7 · 6 1

OK # 1 the police can not be everywhere to protect everyone # 2 if someone is breaking in to my house I'm going to protect what,s mine and those i care about and not run and hide as you probably would # 3 i happen to like to hunt and decrees the surplus population of wildlife so it dose not over populat and and the same time fill my freezer with some good deer meat for a few month,s and yes i dispach with one shot

2007-05-19 21:16:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

We need guns to solve human conflict... But the main reason for human kind to invent these weapons were to protect themselves from animals.

2007-05-19 21:09:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I am going to screw up this quote but here goes
a man who is willing to give up a little freedom for security deserves neither and will lose both

2007-05-23 00:46:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To protect us from dangerous animals or to kill delicious animals. To protect us from dangerous humans, there are many stories of private citizens protecting themselves from criminals but it doesn't make it through to mainstream media and I have no idea why. The final answer is my most favorite answer and all you current anti-Bushers should take note of this, if the government were to remove all other rights we have the second amendment's right to bear arms, it is the last right you get to rely on, to bring the others back to you.

2007-05-19 21:11:45 · answer #11 · answered by Rational Humanist 7 · 6 1

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