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I am a christian, and I do not support bush.

I know my bible, it says "For Shall Many Shall Come in My Name, and shall Decieve Many"

Bush claims to be a christian to decieve the majority of christians in order to get in the white house and play christians for suckers.

They didnt learn with the Catholic Priests coming in Jesus name, when all they did was molest children.

All bush did was destroy the U.S.A. And attacked his own country and killed 28000 of his own people. Not conspiracy Theory, but CONSPIRACY FACT.

Not all chrsitians are bush worshippers.

I sure am hell not.

Bush is a member of skull and bones, and the bohemaisn grove, where they do mock child sacifices every year.

If you think by following bush, ur going to heaven, Think again, ur heading stright to hell

2007-05-19 13:09:24 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Im not condeming bush to hell, im just stating that he is heading towards hell cuz of his evil sins

2007-05-19 13:15:04 · update #1


I didnt say they were going to hell. I agree people who accept Jesus are saved, Ignorance is forgiven, I said they were "Heading" Towards hell, but not going.

2007-05-19 13:18:43 · update #2

28 answers

hmm ... bush is a patsy for the really bad ones is my opinion ... true christians know better, but the best we can do is vote and pray they make decisions that are good for the country ..

2007-05-19 13:13:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

You are pathetically wrong about the man and your "facts" are really askew here. Wherever you get your brainwashed materials, they are not factual. The man is sincerely a Christian. He is no wimp like some. He holds the protection of our country as a priority and has done well in office. No man is without some flaws, but overall, he's what our country needed to bring respect back to the office, get the Chinese out of bed with us, clean up the disgrace we suffered under fancy pants (or none), and put fear and respect back in our enemies' black hearts. You cannot hold hands with Satan and not expect to get burned; and at the very least, he has let the world know we will not tolerate another 9/11. We don't need a mamby/pamby party guy in office. We need a leader. A man who bears the responsibility of the office and is willing to take the heat. I believe it was the prayers of Christians that put him where he is and have kept him there. It's those foolish Christians who have "itching ears" that put people like Clinton in office. He's personable, a real entertainer, smooth talker, life of the party type. Appearances are deceiving and people in general fall for the guy who flatters them. Wrong move. Only heaven will reveal all the damage Clinton did in office.
And regardless of who you vote for in any election, it has nothing to do with how you get to heaven. A real Chrisitan knows that little fact also. Christians don't worship Bush, nor do they follow him. Christians worship the true and living God and follow Him. You are soooooo mixed up on your theology. Perhaps you need to quit quoting scripture out of text (something Satan does frequently) amd just study the Word passage by passage. You could start with the Gospels to find out why a real Christian gets into heaven.
In any case I pray God will reveal the more important issues of life to you and allow God to clear your heart and mind to know His love.

2007-05-19 13:36:58 · answer #2 · answered by Joyful Noise 5 · 0 0

Well, old Scott M the queer, is on your side so you must be right.

I believe that in the future, that would make it history someday, George W Bush will be known as one of the greatest presidents because he saw the muslims for wha they are, godless murderers. Also I believe that George Bush won the election in 2000 by an act of God, and that he was put supernaturally in a position to destroy the godless muslims. Of course the liberals who first supported him wimped out and pulled the rug out from under him. He's a born again Christian and is pursuing the course he thinks is right. The liberals by now would have already turned the US over to the muslims, like the cowards in Europe are doing. We will be fighting them in America if the Demo*rats win the next election. They are so naive that by the time they see it coming, we will have been nuked....and probably more than once.

2007-05-19 13:21:28 · answer #3 · answered by Lazarus 3 · 2 2

How do people get so pathetically deceived that they believe such nonsense?

Bush has done a great job of of fighting worldwide terrorism and the world is a safer place under his leadership. Not only has he put the Taliban out of power in Afghanistan, stopped terrorist attacks in the Philippines but also made the battleground against terrorism in Iraq keeping the Islamists from attacking Americans on US soil. His plan has been brilliant so far and that is why he is so hated by his opponents who spread such ridiculous lies about him that the gullible lemmings on the left believe. Praise God for George Bush.

In Christ
Fr. Joseph

2007-05-19 13:21:34 · answer #4 · answered by cristoiglesia 7 · 2 1

Whether I support this or that does not determine whether I go to heaven. I go to heaven because I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and my life is for God and what He says.

God puts in command whomever He wants. Right now it's Mr. Bush. Previously it was Mr. Clinton - please, that guy was a character, to say the least. But, God puts men in authority - we only do our part in what God wants us to do. If I know God says for me to vote this way, I will trust in what He tells me to do.

Now, first prove this society exists and that GB is part of it. It sounds far fetched. Your other conspiracies are seemingly theories as well - you show no documentation to prove your case.

I don't agree with GB on several issues, the Iraq thing being increasingly the top one. But, he is the one whom God has placed in authority and I will honor that. Even David honored a king (Saul) who tried several times to kill him. That is how a Godly man lives. I don't have to agree with the president or personally like him, but I recognize him as the one God put there for God's own purposes.

2007-05-19 13:23:10 · answer #5 · answered by TroothBTold 5 · 1 0

I am not a political person, and in fact, do not support anyone. But, I think it is a little harsh to say that people who support Bush are going to hell. It doesn't say that in the bible. It says if you accept Jesus as your Savior, you are a child of God and you have a place in heaven. We all make mistakes, that's why God sent a Savior. Supporting Bush, (in your opinion) may make someone ignorant, but it does not make them hell-bound.

2007-05-19 13:16:18 · answer #6 · answered by Kat 3 · 1 1

"If you think by following bush, ur going to heaven, Think again, ur heading stright to hell"

What a very odd statement for a Christian. Christians only follow Christ not ANY politician regarding their spiritual well-being. Politics are an entirely different proposition. Your question is extremely judgmental and very limited in it's scope. "Judge not lest ye be judged."

You should probably re-read your "question" dispassionately. You may find that you are ashamed of what you have written.

2007-05-19 13:14:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

A christian is called to pray for the leaders of their country. We are called to uphold those in office, local , state and national. We are called to obey the laws of the land. To honor those in place of authority.
That means police that gives out tickets.
Fireman that saves lives.
Political people in charge.

I have not always agreed with the leaders of the this country, but I am duty bound to pray for them to have wisdom and Godly judgment as they carry forth. Not all politicians are led by God, that makes it that much more important for Christians to uphold them.

The word says that my people perish for lack of knowledge. It is up to us to avail ourselves of the political system and vote accordingly. That is the freedom that this country was founded on.

and following no one will get you to heaven, only the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

be blessed! Vicki

2007-05-19 13:23:01 · answer #8 · answered by 2ndchhapteracts 5 · 1 0

As a Christian, I question your theology. The Bible is sparkling that we are to be "concern to the better powers," meaning authorities. Our US structure supplies us rights as Christians that Christians in no different united states of america have possessed, fairly, the right to be enthusiastic about authorities. I help Bush because I care about the way ahead for our united states of america. i imagine that what the Democrats want for our united states of america is socialism, and that i see no longer some thing contained in the Bible to help the concept of authorities administration over own sources. the purely way someone can land up in hell is in the adventure that they reject the sacrifice of Jesus for his or her sins. in case you call your self a Christian, that's what you've self assurance.

2016-11-04 12:07:30 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Let me see... We can either kill terrorists and have some of our soldiers killed, or we can put up no fight and let the terrorists kill us! Bush was forced into this position, numbskull. And if we didn’t vote for him then we had Kerry! Kerry who supported the murder of babies and would have forced us into an even worse position than we were already in… Kerry who was known for non-stop flip-flopping… Kerry who was known for betraying his country… Kerry who was known for being completely anti-Christian!
And where in heck did you get the "Bush is a member of skull and bones"!!!!!!! Do you any proof to back this up?! Or did you just pull that out of thin air?!

2007-05-19 13:22:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

sorry deary your facts are whacked if you are indeed a real christian ya support pres bush there is no middle ground , dont let the democrats brainwash you further pay no attension to the fictional movies of micheal moore search for the facts or search out someone whom knows pres bush personaly

2007-05-19 13:26:27 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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