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im 14 and a freshman in highschool . i've been depressed for about 2 years now. lately things have been a lot worse and i was very close to cutting myself last night. i dont know what to do and i have no friends anymore. i hate my life and i really want to switch schools. i think that a fresh start might help. thats the only thing i can think about that could help. is there any other options you can think of? am i being silly or selfish? please help me

2007-05-19 11:19:39 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

God is not going to help. if God was going to help, i wouldnt have been depressed and suicidal in the first place. you just wait for god. see if he comes.

2007-05-20 08:14:18 · update #1

22 answers

You're not being silly or selfish, it sounds instead like you're in pain, emotional pain.

You need to figure out if it's triggered by something. If not, then you need medication because it's a natural thing.

But it sounds like it is triggered by something, something you wish to get away from by switching schools. Maybe you've been bullied, or had your heart broken. If that's the case, your feelings are perfectly normal. Noone feels great after heartbreak and noone feels good being bullied. Noone feels good when something outside of their control goes wrong, especially if that's other people. In other words, you're normal.

Now I want you to do a couple things. First, deal with this issue. Break it down, what's causing you to feel this way? What are you avoiding? What are your options to deal with it? How can you learn from it? Write it all down. If you can't figure it out, talk to your parents, they're there to help guide you along the way.

The second thing I want you to do is to stop by a school counselor. Just have a chat about depression, get the local number for teen help line, in case you need someone to talk to and can't go to your parents or friends. And just have a chit chat about what's going on, get some advice on what you can do about it, and see if switching schools would be the best route for you to deal with the issues you have in your life.

Most importantly, remember you are not alone, or abnormal, or silly. There's lots of us that have been where you are, life does get way better. And there's people that care about you in life, it's hard to see that when you have the tunnel vision of depression, but it is true, never forget that.

2007-05-19 11:27:18 · answer #1 · answered by Luis 6 · 4 2

Jessica I'm glad you decided to ask for help. It's easier to get over depression, with help from an adult. We've been 14 and kinda remember how confusing those years can be.

First of all you have a temporary problem that usually responds well to medication and or therapy. I think you know that you will need to tell a councilor at school or your parents how you are feeling. There are also hot lines that you can call in the meantime if you're need to take action right now. You can call 911 and ask for the number.

I know a change of schools is probably an option you will want to talk about. Your thoughts and feelings will still be an issue if you don't deal with them first.

I certainly don't think anyone brave enough to ask for help is being silly or selfish. You are taking the first steps to feeling better about your life. What can be more important than that?

2007-05-19 11:46:55 · answer #2 · answered by wiffybog 3 · 2 1

Remember first and foremost this is only a phase.
I have had 3 suicide attempts and i honestly was declared dead for 3 mins during one of them. You are young and you will share this experience with someone because yo have been through hell.
Don't switch school stick with it and persevere. Sometimes you have to play their games to. It can et worse in the adult world. Trust me on this.
You are being a teenager.I used to never have coping skills.
I hope that you don't harm yourself in anyway. I know how good the pain can feel trust me. Even though it may seem like you don't have anything to live for now you will. You have a wonderful family and everything will be better because you will learn to just Not give two sh its... Fresh start hmm
In life you will always have to make a fresh start all the damn time.
Take it from someone who constantly ran away. It never helped because now I have persevered and things are so much better.
Life is like one big high school and if you show people that you dont care maybe not then it is respected but in the future it can well take you anywhere. Its all about carrying yourself and don't trust no one for a while. Just be yourself and you will survive this
You can send me answers mail anytime that you need to I am always here to help out people that have concerns in this area. I feel that it is my mission now
I appreciate you sharing your story.

If you need anything you can contact me and I can talk it through with you.

YOu have value and you will be loved... just stick with it... trust all us old people. well I am only 26 here.
parents dont always help and neither do doctors... come to someone with experience. that has no side effects excpet the truth.

2007-05-19 11:57:20 · answer #3 · answered by UTC 5 · 2 1

Depression is often based on chemical changes in your body and it can be controlled by medication. It is very important to talk to someone about how you are feeling, whether it be a parent or a teacher or a doctor or someone you know and trust. Depression is very easily treated and very common in your age group. I suffered through depression when I was your age and it was a terrrible experience. You are not being silly or selfish. Please do not start cutting or hurting yourself. The way you are feeling may well be caused by something going on in your body that can be easily controlled with some meds. I wish you well and know that things will get better for you, even if you don't feel that way now.

2007-05-19 13:17:51 · answer #4 · answered by drwhocod 4 · 0 1

*Hugs you as tightly as I can*
I am/was in your same position. I have the scars to prove it. Resist cutting as much as you can, it is adictive. i didn't think so when I started, I was 12. I was absolutely alone and miserable.
maybe you are feeling the same. I had a couple friends but none that I thought I could rely on (and infact they proved me right a couple times) I hated my school and it was content to show it hated me back, it was bad enough the teachers would watch what the other kids did. No I didn't say they would stop the other kids, I said they watched.My parents knew some from my sisters but they could only say we couldn't leave and I'd have to "ignore it". That's when I started SI. 8 years ago.
Don't even dream about calling your self silly or selfish. Those oddly enough are the exact words I'd discribe myself with when I hurt myself.
I'm not completely out of this valley so I can't tell you how to fix it, but I'll tell you what I did to get better and what I wish I did. So maybe you can pull out before you crash.
I wish I would have taken some time to talk to the school councelor, they can't say anything to anyone in the school or your parents- Need a cover story? Say you're getting ready for college, in my school freshmen year they forced us to talk to the councelor to help with college planning. Talk it out with them.
Second, as dumb as it sounded to me when I first heard it: Take walks out side _During the Day_, at night it always made me feel more isolated, I felt calmer for a little while, but it's dark enough in the valley already, you need some sun shine right now. And on top of that, strange but it effective- No Junk Food. Especially drinks or anything with alot of fake sugar. It increases your apetite, drops your esteeme, and I started compulsive eating then purging then anorexia... Problems like to pile when they can.
Third: Talk to someone about something deep and personal anything it doesn't have to be your depression, your heaviest feelings at the time. And get as many hugs as you can, don't even try to be ashamed just say "hey hug me already!" or "how about a hug?" made me feel so much better!!
And along these same lines, Strive for complete honesty, it was a whole new world of pain for me when I decided lie untill I couldn't trust myself.
Fourth. Acomplish something. A home work goal is a good one! I'm studying Italian, so I memorize verbs and fell good seing the progress.
The chemical changes your body is going through right now are contributing a lot to your depression. Keep that in mind the next time your feeling desperate
What ever you do Resist Self Injury, It's extremely addictive.
And know you aren't alone in this.
remember those "friends" I mentioned I couldn't trust? 3 out of 4 of them were cutters and had attempted suicide at least 3 times the fourth an anorexic that weighed 100 lbs (5'6")before we confessed to eachother that we all felt completely alone.
You need some one to talk to? I'm Here. My name's Jeri and I'm looking for a new friend. Add me as a contact, and I'll write you a letter.
-it's not silly
-not selfish
-not childish
-not a plea for attention
-not a good punishment
-You aren't weaker for depression
-You aren't less because you can't kick the feeling
-Not alone even if you can't see someone elses pain.
-and if you start... you'll never forget.
I love you, and I want to help you.

2007-05-19 12:43:52 · answer #5 · answered by Hit me with it 3 · 1 1

Go to the mirror, and look at yourself. Look in to your eyes and see that you are an amazing beautiful intelligent young woman. The fact you asked the world for help shows you are a real strong person. You will get through this. Your not selfish or silly at all. We are all here to listen to people like you. So you do have friends. Go to school next, hold you head up high and smile to yourself and think 'I am me!' Tyin K x

2007-05-19 11:50:54 · answer #6 · answered by Tyin K 2 · 2 1

I agree Jessica...Cutting is not the answer because self mutilation only makes you forget about the problem for awhile. I suggest you seek the services of a therapist so he/she might assist you on working out the stuff you are going through. Life tends to suck sometimes but thats when the support of friends and family come in handy. Don't quit on yourself and express yourself with words...I know you can do it just stay strong....GOOD LUCK!!!

2007-05-19 11:33:12 · answer #7 · answered by kilote 1 · 3 1

1. See a physcician
2. See a counselor
3. Sometimes starting over somewhere else helps but you must remember no matter where you go, there you are.
4. Cutting is not an option. It will only make things worse.
5. You must develop coping skills that are healthy.
6. Change what you can and accept the rest.

2007-05-19 11:24:01 · answer #8 · answered by TAT 7 · 3 3

one thing i've learned in life is that you can't run from things to make them better! hard to understand, but think about it. you will still carry the true problem with you...whatever it is you're feeling will still be there! you need to find someone to talk to a school counselor, one of your parents or other family members. YOU'RE NOT IN THIS ALONE! you may feel like it, but other people feel like you do too. there are also suicide helplines that you can call 24 hours a day, they deal with everyone..teens to adults, kids and all. call them if you ever feel like cutting yourself again! please know that there are people who care about you!!!

2007-05-19 14:16:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

you need to talk to someone. go to your folks if you can talk to them, if not to a school counselor. you sound very depressed. i doubt if changing schools will help you. there is alot more going on then just that. your a freshman and that is hard getting use to everything and making new friends. remember suicide is not the answer. problems are temporary and suicide is permanent. there is always a way to solve any problems your going through, but you need to talk to someone about everything.

2007-05-19 11:42:19 · answer #10 · answered by avalon123 4 · 2 1

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