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I am 14 yrs old and a lot has happened in my life but i always have found different ways of coping. lately I have really had the urge to cut. Just to try, to feel how it is. I know that it is not the best way to handle the situation(s) but I really would like to just try. yet i am very hestitant. Maybe there is a part of me that is still like "no don't do it." but i just want to get this urge out of my system. The only way of doing that is by getting this out of the way. But i get scared that I'm going to cut a vein or an artory, or get an infection. I also have fairly thin wrists so i get nervous around that area. I won't go too deep really, i JUST want to try this and get this urge out. And have you ever in the past cut, or still do? Were you nervous the first time? How did you do it? ( i plan to use a razor btw.) And how deep is TOO deep and how do you KNOW it's too deep?

i am not rele in the mood to here the whole "DONT DO IT!" but i'll respect what you say anyway.

2007-05-19 10:56:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

ugh i JUST WANT to flippin see if it will work with letting stuff out! but i don't want to die or anythin so that's why i want to be careful with it WHILE releasing some things out.

2007-05-19 11:05:38 · update #1

11 answers

YES i am going to give you the DONT DO IT speech lol and then ill answer your question. Cutting is a way some people coup with stress and trama in there life etc.. etc.. however there are any other ways to deal with this like councilling therapy talking to a friend TRYING to solve your problems. I can't really talk tho cos i have a lot of problems going on at the moment and i am working on solving them but its hard and there are risks... cant really explain. But just PLEASE try talking to someone about the things that are bothering you because theres always a solution.

Now here the answer to your question...
Using a razor is probably not sharp enough to kill you... the first time you do it it probably wont be that deep due to the fact that youve mentioned your scared. I have to admit i have cut a couple of times... and i sort of still do i get angry and want to but at the moment im coping well because its netball session and i dont want people in my netball team to see the cuts even tho they probably already know and them because i have deep scars from b4.

Another thing is the more you cut the more you get angry the deeper you go. Cutting up not across is more dangerious as its the way your veins go. After cutting (depending on how deep you cut) you get a burning in your wrists and it goes away after a while you can stop this burning by putting pressure on the area (wrapping something around it) sometimes this doesnt help fully bt it will ease it a bit.

You may get an infection i never have. The first time i did it i used a razor and ive used craft knifes too. Its sort of hard to let the blade slip and go too deep your pretty in control and like i said razors arnt sharp enough to kill.

But in the end i do not want you to cut i was just answering your question. Its stupid and think about it when you grow up and have all those scars people will see them no matter how hard you try to cover them and they WILL judge you by them even if they dont saw anything. That point really gets me and its helping me stop.

I hope this helps...
Good luck with your problems i hope you get past them without doing too much harm to yourself.

2007-05-19 11:11:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Well, I am a recovering cutter. I hope you do not do it. There are other outlets that are healthy. Everyone is different so one never knows what is TOO deep as you say. Yes, you can get an infection that can lead to death. You will have scars that will never go away and that you will have to hide forever and in many situations can be embarrassing, especially when trying to explain to someone what happened when they ask. If you are having these strong urges you really do need to speak with someone as soon as possible such as your school counselor but preferably a therapist. If you can tell one of your parents how you are feeling.......if that is possible. Often times a good friend that you trust can help until a professional can be talked to. You are so young and have your whole life ahead of you. Whatever is causing you such stress can be resolved in time.Things can and will get better even if it does not seem like it now. Please get the help you need and do not hurt yourself. You deserve better! Others do care and love you. I hope you feel better soon and realize that taking things out on yourself is not the answer. I know this is not what you wanted to hear but i have been where you are. I may not have walked in your shoes but I have had those feelings. I wish the best for you~

2007-05-19 18:13:48 · answer #2 · answered by Hopeful 4 · 0 0

I am going to be bluntly honest with you.


Lets go back a few years....I had just discovered my fathers secret past and he was about to go to jail, my family was torn apart and I discovered that everything I had ever held dear and believed in was a lie. I had no one and nothing to trust in.
On top of all that I had to deal with the fact that I had been sexually abused.

So I cut.

Let me tell you, it does NOT work. Why do people cut? Its because intense physical pain blots out emotional pain...its a really sh*tty way of coping.

In the first few moments after cutting, it feels like everything is getting better...all you can think of is the pain in your arm and you forget how f-ed up the rest of your life is. Then reality sinks in and you once again feel like crap. Nothing has changed except for the fact that you are now in TWO types of pain: physical and emotional, plus you have this ugly self mutilation to hide.

And you will probably have to hide the scar for the rest of your life. I barely even cut through the skin and now 4 years later I have these disgusting purple marks on my arm, they embarrass the hell out of me and constantly remind me of a time I'd rather forget.

Its like a drug...you keep doing it, and it doesnt really solve anything but feels good for a short while, so you do it again and again until it becomes natural to you and you cant think of another way to ease the pain.

The best alternative is A.) talk to someone (school counselor etc) if you can, B.) find another outlet, for me that was playing guitar and rowing. Running or any other physical exercise is really good. Music (listening or playing) is also a fantastic distraction.

Cutting is an immature, dangerous way of dealing with things...like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Like it or not that is the way it is.

2007-05-19 20:23:01 · answer #3 · answered by . 6 · 0 0

If you do a small cut, you can still cut an artery. When that artery is cut, alot of blood comes out and you will most likely die. I use to cut myself, but my parents found out and they sent me to the hospital. I was almost sent to a mental hospital. I am now on anti-depressants and I am much better. I don't need a razor to take away my problems. Tell someone about how you feel, and they'll make you feel better.

2007-05-19 18:05:08 · answer #4 · answered by somebody 3 · 0 0

ok... yes i have, but i stoped when my family found out and every thime they would here about cutting they would look at me, and i hated it... the already think im crazy. I also used to burn my self. im 16 and i have 4 bad scares and they are going away finally except one. But lately i have be dieing to cut again yesterday i cut a heart in to my hand. so i think i might start again.... anyway i neaver used a razor really i used safety pins and nails and thumb tacs...etc, you take them and keep taking them back and forth in the same spot. if your really worried about hiting a vain, you dont have to cut right on the vain since your not trying to kill your self. you can cut on the side of your wrist.... and if you use a razor or knife do it fast... anyway think about if you really want to do it......
good luck and be carefull....

2007-05-19 18:47:11 · answer #5 · answered by Mae 2 · 0 0

Try to find an adult to talk to about your issue. I have a friend who did cut and lived to regret it because she finally got the nerve up to talk out her problems and then felt like a fool for cutting herself. Talk to a teacher or counsel at school, someone from church that you trust or a family member. I really don't want to be one of the people who say "Don't do it" but don't do it please! The risks are to high for infections that could be life altering. Seek out another way to deal with your problems not add to them. Good Luck Sweetie!

2007-05-19 18:05:35 · answer #6 · answered by upallniteowl 5 · 0 0

dont do it I use to cut, its a addictive habbit stop it before it starts, althogh I dont think u really do have the urge to cut, cause1. u wouldnt be worring if it was too deep, 2. you wouldnt be asking on here HOW dO I Do IT 3. You wouldnt be nevouse about.

All I'm sayin Kid IS dont fake something that you dont have

2007-05-19 18:03:39 · answer #7 · answered by ஐKatஐ 3 · 0 1

kid, wtf is wrong with you. people cut to inflict pain on themselves or get attention without doing the real suicide...what the hell is the point of cutting urself if ur "scared" to cut into a vein or getting an infection?? if ur scared of those long term effect, i know u said u didnt wanna hear it but there is no other option, but..DONT ******* DO IT THEN. btw, excessive cutting will eventually effect your heart and **** up ur body down the line, so it aint worth it. be strong kid and dont cut urself

2007-05-19 18:02:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i use to cut.. since i'm not the same person i was when i did, it hurts to know that people are looking at my scars :(
i really wish i would have thought about what i was doing.
you're going to change, and when you do, you don't want a bunch of scars all over you, kid.

2007-05-19 18:06:55 · answer #9 · answered by Daylen 1 · 2 0

cutting is addictive once you do it for the first time your going to want to do it again....its like people who smoke cigarettes they say they can quit but in reality they know they cant......

2007-05-19 18:01:17 · answer #10 · answered by DaKidWonder 2 · 2 0

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