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2007-05-19 10:13:43 · 22 answers · asked by lou 1 in Environment Global Warming

22 answers

Its just freemongering Check out this documenty on you tube its is done buy the head climitologist at MIT, and the head of the IPCC and the former co-founder of greenpeace. Its called the The great global warming swindal. It seperates fact from popular held myths of Global warming. its 8 parts or about a hour long


2007-05-19 10:19:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

The Earth has evolved a total of seven times so far... Global Warming is real, it is normally something that the Earth goes through... The reason for so much concern is because we humans are help speeding up the process. I don't believe in a distinction between 'man-made' or 'organic' global warming... the difference is just a name. The process is being sped up because of the fact that many natural resources are depleted or on its way to becoming depleted... Its a huge domino effect and humans are the ones that tipped over that first domino...
Just recently I read an article that was 'kept' from the news about a Canadian glacier falling into the sea... that happened 1 1/2 - 2 years ago... Scientists have been studying the effects for a very long time... If we were able to do something about the hole in the ozone, we can try to slow down the global warming process...

2007-05-19 14:32:43 · answer #2 · answered by jmenlugo 2 · 0 0

Man made Global warming isnt bad at all because it doesnt exist. Yes, the earth goes through warming periods in between ice ages like it always has, but man has nothing to do with it.

Consider this: If the atmosphere was represented in a 100 yard distance, the first 70 yards would be nitrogen. the next 19 would be oxygen. the final 1 yard would be made up of everything else. CO2 would make up the width of the lead of a piece of a number 2 pencil. in the past 100 years, that has gone up by .08 mm on our 100 yard scale. And the majority of that happened in the 1900-1930 period, not now. Since 1998, the temp. has gone down, the ice is getting thicker, in fact, there is no proof of global warming.

I wish people would stop using CO2 as an argument, temp. leads CO2!! When the temp. goes up, the amount of CO2 plants and plankton, which make up over 80% of all CO2 output, release more CO2. The reason the earth warms and cools is due to ocean currents and increasing sun energy. And humans cant stop the currents like Al Gore said we could. Stopping them is only possible by stopping the rotation of the earth. Humans make up less than 1% of all CO2 output.

2007-05-19 13:00:40 · answer #3 · answered by dackongzilla 2 · 0 0

Earth's atmosphere is in a warming cycle, true. Man isn't causing it, natural factors are. Fact is, the planet is always warming or cooling and never absolutely static. More important, the Sun's output is never stable either and it is in an expansive cycle with respect to its energy output. No amount of regulation, legislation or hand-wringing is going to change the warming cycle we're in.

So let's put our efforts into adapting, as necessary just as humankind has always done during our span of time on this planet.

There will be people who benefit from a global warming cycle, and those who will suffer. The same will be true when man inevitably sees the cycle shift to cooling. Our job is to mitigate the deleterious effects. Improve land management, build water capture and distribution systems on a continental level. Construct seawalls and flood control structures as necessary. Improve building construction if weather intensity increases. Shift food production as required.

Energy efficiency is and has been improving in the developed world for over 30 years. This is a continuing course. Stop worrying about climate and instead put your effort into habits that reduce water usage, limit waste disposal, reduce toxic runoff into the oceans, and boost your recycling. And plant trees when and where you can.

2007-05-19 12:03:59 · answer #4 · answered by Phil R 1 · 0 0

Some believe global warming is a hoax - a myth.
Others claim it's a reality that's about to devastate our world.

My personal viewpoint is that it IS a real threat to our very existence on this Earth. Global warming is, indeed, a natural cyclical occurrence that happens every ten thousand years or so.

But, man's 'industrial revolution' has certainly contributed to that cycle, perhaps by upsetting the natural order of things - or simply speeding up the entire process.

Because of our smoke-belching factories and vehicle emissions, we have most likely changed the natural course or events in ways we can't imagine. But, EVEN IF THAT'S NOT THE CASE, wouldn't it make sense to rule on the side of caution anyway??

Wouldn't it make sense to try and minimize the pollution to our air and water? Wouldn't it make sense not to squander as much of Earth's natural resources? Doesn't it make sense to try and conserve fuel? Isn't it a worthwhile action to try and protect and preserve the fragile ecological balances between man, plants and animals?

"Bad" or not, Americans (especially) should be ashamed of ourselves for our squanderous ways. We represent 55 of the global population, yet squander 55% of the world's resources. What could possibly be wrong with practicing the REuse of materials, the REduction of waste, and the REcycling of everything we now toss into landfills? Of course, it's far more 'convenient' to simply continue the squandering. But how will we respond when our great-grandchildren look into our eyes and ask, "WHY? Why did you waste all of the precious resources, knowing that it would someday affect the world I live in? Didn't you care enough about me to be better stewards of the Earth?" How will we respond to that question? -RKO- 05/19/07

2007-05-19 10:35:23 · answer #5 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 2 0

What people don't seem to, or want to comprehend, is that global warming has been occurring for billions of years, and it's been happening without the help of we humans.

We should be aware that this marvelous, ever-changing planet was once a ball of ice. Why isn't it still?? Duh! Global warming folks.
We know that most major deserts were once lakes. Where'd the water go?? Sorry again.....global warming, without the help of our dirty automobiles.(speaking of fresh water, just a pre foot-note; we should be far more interested in preserving freshwater supplies world wide, and I have a theory on this problem also, than to try and force the planet to adapt to us).
We know that ancient coastal cities are now under water. Why?? Oops, global warming, polar caps melted, and with no help from our filthy coal plants.

Sorry, you opportunistic alarmists, your frightening theories don't scare me at all!! Go ahead, alarm everyone, continue getting rich with your ridulous forecasts, and accept your sucker status when folks finally realize how you've duped them.
Our wonderful, surprising, ever-changing planet is going through just another of it's climatic adjustments and will survive as usual, and we humans damn well better adjust, and accept what "OLD MOTHER" gives US, and adapt to HER. We should for example, accept that oceans will continue to rise and claim more land.......we should use some of that water. Through major, major, major efforts we should be able to create less expensive methods of desalination, use the oceans for irrigation thus preserving our precious fresh rivers, lakes and groundwater for human consumption. If we can create a pipeline to carry oil to the lower 48, then we sure should be able to create pipelines to carry irrigation water across continents.

Check all your old science books.......maybe some new ones too. Lots of signs of warming, and if we continue to try and change the climate of this planet, which has so far, done a great job of surviving despite what we do, then I think we're in for a whole lot more trouble than just a little bit.

2007-05-19 12:13:05 · answer #6 · answered by mantle two 4 · 0 0

Right now, not that bad, it's manageable, albeit a pain.

The problem is in the future, if we continue like this it'll grow from a pain, to a really really bad problem. So we need to change things now, so as to prevent a larger problem down the road.

Think about it like a car, right now we know something's wrong with the car, we know something's wrong with the engine, we can see it, we know it. If we don't do something, the engine will get progressively worse and worse into disaster. If we do something, there'll still be a problem with the car, but we're avoiding disaster.

So it's not good now, but not that bad, but if we do nothing, it'll get much worse, and to the point where we can manage it no longer. Or rather, we can spend some money now, or a LOT of money later.

2007-05-19 16:28:06 · answer #7 · answered by Luis 6 · 0 0

So Al Gore's inconvenient truth is all lies?????????? Wow, what a sham. We dump TONS of pollutants into the air EVERY day....Buildings are the biggest polluters, then automobiles.....OF COURSE humans are speeding up the "natural" process of global warming. We know it IS cyclic, however to think we do no harm and create very little green house gases, is moronic. Of course we are accelerating this process. How can anyone think otherwise? It is bad and will get worse.

2007-05-19 14:19:55 · answer #8 · answered by little timmie 3 · 0 0

We don't know for sure. And that's the real problem. It might just be an inconvenience, like we saw during the Middle Ages.
Or it could conceivably stop major oceanic circulation, triggering a modern ice age.
What I find amusing is that if we hadn't been so nutty about keeping SO2 out of our car's exhause, it would be in the atmosphere right now, reflecting all that excess sunlight away from the earth.
Oh, well. You pays your money and takes your chances.

2007-05-19 11:57:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Climate change is natural.....it's been going on for years.

The only opinion I have is to recycle as much as possible and quit littering.

The Inconvenient Truth is the third-highest-grossing documentary in the United States to date.
The film's distributor, Paramount Classics, is donating 5% of the box office receipts and Gore is donating all of his proceeds from the film to The Alliance for Climate Protection (of which Gore is both founder and chairman).

If it was such a sucessful documentary, why is Paramont donating ONLY 5% ? And Gore is putting 100% to a company he is chairman............sounds odd to me.

2007-05-21 07:39:41 · answer #10 · answered by Isabella 6 · 0 0

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