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Ok, let’s just say that sexual orientation is a choice and the Christians are correct. By that account, the reason I am straight is because I choose to be. It has nothing to do with the fact that I find women sexually attractive. I am straight because I choose to be. That about sums up your beliefs correctly doesn't it Christians????? If you answered yes to this question, my next question is do you really expect me to believe that?

2007-05-19 09:59:27 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

Homosexuality is not a choice, and homosexual 'behavior', is the natural extension of being homosexual.

Gays cannot choose to be gay just like straights cannot choose to be straight. People cannot choose who they are attracted to, and people cannot choose who they are not attracted to. And even if they could, why should it make any difference that people are gay?

The idea from idiots who suggest that homosexuals should suppress their sexuality should immediately stop ever suggesting they support freedom, as they simply don't know the meaning of the word.

People often refer to the Bible or God to backup their points about homosexuality. They say that 'It's in the bible that it's a sin, so it's bad.'

2007-05-19 10:11:41 · answer #1 · answered by Kedar 7 · 8 2

Christians who say homosexuality is mere choice say it for the same reason that they say evolution has "never been proven" or "has no evidence."

Because they are inexcusably ignorant of the subject, and just don't know what they're talking about, plain and simple.

Anyone who thinks homosexuality is a choice, get to work on refuting each and every one of the following:

Hall, J. A. Y. and D. Kimura, "Dermatoglyphic Asymmetry and Sexual Orientation in Men," Behavioral Neuroscience 108 (1994): 1203-1206.

Hamer, Dean and Peter Copeland. The Science of Desire. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1994.

LeVay, Simon. The Sexual Brain. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1993.

Matthews, John. "Supporting the Biological Link." ASU Research (1994): n. pag. Online. Internet. 4 November 1997.

Wertz, Dorothy C. "Genetics and Homosexuality," The Gene Letter 1 (1996): n. pag. Online. Internet. 4 November 1997.





Let me know when you've overturned all of this evidence, with evidence of your own. :)

2007-05-19 10:04:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

an interesting twist of logic. You are to be commended for it :-)

"Christian" heterosexuals claim it is a choice because:
a> they cannot imagine having a natural attraction for members of the same gender
b> to claim it is both natural -and- condemned by God would require them to rethink their faith.
c> many of them grew up knowing no better.
d> many of them grew up in schools where the worst thing you could be called is a "f*g" or a "dyke".
(curious, Yahoo censors the word "f*g", but not "dyke")

For most it is the last form of bigotry they can still indulge. Sad but true, humans too often make fun of others who are different, and all the usual targets have gradually become taboo.

Personally, I reject the idea that being gay is a choice. If it -were- a choice, it wouldn't be the choice of most homosexuals. Who would willingly choose a sexuality where most everyone is going to be condemning you, denying you the right to marry your beloved, denying you the right to speak on behalf of your beloved if he/she were incapacitated, etc?

From my point of view, it is a pity heterosexuals do not have to go through as much persecution to love their Beloved as homosexuals must face.

There would be fewer divorces, that's for sure.

2007-05-19 10:18:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well, that's not really how they view it. They believe that everyone is born straight but because certain people are deviant they have sexual urges that are focused on the same sex. They choose to go along with those urges, similar to how people with a mental illness often cannot control their ability to reason what is morally correct.
I believe there thinking would be that God would not create homosexuality and since God created everything then homosexuality is not natural.
This is what I have gleaned from speaking to many who believe this way, it may not hold true for all Christians (and others who believe this way), but that's how many believe.


This is for Tweet, the girl below me. You are ignorant, there are many documented cases of homosexuality in the animal kingdom
Please do your research before you make such ignorant statements.

2007-05-19 10:08:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Homosexuality isn't a decision. it truly is a realized imprint on a baby's innovations. it truly is unusual habit. at the same time as there is dissimilar it in a society, it potential society as an finished is ill. the cases in historic previous the position homosexuality were dominate became for the period of tyrannical governments like Rome.the reason of homosexuality is from emotional transference at an rather youthful age. it truly is continuously triggered by technique of a trauma of a few form. it would want to be a figure yelling at a baby to an unquestionably adventure which incorporates a punishment. In a healthful kin the daddy might want to self-discipline the son and the mother might want to self-discipline a daughter. In a healthful kin after that disciplining the son might want to run to the mother and the daughter might want to run to the daddy. this isn't so in as we talk's society. instead you've better homosexuality and bisexuality than ever. because instead of operating to the different figure who punished them, 2 issues happen. both a boy runs to a father's chum and has emotional transference who's also a male, or vs versa with the daughter in an same state of affairs or they turn to a chum their own age, who's from an same gender having emotional transference. Bisexuality comes from no longer receiving any emotional transference linked with a attending to understand smooth second. This age is often between 2-8 years previous. With unmarried mom and father on the upward thrust, this isn't a marvel in any respect. it truly is glaring of ill society. So, the actuality you're gay, you are able to unquestionably blame your mom and father, and also you'd be suitable and easily too. In turn, your mom and father can unquestionably blame the state, because this way of habit, is ideal and they could be in simple terms and suitable to attain this. Homosexuality will continuously be in any society, although the quantity of dominance and the attractiveness of it as being familiar habit is a ******* lie. it truly is isn't familiar, and also you've each suitable to be annoyed. the answer isn't to persecute homosexuality. the answer's a substitute to our way of questioning, our lifestyle, and a drastic substitute of our society. that's why it became written in Corinthians, who were greek philosophers less than the tyranny of Rome. i'm bisexual, how do you imagine i think? I were given it worse then you. a lot worse.

2016-11-04 11:42:10 · answer #5 · answered by lobos 4 · 0 0

First, not all Christians say homosexuality is a choice. Why would someone choose to live in a way that is ostracized by so many? Second, I think those who say that will disagree. I think they believe that being heterosexual is God's gift to you and the "natural order of things" whereas if you then are homosexual, you are choosing to go against nature and choosing to be gay.

2007-05-19 10:03:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

No homosexuality isnt a complete choice in the same way as Im going to choose what to eat for dinner tonight choice. If you read Romans, Paul talks about how sin can warp the mind, its very interesting. A similar example would be being an alcoholic. You dont directly choose to be an alcoholic, but you choose to keep taking those drinks, and eventually you can become one.

2007-05-19 10:02:48 · answer #7 · answered by the hamburglar 4 · 3 2

I don't think Christians believe that. It's a complex subject. Some homosexuals have no choice. They were born like that. It's not their fault.

On the other hand, there are people who want to "experiment", even if they are not homosexuals. They actually "choose" to do it.. for whatever reason.

Those are the ones that, in my opinion, are immoral.

2007-05-19 10:10:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

people who say this are stupid and don't know any better. of course it's not a choice!

but yeah, i guess by their arguement, you CHOOSE to be straight rather than actually just naturally being that way. in which case, there is no such thing as inherenent sexuality. which doesn't really make a lots of sense, now does it?

2007-05-19 10:12:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Christian here. I don't particulary find it relevant one way or the other, but in my humble opinion it is not a choice. Stop using such broad generalizations in talking about a very diverse group of people. Like the rest of the population, our opinions vary widely. It's ignorant to think otherwise.

2007-05-19 10:04:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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