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I don't it's just i've seen so many questions about illegal immagrants and all them stuff. I have mexican blud in me and why should people be hating on EVERY mexican? Why can't people be in peace? I'm a mexican would people be hating me? What is wrong with these racist people. Ilegal immagrants come here to feed their children, get money, and be free from the poor mexico. Mexico is a poor country and I don't blame them for being here because most of them are really nice to people. If you illegal immagrant haters, one day, go to mexico and see the roads the people and almost everything. But not the city parts but the rural areas. You'll feel really sorry because of what you said or done.

2007-05-19 08:55:32 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

32 answers

I dont hate them, I hate what they do to America. I know that no matter how bad we feel for them, we can't accept the poor population of every country... for obvious reasons. I don't think it's so much racist as it is logical.
I don't feel really sorry for not wanting them here and I do know what Mexico looks like.. I feel really sorry that they're still here because America is starting to look the same as Mexico in a lot of places.

2007-05-19 09:00:24 · answer #1 · answered by asdfjkl; 5 · 7 5


I am sure you are mistaken if thinking Americans do not like Mexicans because of having 20 million illegals here. There truly is anger, but not hate towards a race.

The issue is of being illegal and using the system for benefits that many Americans cannot get. Most illegals, not just Mexicans, do not pay taxes in this country while all citizens must. Why should we give free hyospitalization and education to illegals when poor Americans cannot get the same...?

If a pregnant Mexican woman sneaks into the USA and delivers her baby here, the baby is an American citizen until the age of 18 when the baby must choose a country for citizenship. Meanwhile, the baby and the mother are allowed to stay here and are cared for with American dollars...food, clothing, shelter, education, medical needs and many more benefits.

Americans do not have these same benefits free...why then should Americans be pleased to have illegal immigrants when we work so hard and struggle to take care of our own families...?

This is but one example of the problems of having illegal immigrants on our land and there are many many more, I assure you, wwegal.

But please understand, it is not hatred at all...it is just anger and not racist. Americans are just as angry with politicians for not doing something about this years ago also. To politicians, it is all about money and getting votes as they have no compassion whatsoever.

And...WILLIAM...you are ditzy and need some lessons in economics...lol

A great question, wwegal...thank you...

2007-05-19 09:38:53 · answer #2 · answered by farplaces 5 · 1 3

If you go around the US... and see the roads the people and almost everything. But not the city parts but the rural areas-

Sorry but Mexico is a FREE country- their Government system is a Republic.. just like us... and I am going to feel bad for Poor Americans first before I start feeling bad for Mexicans...Believe it or not in the US there are poor people, people that fall on hard times, people that struggle to feed, clothe, shelter, and have medical insurance for their kids.. and government help doesn't always work.. the wrong people get the help and the right people don't... so look around for yourself

2007-05-19 10:02:02 · answer #3 · answered by katjha2005 5 · 3 3

BOO HOO they are poor! So are alot of Americans who work their a**** off , who can't afford healthcare, or food for their own American families! And it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm racist against a frickin Mexican! My brother married one and I have three beautiful nieces that I love dearly, but let me tell you, I know their shady side too! Maybe if these Mexicans from Mexico would stop breeding like rabbits they wouldn't have to worry about feeding their damn families, and that goes for ANYONE who has kids just to suck off the system to maintain their lives! I can't stand it when people compare the immigrants of Americans born and raised here to Mexicans. They were humble, and willing and able to learn English, and go about things the LEGAL way! Not like what we have to deal with with ILLEGAL MEXICAN ALIENS!

2007-05-19 10:38:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

It's really easy for Americans of European descent (not saying that all those who are opposed to illegal immigration are of European descent, just most) to complain about illegal immigration. They often say that their ancestors came here legally. Well, I have no doubt that some of their ancestors did. But if your ancestors immigrated to the United States before the late 1800s, as most of mine did, chances are that they didn't immigrate here legally or illegally. There weren't many immigration laws on the books, so ships would just dock at a harbor and that'd be it. There was hardly any regulation at all.

Not until the massive waves of non-English speaking immigrants arrived, especially the Chinese, did the US government take a more active role in immigration because of xenophobic concerns.

I absolutely do not hate Mexican illegal immigrants. For the most part, they come here and work hard. Those are the types of immigrants we want! And so many people are concerned that these illegal immigrants didn't go through the proper "procedure." I think this is just an excuse, but we could very easily change the procedure to something much more flexible to allow in more immigrants, but they don't want to do that. They care about the "procedure" only as a way of restricting the process of immigration as much as possible.

2007-05-19 09:16:57 · answer #5 · answered by TheOrange Evil 7 · 4 6

I don't hate any nationality, but what I do have a problem with is the fact that I am an American, born and raised in the USA and here I am, unable to have health coverage, told that I make to much to get help, but not enough to afford it. While people coming into the USA can get health coverage and other benefits. That upsets me. I pay taxes, I obey the laws of this country, I try living the American dream. Unfortunately, I lost my job due to the business I worked for closed their doors because they couldn't compete with the over sea's market. I had to move to another state, causing me to have alot of bills and financially stressed right now. I'd like to know why my legislators and President can't seem to take care of the people of the USA? Why can't we have health care all the way across the board? But why should someone who comes into this country illegally get these benefits I'm unable to get? I'm an AMERICAN CITIZEN!! That is what I"m angry about the unfairness. I don't' have a problem with someone being here legally, someone who is a law abiding citizen, someone who pays his/her taxes.

2007-05-19 09:38:00 · answer #6 · answered by AprilK 2 · 2 5

I don't hate them as people, I hate what they do and I hate they think they are entitled to something they are not. If you want to come and live in this country for a better way of life, fine, come...just do it legally. Don't come over here and have babies, sign up for welfare, and expect American citizens to pay for it. Don't come over here and drive without a license or insurance, kill people in accidents, and then flee back to where you came from b/c you f-d up. File the correct paperwork with your home country, pay your fees, wait your time, and come over here and not burden the rest of the country with your financial problems...take responsibility for yourself and don't expect the next guy to pay your way. And it doesn't matter if you come from Mexico or Canada either.

2007-05-19 10:12:31 · answer #7 · answered by bundysmom 6 · 1 3

Unfortunately, the conditions in Mexico dosen't matter to the people in the US. If Mexico is having difficult with economy, it is Mexico's government's responsibility. They can't just cross the broder to leech off the money from the US.

Large number of illegal immigrants will create an unnecessary burden to the law-obeying US citizens. They may take lots of low-end jobs, waste tax payer's money, increase crime rate, and more.

In addition, many highly skilled "legal" immigrants are still waiting for their greencards/citizens. They have waited for years to acquire their legal status in the US. They have contributed (knowledge, skill, create more work and more) significantly more than the illegal immigrants in the past years.

How will it be fair If all the illegal immigrants can receive free Greencard?

That's why you can't really blame others for hating illegal immigrants...

2007-05-19 09:10:35 · answer #8 · answered by DeadManWalking 4 · 7 5

I do not hate anyone, but illegal aliens are breaking our immigration laws, disregarding taxpayers and the cost to the citizens is overwhelming - they also are demanding that we cater to them IN OUR OWN COUNTRY.

I do not hate Mexicans and your not the only ones who take a beating on here - have you read all the anti American rhetoric?

Some people are racist, nothing you can do but thicken up your skin and continue on with your life.

I have been to Mexico, beautiful country but yes it is in shambles but why should the taxpayers of the US be responsible for that? Would we expect another country to fix OUR problems? If you hate Mexico FIX IT. Mexico has many positive attributes but I honestly do not understand why its citizens do not demand change with all those coming to America you could definitely change things.

2007-05-19 09:08:06 · answer #9 · answered by Rabid Frog 4 · 7 5

I am a mexican american and I don't hate them but they do need to stay home. They eat all the countries resources up. Now then why do you think that it's racist if they would just come here in the legal way, then that is fine i do not mind. But they need to stay home.

2007-05-19 09:34:28 · answer #10 · answered by toophatboy 3 · 4 4

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