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I have a boyfriend who is more then i could ever dream of. I didnt know it was possible to love someone this much until I met him. I really never dreamed i could be this happy and it gets better everyday.

We talk about getting engaged on our one year anniversary (and getting married after two years- one year engagement) and although IM SURE hes the one (and thats not my question) im wondering what the general publics opinion would be when hearing we got engaged after "only" one year. (by the way.. im 24, hes 23)

I dont really care what other people think but it is always nice to here other peoples opinions on things! (haha.. i guess its just nice to here what people would be saying behind my back... b/c i know everyone on here is honest!)

2007-05-19 08:42:34 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Weddings

25 answers

If its been one year - and you get along fine- I personally don't see anything wrong with that. by the time you get married - it will be 2 years.
after a year- you could easily know if he's the one -
either he's the one -- or you would know something was missing from the relationship-
best of luck! : ) now-- hint to him to get you that ring!!

2007-05-19 08:49:05 · answer #1 · answered by ★★★ Katharine ♥♥♥♥ 6 · 1 0

One year is actually the average. Plus getting married after 25 has a much lower divorce rate than 18-23.

I think people are rather shocked when it seems you don't know each other that well. For example the people that have been dating 2-4 months and get engaged. Sure there are examples of how that "worked for us" but in general that doesn't work. You get so into the wedding planning afterwards, that you aren't still getting to know each other. Most of those "less than 5 months" til engagements get divorced.

It also depends on how responsible you are. There are many books out there on amazon on questions you should ask before you get married. (1001, 101, and 7 are a few I've seen--so I guess if you are ADD you can have fewer questions you ask). If you are flighty and haven't even managed to decide on a major yet in college, nor even answered what you want to do when you grow up--of course it's troubling. If you are the type who can talk honestly about problems, know your flaws and his flaws, recognize the topics you need to have discussed prior to marriage (kids, where you want to live, honestly discussed money, division of labor/gender roles in a relationship) then you are the type that everyone knows understands the seriousness of relationships and the big step you are making.

Can you name why you love him? Is it this "we knew at first sight" or can you name qualities that he has? Can you answer "Why do you love him?"

But the friends and family find it more frightening if they don't feel they know the spouse. If they've only met him 1 or 2, then they are worried he may not treat you right. What's the rush? If he is perfect after 3 weeks, he will be just as perfect in 8 months. And 8 months has given you time to have an argument and see how you fight. If you've never had a fight/disagreement, you aren't ready to get married.

So many brides today you can just tell are eager to be BRIDES. They want a wedding. They want a big party and gifts and a fluffy dress. But absolutely nothing they say regards the marriage, the life, the man they are marrying.

A year is actually perfectly normal. Especially if the 2 of you are both mature enough to recognize that you want to spend the rest of your life together--thick and thin--and you know what that means. And yes age matters. If you were 18 and were sure he was the one, I'd tell you that you aren't sure of anything at 18. All you are sure of is that you don't want to live with your parents ever again. You may even marry him BECAUSE your parents disagree. Your brain can't even know what "forever" means b/c you can't process your own mortality. But at 25 or 26 when you get married, you are probably an adult enough to know what forever means and be ready to pledge to someone fidelity of heart and body.

I don't think anyone will say you aren't ready.

2007-05-19 09:18:18 · answer #2 · answered by phantom_of_valkyrie 7 · 0 0

I've always thought that you should go through each season together. That has happened in a year. As long as you both are sure you want to marry each other, then by all means, get engaged! Although, you may not want to do so on the anniversary...make it another date so you have two dates to celebrate! Dating anniversary and engagment (and later, engagement anniversary, wedding anniversary, etc.). You are old enough to know what you want in life, so why not take whatever steps are necessary to get you there...even if it's "only" been one year. Congrats on finding the right guy!

2007-05-19 09:32:54 · answer #3 · answered by maryanlibrarian 2 · 0 0

The only reason people wait so long to get engaged or married ----it's because they are not sure if that person is the right one. When you know they are the right one --- you don't have to wait. I got engaged 4 months after I met my boyfriend. Got married two months later. We've been happily married for 12 1/2 years. There is no time limit when you know you want to be with this person for the rest of your life. And who cares what people think.

2007-05-19 08:52:06 · answer #4 · answered by DEBBIE G 4 · 0 0

People will talk I'm sure but here is my time line

April 2006 broke up with ex
May 15, 2006 Meet my soon to be husband
December 20, 2006 Engaged
June 8,2007 Wedding

When you know you just know.....I went through alot of things with me husband to be in what is now a year of dating but we knew that we wanted to get married I think September is when we started talking about it.

My brother was secretly dating his wife of 3 yrs now for only 4 months (two months of which neither family had a clue that they were dating.) They are the happiest couple in the world. So as long as you guys know it is the right thing just take everything else in stride. If people do say anything to you just remember that they are probably just doing and saying things because they love you and want you to be safe.

Congrats and happy planning

2007-05-19 09:12:16 · answer #5 · answered by mandylou 1 · 0 0

If you guys know that this is what you want then go for it. My husband and I dated for 1 year and got engaged, then married 6 months later. I believe if you know that you are the ones for eachother then why bother with dating for a long time before you are engaged. The worse case scenario is that you get engaged and if it doesn't work out you call off the engagement, it happens everyday!

2007-05-19 11:19:08 · answer #6 · answered by MrsMaltz 3 · 0 0

Why not? A year is long enough to get to know someone, if you are both happy then i think its great. I got engaged after a year and 5 years after that we married and we are still very happy together. It's good that you are waiting 2 years don't rush the most important day of your life.Good luck and congratulations x

2007-05-21 10:02:25 · answer #7 · answered by sooziebaby 2 · 0 0

The correlation is obvious and correct. Democrats believe that George Bush will go down in history as the worst and most hated President ever, but I am sure Democrats believed the same thing about Lincoln in the 1860s and look how that turned out. The lesson is that history does not remember the political sentiment of the day, but rather the major deeds of the time period. History is always much kinder in it's remembrance than people ever believe it will be. For the record I believe Lincoln was a great man and no matter what his reason for doing so he brought great change to the country as a result.

2016-05-17 14:40:48 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

My fiance and I were only dating a year before we got engaged, and getting married after 8 mo of engagement. Some people think we moved fast, but it was right for us. Thats all that matters is your heart and dedication to your soon to be spouse, because if it doesn't work, u are the one that hasta go thru the divorce, not them.

2007-05-19 11:02:12 · answer #9 · answered by Krissy 4 · 0 0

Forget what everyone else thinks, and just get engaged. Even though you and your boyfriend have only been dating one year, if you really really love each other, sweety-go for it!

My husband and I started dating back in November 2005, we were engaged 6 months later in May, and were married by the end of September in 2006. It's been 8 months-our relationship is still thriving and our marriage is great!

2007-05-19 08:49:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I got engaged after only 3 months and married 1 yr later.
I have been married for almost 16 yrs.
we where only 19 and 20 at the time we got engaged and were 20 and 21 when we got married.

2007-05-22 12:48:08 · answer #11 · answered by bandyt 5 · 0 0

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