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When I had read the article in the Seattle times, I felt they wrote a good & respectful article. And I can know that Jerry Falwell accomplished much for Christianity by the Grace of God & Gods high calling on his life.

2007-05-19 08:07:37 · 20 answers · asked by LottaLou 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I had a difficult time reading all the comments on yahoo question & answers that were so negative.

2007-05-19 08:08:40 · update #1

Yes, he did address immoral behavior & at times was judgmental (maybe to a fault). But he accomplished quite a bit in drawing the Christians to vote on issues a threat to American morality.

2007-05-19 08:47:23 · update #2

average joe, Water baptism doesn't wash away your sins. Jesus shed blood does. And Jerry Falwell was saved by the grace of God, His Redeeming Blood, & the LORD Jesus had called him to the ministry. You would be able to discern that if you read the article in the Seattle Times also.

2007-05-19 08:51:00 · update #3

The only reason that I am saved is because Jesus shed His blood for remission of my sins. Jerry's my brother in Christ.

2007-05-19 08:52:25 · update #4

20 answers

I got one good thing to say about him:
He hated Teletubbies!!!

2007-05-19 08:10:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Jerry Falwell was and is a joke. Sorry, but he didn't teach the truth about christianity and if you think he did then you have been greatly mislead. There are 6 steps to salvation and of these 6 steps he taught maybe 2, if that many.
1. You must HEAR the gospel. (how else would you come to an understanding of God's will)
2. You must have FAITH. (Belief in God and His will is neccessary but it's not enough to only believe. No where in the bible will you find the words ONLY and FAITH together other than the one scripture in John where it says you can not be saved by faith only)
3. You must REPENT. (again, this is part of God's will and it is neccessary but there's more)
4. You must CONFESS. (confession is not about confessing your sins, repentance is. The confession here is to confess Jesus the Christ and son of God)
5. You must be BAPTIZED. (baptism is not only for a good conscience towards God but also, and most importantly, it is for the washing away of sins. Until sins have been forgiven and washed away through baptism there is no salvation)

These 5 steps must be taken. ALL of these 5 steps must be taken to have salvation. None can be omitted. BUT ... once these 5 steps have been taken there is still yet another step. These five can be taken in a day, but the last step takes a life time.

6. We must REMAIN FAITHFUL TO GOD'S WILL ALL OF OUR LIFE. (there is no such commandment or law that states ''once saved always saved.'' It is not written anywhere in the bible nor is it even suggested that once you are saved you will always be saved.)

Once you have completed all 6 steps towards salvation you will die as a faithful christian and recieve a just reward. I have scripture after scripture after scripture to prove all that I have written here. Along with living faithful to God's will there is much more for a christian to do. ''Study to show thyself approved unto God.'' ''Go ye out into all the world and whosoever BELIEVETH AND IS BAPTIZED SHALL BE SAVED.'' The believing coincides with baptism as it would be imposible to be baptized without confessing God's son, which would also be imposible to do without repenting of your sins, which would also be imposible to do without faith, which is imposible to have without hearing and understanding God's will.

You have been GREATLY mislead if you think Jerry Falwell has been preaching the word of God. He has, as have most TV evangelist, taught only part of God's word so that he himself may prosper from the ignorance of others.

Don't get me wrong here, I am not calling you ignorant. I would not be so ignorant myself as to judge someone else, that's God's job. But, if you think you will receive salvation through the teachings of Jerry Falwell then you may need to read the bible more often and not only read but also study. It is the responsiblity of every christian to study God's will so that we may be able to determine if someone, like Jerry Falwell, is teaching a false religion.

I would be more than happy to talk more about this with you and with every fact I present I will give you scriptures to prove what the bible says is God's will, and not what Jerry Falwell says. I hope you will take this posting as it is intended, not as a self righteous person but as a person willing to teach others of God's will.

If you are a die hard fan of Jerry Falwell I doubt you would listen to what I have to say. But, if you have an open mind and heart to God's will I'm sure you will at least consider what I have said to be the truth. You may email me if you wish to continue this conversation.


2007-05-19 15:33:45 · answer #2 · answered by Average Joe 3 · 2 0

It's strange that you see the negativity of YA comments but you can't see the negativity in many of Fallwells comments. He may have done some positive work for some Christians, but his condemnation of people and his unacceptance of all who are not Christian is something I find so unChristian.
He was a sad man who needed to learn about the tolerance of Jesus.

2007-05-19 15:17:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

No. He did more to turn this country into a war zone among religions than most other religious leaders I know. He was a hypocrite, intolerant, a bigot, he led many followers to become the same, he lacked compassion, he helped lead Mr. Bush by th nostrils, he helped turn our country into a 'fearful' place and also placed a lot of emphasis on hell. Gosh, sounds exactly the kind of person Jesus would have wanted to lead Christians, doesn't it?

2007-05-19 15:11:14 · answer #4 · answered by Yogini 6 · 9 1

The media are usually polite to the dead.

Jerry Falwell was an arrogant, racist, intolerant, uneducated, hypocritical,homophobic, self aggrandizing blow hard who almost single handedly took away any credibility the religious right wing ever had.

He was an embarrassment to Christians outside of his base in "Bible belt" America.

He is dead, and his fat corpse is rotting in its grave.
Good riddance!!!.

When oh when will his bum buddy Pat Robertson drop dead??

2007-05-19 15:11:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 9 1

I haven't read anything about his death other than his obit on the main page of Yahoo.

I don't think he was an example of faith. I think he was a self-aggrandizing ego-maniac who liked to be in the spotlight and said outrageous things to stay in the spotlight.

2007-05-19 15:11:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 8 1

Tinky winky was not fond of the bigot named Jerry Falwell. Tinky says, 'how can I be gay when i don't have genitals?'

2007-05-19 15:22:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

I think he damaged Christianity. He was a bigot and a hate monger. Great role model, that one. I pity the fool who looks up to someone like that.

BTW - what are you smoking? I need to get me some of that.

2007-05-19 15:10:41 · answer #8 · answered by swordarkeereon 6 · 10 1

no. he was an insult to christianity.

the media just feels a need to say nice things about people after they die. like how they said anna nicole was a great american and a great role model and example of strength. that's not exactly what they were saying about her before she passed, now is it?

2007-05-19 15:13:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Shows that the media is a right-wing proganda machine. He was a sick hateful man.

2007-05-19 15:17:36 · answer #10 · answered by Jim San Antonio 4 · 5 1

The world is a safer place because of that bloated bigots demise.

2007-05-19 15:11:26 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 8 1

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