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Does anyone know of a cure for insomnia? (Even a temporary cure will work)

2007-05-19 07:16:27 · 17 answers · asked by copycatninja26 3 in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

17 answers

The term insomnia literally denotes a complete lack of sleep. It is, however, used to indicate a relative inability to sleep that consists of difficulty in falling asleep, difficulty in remaining asleep, early final awakening, or combinations of these complaints. This disease has assumed alarming proportions
in the present times, specially among the upper classes in the urban set-up.

Insomnia Causes
Tension, anxiety, stress
The most common cause of sleeplessness is mental tension brought about by anxiety, worries, overwork, and overexcitement.
Suppressed Resentment, anger, bitterness
Suppressed feelings of resentment, anger, and bitterness may also cause insomnia.
Constipation, overeating, excessive tea/coffee/smoking
Constipation, dyspepsia, overeating at night, excessive intake of tea or coffee, smoking, and going to bed hungry are among the other causes. Often, worrying about falling asleep is enough to keep one awake.

Insomnia Home remedies
Insomnia treatment using Thiamine
Of the various food elements, thiamine or vitamin B is of special significance in the treatment of insomnia. It is vital for strong, healthy nerves. A body starved of thiamine over a long period will be unable to relax and fall asleep naturally. Valuable sources of this vitamin are wholegrain cereals, pulses, and nuts.

Insomnia treatment using Lettuce
Lettuce is beneficial in the treatment of insomnia as it contains a sleep-inducing substance, called 'lectucarium'. The juice of this plant has been likened in effect to the sedative action of opium without the accompanying excitement. Lettuce seeds taken in a decoction are also useful in insomnia. One tablespoon of seeds should be boiled in half a litre of water, till it is reduced by one-third.

Insomnia treatment using Milk
Milk is very valuable in insomnia. A glass of milk, sweetened with honey, should be taken every night before going to bed in treating this condition. It acts as a tonic and a tranquilliser. Massaging the milk over the soles of the feet has also been found effective.

Insomnia treatment using Curd
Curd is also useful in insomnia. The patient should take plenty of curd and massage it on the head. This will induce sleep.

Insomnia treatment using Bottle Gourd
The mixture of bottle gourd juice and sesame oil in 50:50 ratio acts as an effective medicine for insomnia. It should be massaged over the scalp every night. The cooked leaves of bottle gourd taken as a vegetable are also beneficial in the treatment of this disease.

Insomnia treatment using Aniseed
A tea made from aniseed is valuable in sleeplessness. This tea is prepared by boiling about 375 ml of water in a vessel and adding a teaspoon of aniseed. The water should be covered with a lid and allowed to simmer for fifteen minutes. It should then be strained and drunk hot or warm. The tea may be sweetened with honey, and hot milk may also be added to it. This tea should be taken after meals or before going to bed.

Insomnia treatment using Honey
Honey is beneficial in the treatment of insomnia. It has a hypnotic action and induces a sound sleep. It should be taken with water, before going to bed, in doses of two teaspoons in a large cup of water. Babies generally fall asleep after taking honey.

Insomnia treatment using Rauwolfia
The herb rauwolfia is a valuable medicine for insomnia because of its indisputable efficacy as a sedative. The hypnotic action of the drug appears to have been known since ancient times. The very first dose of rauwolfia will enable a patient with a phlegmatic and gouty nature to go to sleep. The powder of the root in a quantity of 0.25 gm to 0.5 gm should be mixed with some scented substance like cardamom and given to the patient The patient will have a sound sleep during the entire night. If the disease is chronic, the patient should take O.25 gm twice a day, in the morning as well as at night before retiring.

Regular active exercise
Regular active exercise during the day and mild exercise before retiring at night enhances the quantity and the quality of sleep. Yoga helps in a majority of cases. It provides physical and mental relaxation from one’s disturbing problems.

Meditiate, eliminate stress, hobbies
The patient should make an all-out effort to eliminate as many stress factors as possible. The steps in this direction should include regular practice of any relaxation method or meditation technique; cultivating the art of doing things slowly, particularly activities like eating, walking and talking; limiting the working day to nine or ten hours and the working week to five and a half days; cultivating a creative hobby and spending some time daily on this; and avoiding meeting unrealistic targets.

The traditional yoga asanas which are effective for insomnia patients are shirshasana, sarvangasana, paschimottanasana, uttanasana, viparit karni, and shavasana.

2007-05-19 07:22:07 · answer #1 · answered by amembal4444 5 · 2 0

you need to develop some sleep hygiene. You need to get a night time routine and stick to it. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. avoid anything with caffeine after late afternoon. Do not eat/drink a couple hours before going to sleep. Avoid watching tv an hour or before going to bed. If you can't fall asleep within 20 mins get up and do something like read...and try to go to sleep in 20-30 mins. Exercise this helps insomnia and depression. Depression and suicidal thoughts are actually more common than you would think for people in your age range. If you don't think you can talk to your parents about it, talk to your guidence counsler and they will help you. Talking over things with someone who can help you problem solve and show you a different prospective is more helpful then you may realize. From one girl to another girls are crazy at your age. One day they are your friend, the next they are not for no apparent reason. Find some new activities and meet some new friends.

2016-03-13 05:36:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I understand your struggle, primarily because I've had sleepless nights in literally years. Searching for a cure was a painstaking process, but I found that going the natural way was the best method by far. I strongly discourage you from getting prescription sleeping pills. I've tried those before for a while. They did get me to sleep, but the after effects of them made me feel horrible. As I said earlier, the best method is always going natural. Here's a list of natural remedies that you can try:

1)Changing your diet
2)Getting plenty of sunlight and exercise
3)Avoiding caffeine 6 hours before you sleep
4)Sleep optimization audios and programs
5)Good quality eye masks
6)Melatonin supplements (Melatonin is a hormone produced by the brain that indicates to your body when its time to sleep)
7)Maintaining a regular sleep schedule
8)Relaxation techniques

The root cause of insomnia mainly has to do with a person's lifestyle. I suggest you give my recommendations a shot. Most of the information can be found in the source that I've provided. Hope this helps :)

2014-06-18 18:47:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My suggestion is to try Melatonin. It's available just about anyplace that sells vitamins. It's a natural chemical in your brain that makes you tired. It's non-addictive. Use it until you regulate your sleep. Start with the lowest dose, and increase until you have a peaceful night's sleep. You will know if you are taking to much because you'll have very vivid, bizarre dreams. I've used this on and off for years, as have other family members without any side effects. Be sure to allow yourself a good 8 hours of sleep before taking, or you may be groggy and slow going in the morning. Good luck, and I hope you're having "sweet dreams" soon. Nothing is more miserable than being dog tired all day!

2007-05-19 07:28:38 · answer #4 · answered by debijs 7 · 1 0

Don't ever take the sleeping pills route!!

1. They will damage your liver big time and you can get into serious health problems.

2. You will get hooked up on them and you won't be able to have a normal life any more if you don't take your pills everyday.

The sleeping pills industry is damaging our health by capitalizing on our ignorance, and by distracting people from effective and natural ways to deal with this problem. I had been taking prescription sleep medications [Ambien] for over 5 years. It stopped working and I simply took more. Still did not work. Nights were very difficult - medication put me to sleep but I would wake up after 2–3 hours with a strong sympathetic response (fast pulse, pounding heartbeat, wide awake alert). It was a very difficult cycle to break. I was really in bad shape due to lack of sleep.

After years of struggling I was able to cure my insomnia naturally and pretty fast. I followed the Sleep Tracks sleep optimization program, here is their official web -site if you want to take a look: http://www.insomniacure.net

Ohhh..and Good Luck!

2014-09-17 04:39:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Insomnia is a sleep disorder. There are several causes of this sleeping trouble like medications, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, smoking, heart disease, high blood pressure, poor immune system function, etc. If you prevent the effect of insomnia then try to sleep and waking up at the same time every day. To get positive and fast results, try to avoid caffeinated drinks and hard exercise.

2016-04-27 02:23:05 · answer #6 · answered by Michele Stagnaro 1 · 0 0

Accordingly, intense emotion expressed as anger, anxiety, guilt or depression is enough to disturb the mechanism for controlling sleep, resulting in sleeplessness.

Often people are treated with drugs, but these medications do not cure the underlying "hurt" that is the true cause of the sleeplessness.

Overcoming sleeplessness is dealt with by practising the following skills:

1. The ability to consciously relax and to release stress any time, anywhere,
2. The ability to focus your mind
3. The ability to neutralise and reprogram hurt memories
4. The ability to develop mind/body exercises to overcome depression
5. The ability to develop new responses to stressful events

2014-08-21 22:16:11 · answer #7 · answered by Martin 4 · 1 0

Go to your doctor and find the reeason for your insomnia first. Insomnia can have lots of different reasons and sleeping pills are only a last resort.

2007-05-19 07:20:58 · answer #8 · answered by petra 5 · 0 0

Try the Relaxation Techniques, it can help relieve your body and interferes with a good night’ sleep.

Abdominal Breathing
This is a type of voluntary control of breathing. First breath normally, observe the rhythm and then start your deep breathing.
- To start your deep breathing, lie down comfortably
- Gently put your hand on your stomach
- Slowly take a deep breath. It should be breath from the bottom of your stomach
- Now feel it with the air
- Your stomach muscles should raise up
- Slowly breath in it which should take about 5 seconds
- Slowly let the air go out and take about 5 seconds
- Continuous this steps 2 to 3 times in a row
- After the 2 to 3 time deep breathing go back to your normal breathing for 1 to 2 minutes
- Now you can carry on with the deep breathing steps again
- Repeat this deep breathing and normal breathing cycle a feel times.

2014-08-19 23:40:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There was a recent interview with Dr. David Shirazi of the Sleep Therapy Center of the Conejo Valley in which he discusses Acupuncture as a better treatment for insomnia. The interview took place recently on February 15th and was tweeted by CraterBrain: #Acupuncture for #insomnia? @DocDavidShirazi makes a case for it in this interview. ow.ly/Jlq4i #sleephealth #sleepmatters..... worth a try in my opinion.

2015-02-25 11:16:20 · answer #10 · answered by anna 1 · 0 0

Ayurveda is a system that has been delivering excellent remedies and cures for centuries because it believes in treating the body as a whole instead of tinkering just with the symptoms of a particular part. SUPRAGYA works naturally, gently and very effectively to heal the body from inside, ensuring that you get not only symptomatic relief but it also strengthens the weak parts of your nervous system and body.

2013-12-16 20:04:42 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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