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Are the powers that be more conerned with making money than saving our planet? Makes me sick.

2007-05-19 07:08:39 · 29 answers · asked by a2darizze 1 in Environment Global Warming

29 answers

Short-sightedness, the inability to see beyond a certain distance or time, appears to afflict most people in power.

Why is it so difficult...
1. For politicians to see beyond their term in office.
2. For CEO's to see beyond the profit of their company.
3. For all humans to see humankind beyond their lifetime.

Because we tolerate having stupidity in power. It's our votes. We choose our jobs. We choose our government. So we should all do what we can.

Make a stand!

2007-05-19 07:14:57 · answer #1 · answered by HelpGlobe 3 · 1 1

Apple trees


I am a Norwegian citizen and therefore an inhabitant on the planet earth. Last night I saw the disturbing documentary "An Inconvenient truth" with Al Gore. The message of the film has already been clear to many of us, but nevertheless it's frightening when presented in such an educational manner.

I see myself as a fairly conscientious consumer but I still fear that we are coming up short. I am married with two children, and nothing would be more painful than knowing that we had a chance to alter our future but did nothing.

Throughout the years I have seen a number of haphazard attempts to act, but none of them has had quite the impact on the public as they should. Maybe the case that they where presented by a bunch of longhaired, pot-smoking hippies had something to do with it, what do I know?

But anyway the reason for me trying to communicate this to the world (or even better, Steve Jobs at Apple), is quite brilliant if you don't mind me saying so. I believe that if Steve Jobs runs across this idea somewhere on the web, he would really grab on to it.
So therefore it is important that this idea is forwarded to as many as possible. Let the internet do what it's supposed to do; Get good information across!

THE CONCEPT – " Apple-trees "

The concept is this: On Apple's outstanding internet store, ITunes you set up the possibility to buy an "Apple-tree". This will be a non-profit project where the income goes to funding the project itself, aside from a small handling charge. (I know that this sounds bad for a commercial enterprise, but I predict that this will really establish Apple as an environmentally conscious company.)

An "Apple-tree" is an audio- and/or a video-file where (hopefully!) Al Gore will thank you for buying an "Apple-tree". He will then explain to you that by buying an "Apple-tree" you are actually buying endangered rainforests in the tropical belt around the world, which by itself is not enough to save the world but is an important contribution. Then he will give you a new tip with every purchase of an "Apple-tree", of what you can do yourself to give the earth the upper hand in the battle against oblivion. There are several enterprises today that are planting or protecting the rainforest, so Apple would mainly be the front-end marketing arm.

I predict that with your Apple's impact on society, and how the conscientious consumers want to participate; this would be a way of getting control over the situation. In the near future people would meet at work, in school, in the neighbourhood and at home to compare the number of trees they have "planted".

This is good brand-building. Apple will make even more money while you are saving the planet.

Now, doesn't that sound cool?

Dag Skaug


2007-05-21 09:46:12 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They aren't doing anything because they know that global warming is bunk. Who do you think started the scam? There are big bucks in the global warming scam, government jobs, research grants, books, bogus movies, etc. Besides while you are focused on global warming, running around in a panic trying to live green, you aren't paying attention to what the politicians are really up to.

2007-05-19 17:34:41 · answer #3 · answered by og0925go 4 · 0 0

While global warming is true, but the causes are seriously in dispute. It has happened many times in the past without humans causing it. Maybe it is just a catch phrase to try to get people to ignore the high gas prices.

2007-05-23 13:11:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who says that it is so apparent? I work for a research firm in CA and the data does not show global warming as the press and as Al Gore promote it. Why are firms and organizations like the one I work at not consulted? That question arises often at our meetings. The fact it that this is agenda driven. What that agenda is we cannot understand but the facts are available. They are just not suppressed.

2007-05-22 20:41:29 · answer #5 · answered by Eric R 1 · 0 0

Check out this documenty on you tube its is done buy the head climitologist at MIT, and the head of the IPCC. Its called the The great global warming swindal. It seperates fact from popular held myths of Global warming. its 8 parts or about a hour long


2007-05-19 17:09:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh, my friend, you jumped the gun. The Democrats are getting ready to spend billions and billions of dollars investigating global warming. Then, in a few years, after they've frequented all the best restaurants, etc., they'll SAY that it's a real problem, and leave it in the lap of the next Republican Congress.

2007-05-22 13:12:22 · answer #7 · answered by Captain 2 · 1 0

In response to solving disease and famine first: if we don't prevent the warming as much as we can, both disease and famine are going to become MUCH worse in the third world.

Even in the developed world, as things like malaria are going to become dangerous to Europe in places where it wasn't before.

The reason why there is little being done about it is probably because any power in government only cares about getting in the next term, not about the future of anyone else.

2007-05-19 15:17:41 · answer #8 · answered by puffinmuck 1 · 0 0

because everyone is waiting for someone ELSE to do something about it.

I'm tired of hearing "why should WE have to make sacrifices (aka protecting our natural resources instead of plundering them), when China pollutes more than America?". A lame excuse at best. Are we supposed to waste our environment because the Chinese are?

We have to stop allowing Industry to tell us we need 2.5% economic growth per year, instead of clean air and water. We have to stop making trade deals with countries that have extremely lax environmental protections.

A good 1st step would be to stop voting for the richest industrial giant on the ballot, and start looking at candidates that don't talk out of both sides of their mouth.

Thank you :)

2007-05-19 14:33:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anthony M 1 · 0 0

Global warming isn't apparent just because you say so, or the scientists say so for that matter. There actually is still much debate on the issue. I for one lean towards thinking its just a scam to get me to buy Al Gore's carbon credits.

2007-05-19 18:29:31 · answer #10 · answered by Zuker 5 · 0 0

The planet will take care of itself. Go to almost any large city and look at the moral decay and tell me if the creator really should spare us. You fruity city people are far more damaging to the human race than the changes in the earth's NATURAL cycles.

2007-05-23 02:35:26 · answer #11 · answered by Korak 2 · 0 0

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