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Do you really think they are going to go back to mexico and pay $5,000 and learn english and math some have been here for numerous years and haven't tried to learn our language.
I shouldn't have to press one for English how about press 2 for spanish?

2007-05-19 05:44:32 · 21 answers · asked by Wildroze 4 in Politics & Government Immigration

21 answers

Of course it is a waste of time because they want citizenship , but they don't want to earn it . Let me explain - There are some proposals that have been agreed upon it seems universally.

1. Pay a fine . A fair fine would be one equal to the same amount that they are going to use in social services , for their entire life span . The estimates are near 1.2 million . If they had that much money , they wouldn't be coming here .

2. Pass a background check . If I'm not mistaken , by them being here they are committing a crime . That disqualifies them automatically . If they have be here for anything more than one day , that is conspiracy to further an ongoing criminal act . All this happening across state lines and international boundaries, a RICO violation. Felonies . They survive with some form of documentation , which is fraud or ID theft .

3. Read , Write , and Speak English . Not going to happen . They are already demanding that official documents be bilingual . Next are street signs . But which language do we go to . Signs in 62 languages ? I don't think so .

4. Pay back taxes . How do we verify the amount of back taxes they owe . They're here illegally and hidden for years ! How many and at what wage to tax at ? We've already established that they lie , cheat , steal , and are untrustworthy .

5. Loyalty Oath - They don't respect this country enough to obey our laws , how can we expect them to be loyal to the U.S. to become a citizen ? You have to be faithful to this country , they can't be when they won't renounce their flags , yet they burn ours publicly . They also send our money overseas for non citizens .

Every step towards citizenship , they stumble and our politicians know that there is no acceptable path because they fail every test .

2007-05-19 09:53:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I do, I think it is ridiculous and wrong. And I also resent having to press 1 for english in an english speaking country. Press 1 for an available language that is NOT english. Whatever happened to common sense and the concept of "when in Rome do as the Romans"? If you want to be an American, talk like one. If your hispanic heritage is so important to you, than by all means be a Mexican. I am second generation American and my family preserved much of what was valued in our german heritage but we also embraced becoming American and live as Americans. Different cultures do not have to be mutually exclusive. And here is a thought: Maybe if more Mexicans stayed in Mexico and tried to change things there, instead of trying to change things here, there would be no need or desire to be an illegal immigrant. This country is a melting pot of cultures and it is wonderful to preserve one's own heritage, but don't try and make the whole country be you. Let us all be ourselves and let us all be legal and proud enough to be Americans to act like Americans. This is what is called National Pride and it holds us together as a country of people with common goals and common values. This really is not such a hard concept. And by all means, when at home have your American apple pie and celebrate the holidays and speak Mexican to your hearts content as you enjoy your tacos. What is the problem here? The problem is that non-Americans are trying to make America into the very country they say is so horrible they had to escape it. I can't be the only one who sees that this makes no sense. If I can't stand a movie I leave and I certainly don't then petition all the TV stations to play it! It isn't prejudice or hate or intolerance to stand up and say NO, this IS America and this IS how we do things here. Don't expect the country to become Mexican to accomodate you. You chose this country. Act like it. And I have to ask, if living in Mexico is so horrible, why DO you want to preserve it? Just wondering. Usually people preserve what is good and discard what is not.

2007-05-19 06:47:36 · answer #2 · answered by naniannie 5 · 2 1

No one follows the current laws on immigration and now we are adding a new set, at taxpayers expense and no I do not think illegals will go back to their country of origin to await amnesty or whatever the PC word for it is. The fine can be paid in payments over 8 years I believe so yes I think those who would follow the rules could afford to pay it but I think VERY few will.

Yes its a waste of the taxpayers money but the taxpayers are rich they can afford it (to those who do not get it that was sarcasm)

2007-05-19 05:54:42 · answer #3 · answered by Rabid Frog 4 · 5 1

I'm not sure how it will work until its put into action. On a personal note, I think it's just another trick they're pulling to make it look like things are actually going to start changing - but in reality - it'll stay the same.

"Americans make a clear distinction between legal and illegal immigration, even when politicians and the press do not. Illegal immigrants who really want to become Americans, who honestly want to live here and prosper, will respect our laws and our people. If they truly want to be American citizens, they’ll want to do it legally, living under an American flag on American soil." - Gulf Coast News

2007-05-19 05:56:25 · answer #4 · answered by ☆Bombastic☆ 5 · 4 1

WHY IS EVERYONE THROWING IN THE TOWEL? These Reps are elected to represent US not US be dealt with like a herd of cattle.

THERE IS STILL A WEEK TO CALL & E-MAIL the heck out of all Reps in your areas as I have.

If they keep getting off with disregarding US we will be worthless.

To the 1st person-add in the welfare/medical/food stamp cost of living supplement plus educational and see how it adds up.

To the commie remark-I think the two parties are now officially engaged. Look at the persecution of our Border Agents, three now, suffering in PRISON, with approved AG J Sutton just laying it on again what terrible crimes they committed.
This is not just an attack on border/drug/terrorist control but a slap in the face of JUSTICE to each and every one of US.

2007-05-19 06:24:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

It definitely is a waste of our money!!!!!!
They should take care of our own.
So many need help in this country and can't get it, but the imigrants can. I am $ 17.00 over to get state medical help, but let an imigrant go in and they will get what they need, so disgusting.

2007-05-19 05:56:41 · answer #6 · answered by lana s 7 · 3 1

Anything the current administration does is a waste of taxpayer money

Special for "just the facts" above: you tie Dems to Communism? Try this site: http://www.iwilltryit.com/fourthrieich1.htm

2007-05-19 05:51:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Unlawful Entry is a CRIME. Zero tolerance for immigration-law violators! No amnesty, no "stealth-amnesty." No "change of status," marriage fraud, "exceptional leave to remain," no "Temporary Protected Status." If you break the law, depart or be deported. Illegal aliens kill more US citizens each year than the war in Iraq has killed in four years. Apologists for illegal immigration like to paint it as a victimless crime. But in fact, illegal immigration causes substantial harm to American citizens and legal immigrants, particularly those in the most vulnerable sectors of our population--the poor, minorities, and children. Additionally, job competition by waves of illegal immigrants willing to work at substandard wages and working conditions depresses the wages of American workers, hitting hardest at minority workers and those without high school degrees. Illegal immigration also contributes to the dramatic population growth overwhelming communities across America--crowding school classrooms, consuming already limited affordable housing, and straining precious natural resources like water, energy, and forestland. Taxpayers are being forced to pay for the free health care, education, and other welfare programs being given to illegal aliens; Those tax dollars could be given back to U.S. taxpayers or used to keep our borders secure; They may be here illegally, but they sure know how to "work the system" to collect "free" medical care, "free" education, "free" food, Section 8 housing vouchers and other housing assistance, and hundreds of other social services. It costs citizens additional hundreds of billions of tax dollars at every level: local, state, and federal. It gobbles up billions of our charitable contributions. And much of that money ends up siphoned out of our economy and into offshore accounts. Illegal aliens, over half of whom work "under the table" with neither job nor income reported (nor taxed), are not counted as employed or unemployed. But some of those day-labor and off-the-books "job-lets" would be "real" jobs - available to American citizen job-seekers - if employment regulations were enforced. Illegal aliens can get away with tax evasion, et al., which citizens cannot. In short, we have too many workforce entrants and too few jobs created. The ratio works out to roughly 7-10 workforce entrants per job created. If all illegal aliens depart or are deported, all legal immigration halted, and all temporary employment visas abolished, we still have a problem with more US-born workforce entrants than new jobs created. Illegal immigration damages our country and our citizens every day at every level. And not even the attacks of 2/26 and 9/11 have awakened many Americans to the vast dangers illegal immigration poses to our selves, our families, our communities, our society, our values, our principles, our civilization. Zero Tolerance for Immigration-Law Violators! We must remember the lessons of 2/26, 9/11, and the costs we bear every single day. God Bless the U S A !

2007-05-19 06:08:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Everything is a waste of taxpayers money!!!!! Except tax refunds.

2007-05-19 07:55:05 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

congress is a waste of tax payers money

2007-05-19 07:04:49 · answer #10 · answered by monkeypox 2 · 2 1

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