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Witnessed a tornado? Hurricane? Earthquake? Blizzard? Flood? Watch a lightning bolt hit something? See a comet? UFO? Eclipse of the sun?

2007-05-19 05:36:07 · 13 answers · asked by busterp 3 in Environment Other - Environment

13 answers

I have saw lightning strike a tree, the tree split in two & caught fire, it was a very cool thing to be able to watch happen. I have saw one shooting star, & I believe I have saw a ufo before but nobody else was around to witness it with me.
And I have experienced a blizzard.

2007-05-19 05:40:48 · answer #1 · answered by kyle 5 · 0 0

When I was in Germany back in '93 or 94, we had an extremely cold winter. We had an ice storm that shut our town and most neighboring towns down for 3 weeks. The ice was so thick on the trees, most trees lost a lot of limbs. The ice was almost a whole foot thick on the roads. I saw many houses whose roofs collapsed under the weight of the ice. The storm itself last for 3 days. There was no school, no working, nothing. You were literally trapped in the house. All the windows and doors were frozen shut. The water pipes were all frozen. It was very scary.

Another time, also in Germany, I would say back in the late 80's we drove through an area that had just been hit by a wind storm. It was not a tornado. I remember this one hill, there used to be a forest on it. All the trees had been knocked down. They were all facing the same direction laying on the ground. I bet there was every bit of 600 trees literally blown over. Nature can be terrifying.

2007-05-19 23:29:01 · answer #2 · answered by yellow 3 · 1 0

I say a total eclipse of the sun when i was 6. All i remember is it got really dark and we had to look at a dot on a piece of paper.

A tornado passed over our house once while i stood at the window and watched it.

The tree in front of our house was struck by lightening. A huge fireball flew out the top of the tree.

Many hurricanes, Katrina being the worst. The power in those storms is truly awesome.

I saw a comet every day on my way to work for months. another awesome sight.

The most notable thing was definately the birth of my son. amazing.

2007-05-19 21:45:25 · answer #3 · answered by iluvnola 3 · 1 0

I was struck by lightning when I was 17. I did the whole Near-Death Experience, complete with the tunnel and family to greet me. My fiance hit my chest, and this caused my heart to restart. As soon as I awoke, I noticed that my colors had changed...red just wasn't red anymore...it was orangish. My whole body screamed at me. My lungs burned and each breath hurt. There was pressure in my chest. My head ached and my eyes hurt. I was taken to the hospital where they photographed the "feather burns" that aren't really burns. These "burns" show the path that the lightning took through my body. They disappear over several days. I took more than a month for the pain and stiffness to go away.

Now 24 years later, I find that I am very sensitive to thunderstorms and know when the storm is close. I also loose my labels for things...I know what they do, but I can't tell you what they are called. So, the phone becomes the "ringy thingy that you talk into" and the refrigerator is the "big, tall, cold white thing". lol

2007-05-19 15:57:08 · answer #4 · answered by ladydamorea 3 · 2 0

I was inside of my grandmothers house during Katrina and Ivan. She is unable to leave so I stayed with her as well as about 6 other people. I actually seen the water rising from a creek in her backyard. It's more like a small river.. Anyway, I watched it start rising to the top of the bank. Then it crept out and started moving closer to her house filling up the backyard. It reminded me of the blob. Slowly but surely moving closer. Once it reached the side of her house it started filling up the street. Then right before our eyes it started filling up the neighborhood. Everything that wasn't tied down started floating. I mean everything. It only took about 6 or 8 hours for the water to go back into the bank but it was an amazing experience I will never forget.

2007-05-19 14:16:37 · answer #5 · answered by JT 3 · 1 0

I sat in Central Asia and witnessed a total eclipse of the sun. It was eerie. The sky got dark, and then a strong wind picked up. The temperature fell, and the birds stopped singing. In the silence, time seemed to stand still. Then slowly, the light came back. The world seemed to start back up: birds sang and children shouted. I got down from the tall wall made of sun dried bricks and returned home.

2007-05-19 12:51:15 · answer #6 · answered by Debbie C 3 · 1 0

I have seen UFO(s) & other paranormal objects as well as other people ~ I have my stories on my blog, and I have other people stories added linked to my blog.

I have never seen aliens ~ I believe in Jinns, which can transform into ET/Aliens & other things. If you would like to read more about Jinns as well, come to my blog.

Also, whenever you have time, look at ~ UFO Contactee ~ James Gilliland talking to Art Bell from Coast to Coast Radio~ Video ~ Part 1-12 ? I will add a link to part 3, which goes right into details.

I hope that I was helpful with my sources.

2007-05-20 14:08:12 · answer #7 · answered by learning_x 3 · 0 0

Sat in the middle of Fran the hurricane, have seen many lightening strikes and even saw lightening shoot out of the phone once when my mom was on it and into her ear. I have seen comets, shooting stars, cougars in the wild, moose, elk, deer, badgers, snow shoe bunnies, a lynx and two babies, a bob cat, wild horses, prong horn antelope and buffalo. Mother nature is full of wonders! cleaning up a camp site in NC I got hissed at by a alligator about 5' long and then saw a coral snake. I have also seen many rattle snakes in the wild. Wow the wonders we have all around us. I also saw a mama deer with a baby lying by a creek bank--I slowly backed up and turned around and froze---I looked and she had sneeked into the forest and left the baby curled up in a little ball. I left and went back in 30 minutes and both were gone.

2007-05-19 18:20:37 · answer #8 · answered by lilabner 6 · 1 0

Was on our sailboat in Sarasota Fl. during hurricane Wilma.
The winds were about 78 mph. We had to sit for awhile, because the boat was rolling, pitching, yawing. Looking out the portals, it was so bright outside-it looked like snow. Nothing but breaking waves all around. During the last couple of hours, saw a boat adrift, and birds flying. was able to open the hatches, and go out into the cockpit. It was awesome!
Also, but not on a boat, went thru hurr. charley, ivan,francis-in Ft. Myers. Lightening struck our boat on another occassion, and I felt it in my feet and up my legs!

2007-05-19 14:43:57 · answer #9 · answered by island 2 · 1 0

I went through an earthquake in California. It threw me all over the place. It split the street in front of my house. I have seen Halley's comet. That was pretty good. I think the best thing I have witnessed was the family of bald eagles teaching their young to fly. There must have been twenty of them. It was spectacular!

2007-05-19 13:29:08 · answer #10 · answered by magix151 7 · 1 0

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