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my dog had an emergencie spaying two weeks ago,she had her stitches removed on friday and was doing well,yesterday we woke up and it was as if she had exploded poo everywhere,she would never poo in the house,today i have taken her out and she is eating grass and her poo is like brown jelly and i did notice a little blood in it i will take her to the vet's on monday first thing but do you think she will be ok

2007-05-19 04:35:57 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

19 answers

You may want to check with the vet first, before waiting until monday. It could be something that the longer you wait the worse it could get.
Call the vet tell them what's going on, you may only have to bring in a sample of her stool, let them tell you whether you can wait until monday or take her in now

2007-05-19 04:40:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Hello...am not sure why she had an emergency spaying...if she was ill..then as you say take her to the vet on Monday, a little blood is common with diahrea ..is she on any meds or new foods that can cause it too ..she can have a bit of pepto bismall as well 1 tsp, every 5 lbs , every 6 hours till the poo gets firmer or a half a tab is good, for a day or so & see how things go, check her gums make sure they are nice & pink, if very pale or white, that is a sign of internal bleeding then you need an emergency vet appt ..if she's drinking & eating good, that's good too, they think dogs often eat grass when they have upset tummies, throwing up makes it better so they eat grass...Take Care :) P.S boiled white rice is good..NO YOGURT or ANY Dairy products tho ...EVERRR !!!

2007-05-19 04:42:39 · answer #2 · answered by ? 5 · 1 1

At least call your Vet today and tell them about the blood being in the stool!! That should not be???
As far as the loose stools that can happen after surgery!! Dog can get upset easily and when they do so they get upset tummies and they will eat grass throw up and have losse stools. But not blood in their stools.
Call the Vet today something else might be going on with her!!!!

poor baby she has to be feeling bad about now. Not only sore from the surgery but now the loose stools and upset tummy!!

Again at least call your Vet do not wait till Monday!!! No telling what could happen by then!!

I have had dog spayed and neutered and they never had blood in their stools !!!!!

Good Luck

2007-05-19 05:02:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think she will be fine there is definately something wrong i'm sure your vet gave you tablest to combat any infection she may pick up after her op but she certainly needs checked out again, by the sounds of it she certainly has a poorly tum but all the medication she has had and is on may be upsetting her tummy, make sure her wound is kept clean, put her on white meat, fish or eggs don't feed her anything else and keep her fluids up till monday and then your vet can advise you properly, if she has a poo sunday night or monday morning try and get a sample for the vet i know that sounds awful but the vet will be able to tell a lot from the sample. When they've just had surgery they are low and their immunity is low aswell hence she probably picked a bug up if before monday she really goes downhill you may have to call the vet out but you know your own dog and if she is perky and carries on that way till monday fine, but if she stops eating and drinking doesn't want to get up out of her bed ring the vet and ask his advice, saying that it costs you nothing to phone your vet up and ask his advice over the phone. Hope she's better soon if you can pls let me know how she is tku

2007-05-19 04:45:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Sounds like she could have colitis. You need to consult your vet as quickly as possible because she obviously has an infection. Having undergone surgery recently she is at risk. If you cannot get her to a vet before Monday, call at the chemist and get something called Buscopan, which will help with stomach cramps if she is in pain with it. If it isn't this, then the Buscopan wont do any harm. Good luck when you visit the vet and I hope she recovers soon. I know how distressing it is for owners when animal is poorly. I have two little dogs.

2007-05-19 04:48:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Was the emergency spay because she had pyometra? I'll assume it was, so the dog should be on a long course of antibiotics now to get the remainder of the infection out of her system.

I wouldn't wait until monday either, this does sound pretty serious, the infection could have spread. Use www.yell.com to find a vet in your area that is open weekends.


2007-05-19 04:47:09 · answer #6 · answered by Chalice 7 · 0 0

You probably caused some trauma to that area and therefore it's irritated when you defecate. Before this, did you have a bowel movement that was painful especially at the opening? Perhaps it was too thick to the point that a minor tear occurred? If that's the case you have a scratch that is trying to heal but defecation is slowing the process. So wash the area every time you defecate with soapy water. If you think it is serious, you should go see a doctor, it's not an embarrassing problem.

2016-04-01 10:17:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sorry sounds like back to the vet in your case.
My dog eats anything and poos everything anywhere.
moor comes out than goes in. has had blood once, day later ok.
Your case sounds serious Hope all ok.

2007-05-19 09:03:42 · answer #8 · answered by Eddie B 3 · 0 0

If her poo is like jelly she could have an infection. If she is having diarrhea you can give her HALF of a Pepto tablet which will stop that. Also try feeding her some plain white rice and a little plain non-flavored yogurt for a few days to help ease any stomach issues. I have a Great Dane that goes through diarrhea every once and awhile and her vet said this would take care of it and so far he hasn't been wrong.

2007-05-19 04:42:09 · answer #9 · answered by sun_and_moon_1973 5 · 2 3

Been there...DO NOT WAIT!!!,,Your dog need medical help!!For many reasons...
PARVO,,can cause bleeding stools,,weakness and sickness,,,,,
WORMS can kill just as fast as parvo.........and have simalar effects on a dog...
I took my puppies to the vet to get shots,last week,one was eat up with worms and almost died,,,I wormed them a week before,,
A vet will not give them shots if they are sick....
It can weaken the dog more and can kill it.....My dogs had hook worm and she got diarahrra bleeding stools,we were given pills for worms,,vitamin gel to feed them once a day,,and a medicine to give them 2 xs a day for vomiting...

( HOOKWORMS can live in the ground up to 10 yrs..Parvo can last several yrs.also,,it can go through their pads on their paws,,or can be a flea they eaten can cause a quick death,it cost me 70 dollars for the worm meds for my puppies,,when my dog caught parvo,,it cost 450 dollars,,and it waz no gaurantee they will live,,depends on how fast u react to their sickness!!!!The faster,,the cheaper..)

THE VET told us to feed Gatoraide,,Gerber Chicken Flavor Baby Food,,to them,,,
The first day I took a blub syringe,,,,the rubber bulbs,,,
I mixed the food with the gator aide,half and half,,held them down and squirted it down the back of their throats,,above their tounge,,cause they will block their throats by pressing their tounge agaist the roof of their mouths..
They fought,,but i put 3 jars down the first 8 hours,,between 2 puppies,,after 2 days,,they are very happy and bouncing off the walls..They were fed about 2 jars each a day,,then pure gatoraide several times,,
They are fine now,,I go back to the vets tuesday for their shots.,They can also get sick by walking in their own stools,,
I shovel most up 1 x a month,,I bleached my yard a few years ago,,when my dog caught parvo,,I was told it would kill it,,,I was told to use SODIUM BORATE 10 lbs to a 100 sq yards.for the hook worms living in the ground...it can be dangerous,,so use caution..
Good luck with ur dog..

2007-05-19 05:47:51 · answer #10 · answered by donttrustsnowmen 5 · 0 0

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