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Luke 14:26

"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple.

(I´m so happy that I´m atheist and I have not follow this kind of orders. Violence to relatives and sucidal tendencies from christ)

2007-05-19 03:24:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

Why are all the answers pussyfooting around so coyly?

It doesn't say 'love God more', or 'hate their sins'. There's no room for wild 'interpretation' that trying to reverse the meaning.


Either this is a complete error - in which case how can you trust the rest of it - or it means what it says.

This is a QUOTE, people. What's your response to Jesus' words here?


2007-05-19 03:39:04 · answer #1 · answered by Super Atheist 7 · 2 4

Where does Jesus advocate violence in this verse?

Is it true that in atheist homes, there is never violence?

The hatred mentioned in this verse is relative. It means to love Christ so much that people will think you don't love other people. You follow Christ instead of following other people. "Hey, why don't you go to the bar with us any more? You love Jesus so much that you can't stand to be with us any more?" The reason is that the person loves Jesus more than he loves the people he hung around with who did wrong.

2007-05-19 03:53:25 · answer #2 · answered by Steve Husting 4 · 1 2

"If any man come to Me, and does not put aside his abba, and his emma, and wife, and children, and brothers and sisters, yes, and his own chayim also, he cannot be my talmid." luke 14:26


(This is not a signal to hate physical family -- But then somebody who doesn't understand the Hebrew/Aramaic tongue can easily misunderstand this passage -- as you have demonstrated here. - lost in translation:)

finishing reading verses 27-30
( It further explains that those who fall away after an initial expression of trust, are as those without endurance. Without genuine love for Yahshua ha Moshiach. )

2007-05-19 03:59:06 · answer #3 · answered by gigiemilu 4 · 2 2

Christians are no where told to be violent to family.
Read the bible for the first time and see if you can find 1 verse that even hints violence to family.
Don't make up stuff and post it as fact.
Jesus said you must choose to follow HIm over family (if you follow Him).Your family and others might percieve that as hate.

2007-05-19 03:57:14 · answer #4 · answered by robert p 7 · 3 2

Yes. I was healed from a 1 year breakdown by the anointing of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of Pastor's hand. I then started reading the Holy Bible, because I had many questions. I went to Church as much as possible.

My husband didn't like this at all. He even started pushing me down & slapping my face. I called 911 when he slapped my face and that nipped the physical abuse in the bud. My husband never had physically hurt me before this time, only verbally. He just didn't believe me that God healed me and he made fun of my faith in Jesus Christ.

I love my husband & when he told me to not go to church, threatening, I chose to obey the Lord over my husbands command, as the Lord disciple and go to Church, where I heard the Word of God.

This verse is referring to those who choose to be a disciple of Christ. Even your unbelieving family members will hate you for it. But as a disciple, you must believe & love God more than your own family or your own physical body. The verse isn't telling you to hate your family, just to hate their actions that tell you to hate God. It is telling you to love the Word of God more than your family or your own life. The law of liberty is to love the Lord God with all your being and love others as yourself & to even love your enemies. The first is to love God. God is love & love comes from God.

2007-05-19 05:47:14 · answer #5 · answered by t_a_m_i_l 6 · 0 3

First of all... you are not "atheist". The term is used to say that a person does not believe in God. But every person on Earth knows of a higher being. It is almost as if everyone is in denial. So you have no right to call yourself atheist, then turn around and try to convince Christians that God does not exist... when you SUPPOSEDLY don't even believe he exists in the first place.

He is the Creator of the Universe... and you are trying to turn His own word against Him when you don't even understand it.

...God Bless


2007-05-19 03:46:05 · answer #6 · answered by Katelyn 2 · 3 3

Why do you take verses out of context and then try to twist the one or two verses into something else? This is talking about loving God more than everyone including your own loathsome self. You do not understand God's holiness and where mankind stands in relation to his holiness but then again as a Atheist it is evident there is much you fail to understand.

2007-05-19 03:38:55 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

Clearly the words here are not to be interpreted rigidly. It is morally impossible: for the law of God commands us to honour our father and mother.

Christ is merely teaching that God must be loved above all.


The million dollar question is how an atheist even accounts, in any meaningful way for their morality. Athesist merely seek to have it both ways, they act as if there are absolutes (Hitler was evil), at the same time their worldview does not account for such a view.

2007-05-19 03:30:38 · answer #8 · answered by Brian 5 · 4 5


“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple.
Lk 14:27 And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

2007-05-19 03:38:01 · answer #9 · answered by blessedrobert 5 · 4 4

this does not say to be violent to relatives- it means we are love no one ABOVE HIM- even our family. And hating our own life, more than Him does not advocate suicide either. Jesus is worthy of my life, I chose to live it for Him.

2007-05-19 04:38:14 · answer #10 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 3 2

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