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Is this a valid way to come to acceptance of "the Christ is the same as the Father", "the Lamb of God IS God", "the Christ is Jehovah", "the Father is equal to the Christ despite the Christ's words against this", "the Father and the Son are not separate despite the Christ saying he "sits at the right hand of the Father", the Virgin Mary was born without sin, the Virginity of Mary, Jesus ascended into heaven on a cloud, Paul's conversion story, etc.? WHY DON'T ATHEISTS LOOK AT THEOLOGY FROM THIS PERSPECTIVE?

2007-05-19 02:30:08 · 10 answers · asked by mouthbreather77 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

True Christians (such as Jehovah's Witnesses) are far more interested in what the bible teaches than in human tradition and unfounded suppositions.

Sadly, the evidence over the centuries is that Christendom has done much to harm true religion.

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2007-05-22 10:24:17 · answer #1 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 0 0

All of creation testifies to the orderliness of God. This is not the type of person to do or make things that are ridiculous and do not make sense.

Most everything in your statement is false. They do not reflect what the Bible really says. False religion twists the true directions of the Bible to purposely mislead people.

The Bible shows...Jehovah and Jesus are separate individuals but are "one in agreement".It is impossible for Mary to be born without sin. She was from the family line of David who was from the family of Adam. She shared that original sin past down. Not having a human father, with God as his father, Jesus could be born perfect, without sharing in Adam's sin.

Jesus ascended on a cloud, why not? I would call raising the dead a lot harder and he already did that. Paul's conversion. He needed to replace Judas and Jesus judged the heart of Saul as someone who loved the Mosaic Law and God. Jesus simply showed him a new way.

2007-05-19 03:22:09 · answer #2 · answered by grnlow 7 · 1 1

Pastor Billy says: start your examination on one doctrine, a sacramental life and acceptance of the Eucharist as Christ's Real Presence in this communion.

Many non-Catholics come to terms with their previously held misconceptions and standoffish-ness (if that's a word) once they discover all early Christians wrote about and professed in the Real Presence. Baptist's like to talk on communities such as the Donatists and Waldesians (both heretical sects) as ancient Baptists yet they both believed in the Real Presence as Catholics still do today. Many heretical groups which broken from the Church for others arguments usually maintained a belief in the Real Presence. In John6 of the scriptural text you'll discover the earliest confirmation of those who believe this doctrine stay with Jesus and those who cannot accept it leave Jesus for the first time.

2007-05-19 02:47:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The trinity is a hard thing to understand. I finally came to the understanding that when God said " Let Us create man in Our image according to Our likeness....." Before there was sin God was 3 in one..God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit all totally God all seperate, yet all in one. Then God the Father sent God the Son to be the perfect sacrafice for the sins of all man. When Jesus (the Son) was crucified, died, arose from the dead, and returned to God the Father, God the Holy Spirit was sent to man to indwell those who believed in Christ and belong to Him.

Athiest have made a choice not to believe and have hardened their hearts toward God.

2007-05-19 02:59:08 · answer #4 · answered by Nancy B 5 · 0 1

Your 1st Q: Yes, that's fair comment. If Christianity was man-made, it would never have dreamed up a doctrine as incredible as the Trinity! If God is Other, we imperfect humans could not possibly get the measure of him, yet man-made religions offer explanations that seem rational and would confine God to our image of him. Man-made faiths appeal to our sense of logic. The Trinity defies our limited, finite thinking, yet is not unreasonable! Enough is stated in the Bible to show how God has gradually led mankind into a fuller revelation of himself. When Christ came, he said that anyone who had seen him had seen the Father, and nearly got himself stoned to death for apparent blasphemy. If he was NOT from the Father (and I don't just mean 'sent') it would have been blasphemy. It was not, because Jesus and God share the same nature, yet with separate personalities.

However, you then go on to muddle a lot of issues up that need to be kept separate. How about giving us a series of fresh questions?! One thing at a time is always a good idea!

As for your last Q, I am not an atheist, so cannot imagine what their perspective is, yet I appeal to you to think kindly of them. Most of them are honest, open to proof and sincere; it's just that they're looking for scientific proof and they won't get that in the realm of faith. Faith is something Other. Like God - from whom we can receive the gift of faith. So atheists have to bite the bullet and ask this God (whom they don't yet believe in) for faith, which they don't think proves anything! It's a tough call, being an atheist! Pray for them, friend.

2007-05-19 08:54:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I actually look at monotheism in this way, the polytheistic religions of the early days, were simple had very few contradictions. Then this very hard to swallow faith we seemingly endless paradoxes appears out of nowhere. Why would someone want to make a religion complicated? Maybe it is because God is too complicated for us to fully understand.

2007-05-19 02:35:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

One more question?
When God talked to Moses on the mountain, I wonder why he didn't mention a trinity and say "we"?
Jehovah has always spoken of "himself". The first mention I am aware of more than one, is the instance where Father and son discus the creation of man/Adam, and the term "Us" is used. "Let "us" create man in "OUR" image.

2007-05-19 02:43:18 · answer #7 · answered by Wisdom 6 · 0 0

speaking as a Lutheran-grew to grow to be-Catholic... As a Lutheran, i presumed that Jesus had in no way meant to have been given right here for the era of an institutional church. As such, I felt no longer greater desirable could desire to choose to earnings the claims of the Catholic Church than I did of, say, the Baptists or Methodists. the quite straight forward reality that Lutheran teachings reported early church teachings on very many considerable subject concerns, from the Trinity to the quite Presence of Christ contained interior the Eucharist, helped me to experience confident that Lutheran doctrine grew to grow to be into in all probability as stable as i grew to grow to be into in all probability to locate everywhere. I had the obscure effect that the Catholic Church had finished this variety of detrimental pastime of education its flock contained interior the previous due midsection a whilst that it necessary men like Luther to offer the guy-friendly gospel message (salvation via religion by myself) back to the forefront. whilst i quite studied medieval heritage in grad college, I won a great quantity of admire for the Catholic Church. Now, as a Catholic, it variety of feels blindingly obtrusive to me that the Catholic Church is the unique Christian church. now no longer purely that, it has surpassed down Christian teachings astonishingly faithfully over the acceptable 2 thousand years. on an identical time as there has been institutional corruption in some eras, there have been saints produced in each era. Catholicism could desire to be the default decision for each Christian, a minimum of contained interior the West. Protestants owe it to themselves to appropriate ordinary what the Catholic Church teaches and ask what they're regardless of the actuality that protesting. If their protests is quite no longer waiting to undergo the burden of schism, they could choose to (re)connect the Catholic Church. yet, now no longer too rather, very few Protestants take a Catholic-conventional view of subject concerns.

2017-01-10 08:28:47 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

try disproving just one if the things you mentioned

2007-05-19 02:34:54 · answer #9 · answered by rybka 3 · 0 0


2007-05-22 14:46:46 · answer #10 · answered by Danny H 6 · 0 1

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