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hey, now ladies, if your on a ladies-nite vacation, or if your traveling alone, would you feel more safe and secure if you paid $30 extra to be put up on a "women's only" floor that included a "womens only" lounge? what do you really think about that because i'm torn. i visited jamaica with my bff this year and i don't think i would have liked to have been on a floor with all women, just because if someone wanted to start "trouble", we're all on the same floor...and i couldn't find out if the "women's only" floor had security guards or what-not...i don't know...fella's what do you say...is this discriminitory?...should they also have "mens' only" floors and "mens only" lounges?

tell me what's up?


2007-05-18 16:36:53 · 3 answers · asked by hot black babe 4 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

3 answers

Many people will probably disagree with me on this, but I honestly don't think there should be x-only floors anywhere.
It is definitely discrimination in my opinion. There is the implied attitude that certain people may engage in particular behavior that others may not engage in.

I am a woman, so I understand the concern of women. But it is up to us to take precaution without demanding that stereotypes and discrimination exist. If we claim that men are a risk to us then we are claiming that men engage in more crimes or behavior that put our well-being/safety at risk. And if we claim that men can "get the better of us" then we are claiming that men are stronger and more "able" than we are.

Where do we draw the line? I say that we, just as men, are responsible for ourselves. It's up to us to take precaution. It's up to us to defend ourselves. And it's up to us to notify law enforcement if something negative happens in our lives or to our persons. It's our responsibility. If we expect men to take said responsibility then we are being hypocrites and asking them to do what we told them years ago that we no longer wanted them to do. Am I making sense?

I really do understand. Because, as I said, I am a woman. But I want equal respect, treatment, and consideration for all people. I don't want to play favorites when it benefits me. I love everyone the same and want equality for everyone regardless of group. Men, women, black, white, latino, asian, christian, catholic, jew, muslim, etc... I love you all, and I want us all to coexist in harmony and receive the same treatment.

2007-05-20 18:34:19 · answer #1 · answered by SINDY 7 · 1 0

well, it's absolutely discriminatory, by definition. Personally I'd have no interest in a men's only floor or lounge, but if you're gonna have women-only you'd better have men-only too.

2007-05-18 16:42:44 · answer #2 · answered by doovinator 6 · 1 0

yes......women need protection and so do men...............it is for the best for everyone

a combo of safety security sanity sexuality

2007-05-18 16:40:34 · answer #3 · answered by no239ok 2 · 1 0

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