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Shouldn't equality imply they pay half of everything equally, drive the same amount, instead of meaning that they're put on a pedestal? Do you know any man who is put on a pedestal like that?

2007-05-18 13:19:07 · 6 answers · asked by Bob Smith 5 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

When I said does anyone know how a man is put on a pedestal, I was referring to how women are pampered and men typically aren't.

2007-05-18 13:35:39 · update #1

Women have to work twice as hard to make the same pay? Where's your proof for that? You'd have quite a discrimination lawsuit if that were the case. Men make more because men either have more experience (i.e. working in the same job longer), more education, or are more productive.

2007-05-18 13:47:31 · update #2

6 answers

Haha, are you kidding me? Men are treated much better then women are.

Women have to work harder for the same recognition then men. A 'cool' guy with a cool attitude is simply that, cool. But if a girl has the same attitude then she's a b i t c h.

And guys are always seen as sexual so if they make any sexual remark then it's fine, but if a girl does then she's a s l u t.

Of course some girls are treated like little spoiled brats, but that's usually because of the men in her life who allow that (her dad for instance). But in general, men are definitely treated better and respected more.

2007-05-18 13:57:35 · answer #1 · answered by j12 6 · 0 2

I'd like to know how you think women are treated better than men. We have to work twice as hard to make the same money and often take twice as long to advance in any given career. If a man wishes to put a woman on a pedestal that is his issue and more often that not it's being used to control not worship.

2007-05-18 20:35:36 · answer #2 · answered by ophirhodji 5 · 2 5

If he is a real man as a real man has nothing to prove and very secure in his man hood and he is sweet and kind and loving to his mate and she purrs and gives it back 10 fold,,,,You might try it,,,and I know you would like being a King to your lady...Good Luck

2007-05-18 20:29:50 · answer #3 · answered by Gypsy Gal 6 · 0 3

There's no such thing as true equality.

2007-05-18 20:28:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

does not compute system overload

2007-05-18 20:25:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

not worth an answer

2007-05-18 23:42:35 · answer #6 · answered by bugsie 7 · 1 3

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