Depends, if I was in debt, I would pay off debt first..
If not in debt then take about $15,000 (equal to 6 months expenses) and put it in a money market account at my bank for emergencies. The other $5000 into a ROTH IRA for my retirement.
If I already had a fully funded emergency fund, I would put the max into a ROTH for me and then my hubby then the remainder in good, long history mutual funds.
2007-05-18 12:15:44
answer #1
answered by mldjay 5
Great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Set some aside for another day-I was going to say a rainy day-but heard of this guy that went to the doc and was told he was dieing, he gave everything away, oops wrong guy-doc said!!
Invest some, look into buying a home, keep adding to your investments. next make a plan to go on vacation or something and start saving for that. ALWAYS look for a good time to sell an investment and start putting money from your invest profits into bonds. I hope you have an IRA-Roth and can put the max in it. MOST IMPORTANT _ HAVE FUN, enjoy life, if your money is not helping you to be happy find a new way. You are on your way to becoming one of the new rich maybe even a millionaire
2007-05-18 19:36:44
answer #2
answered by RayM 4
Remember that if you are considering investing in the stock market your capital will be at risk. Stocks do go down.
Generally, buying a house is a good long term investment, and most people see their property investments rise.
If you are good at fixing up properties, then property investment is pretty good.
If you want a long term strategy, then consider the Stocks Monthly system for some of your funds.
2007-05-20 06:48:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
open a brokerage account and buy a stock with a high yield. You can try to catch the next fast rising stock, but 9 times out of 10, you'll pick the wrong one and lose money. Instead, I'd buy a boring stock that pays you money to hold it - sounds good, right? That's called a dividend. Many stocks pay them every quarter, or some more often than that.
Check out yahoo finance for stocks with large dividend yields.
That's how you get rich - time, patience, dividends.
2007-05-18 19:17:27
answer #4
answered by CP 2
I have invested in SwissCash for 16 months now, and all I can say is Swiss Mutual Fund
(1948), really meets my expectation.
BUT, first of all we must understand the basic rules in investment before starts to invest.
I have lost ten of thousand of dollars investing in Stock Market, so when I found out about
SwissCash, I'm ready for any possibilities.
What I really mean is, there is a same Risk wether it's on-line or off-line investment.
SwissCash :SIP25
Swiss Mutual Fund(1948) GUARANTEED 25% Return of Investment(R.o.I) every 30Days.
Minimum Investment:US100
Maximum Investment:US100,000
Example: Investment of US1000 R.O.I 25% every 30 Days.
Day--R.o.I%---Reurn----Total Return
and so on until you withdraw your Inital Principal.
SwissCash:How to invest
SwissCash is an on-line investment, catered for global investors so NO need to find local
SwissCash dealer.It can be fund through any investor worldwide.
SwissCash:How to Fund
SwissCash used e-Currency called e-point that's SAME value as e-gold (1 e-point=US 1).
You can exchange e-gold for e-point with me. Open an e-gold account, if you dont have one
(it's F.O.C). My e-gold link is (my i.d: egolkuz):
But,first of all you MUST register your SwissCash account so that I can transfer my e-point
to your trading account.To register, visit my SwissCash link website:
If you have any doubt,feel free to email me:
kauzet at yahoo dot com
Join my group of SwissCash investors worldwide, and we can share our informations and
experience to our advantages.
SWISS MUTUAL FUND(1948): SwissCash....
2007-05-18 22:49:05
answer #5
answered by kauzet 1
If you want cash liquidity put it into tax exempt municipal bonds; exempt from both state and federal income tax. If you want a juicy gain over several years buy silver bullion or coins. Presently at $ 13.00 per ounce range and headed to $ 25 to $ 50. Metals ride inflation. A good stock to buy which will double or triple in price over the next one to two years would be Sun Micro; worlds major provider of servers. They just inked a deal with Chinese government to provide service, have 8 billion in cash and no debt.
2007-05-18 19:16:50
answer #6
answered by acmeraven 7
The most important thing to determine is, what is your purpose? How will can this money help you on your road to fulfill your purpose? Money is just a vehicle to help you.
You may want to read some books on financial literacy. One I have read recently is "Why we want you to be rich" by Trump and Kiyosaki.
2007-05-18 19:29:45
answer #7
answered by William H 5
Buy either ETF's or undervalued real estate in states like Utah, Arizona, Minnesota, North Carolina, Georgia, Colorado and Oklahoma.
2007-05-18 20:11:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
15,000 on microsoft,, you will be amazed in 10 years, a 5000 dollar investment in microsoft back in 85 is worth 5 million today,, think about it
2007-05-18 19:12:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I suggest you to open a brokerage account at Zecco and invest in Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, Apple and Yahoo!
2007-05-18 19:26:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous