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Which one beats which?

highly gifted dude #1: .You should feel very lucky because someone like you will have the honor to face me. Since they day we are born we are examined to know all our attitudes and limits. Those with a low level like you are sent to places like this where is no challenge and threat at all. That means you are a loser!

Hard-working dude: So thats the reason why I'm here. If so I will have to thanks them for that. Besides if a loser makes many efforts, he might surpass the highly gifted.

Highly gifted dude: What a funny joke ! I'll show you the barrier you won't surpass no matter how much effort you put in.

Who's right or wrong?

2007-05-18 10:12:44 · 5 answers · asked by DAIMAKU 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

lol its not insulting, we are in a competition. Im the hard working dude. The dialogues are for real xD. But he's well, he has a computer on his head OK? which one will achieve a goal such as making a breakthrough in science?

2007-05-18 10:36:35 · update #1

5 answers

Neither is right or wrong and your scenarios are a bit insulting to both characters.

There are too many variables to be able to measure "which one beats which," it's impossible. Just because one may be more intelligent than another, and the other may have the ambition to never give up, there is no way to measure who would persevere in a competition, and a competition of what factors in too. Variables such as: the perception they have of themselves and awareness of self, perception of others, and how they see the world (does the world control them or do they control their lives? meaning obstacle or opportunity?), if they allow their perception of others affect their actions, social skill abilities, street smarts, personal issues (such as abused victims-rape, molestation, issues w/ opposite sex), etc., etc., can all factor into how one would succeed or fail. Furthermore, you would have to define the meaning of success, and failure, and loser, and hard-working, and intelligence, and barrier, and beat, etc., etc.

My opinion is that this question can not be answered.
Break though in science? Then I would lean towards the "gifted dude" surpassing the "hard-working dude."
Note: the hardworking dude, you, are not a loser because you don't have a computer in your head; AND your friend, the "gifted" dude sounds like an a*s. I'd rather be a hard worker than an a*s. I do believe however, that you could persevere, IF you work smarter-not harder, which is something hard working people adapt to every day. With that, you increase your critical thinking skills and intelligence.

Ever heard of a self fulfilling prophecy? It's up to you.

I still believe this is immeasurable though.

2007-05-18 10:31:13 · answer #1 · answered by LetMeBe 5 · 0 0

What difference does it make? If they are happy, good people (gifted dude in this story sounds too snotty to really be happy) who are at peace with themselves, what does it matter if they got that way by their gifts or by hard work?

"Envy not success, nor pity failure, for you do not know what is success or failure in the soul's reckoning."
--Neal Walsch

2007-05-18 10:23:04 · answer #2 · answered by KC 7 · 2 0

Have you seen the movie Gattica. See that movie then re-ask the question. The hard-worker wins in the end, he has nothing to loose and nobody expects him to do sh*t. So when he does, the world stops to wonder "how''?

2007-05-18 10:23:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'd say the highly gifted dude because he sounds pretty cocky.

2007-05-18 10:17:49 · answer #4 · answered by it's National Security 4 · 0 1

Neither. All activities are vanity and all lives are in vain.

2007-05-18 10:21:28 · answer #5 · answered by Zeek 3 · 1 0

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