Duke? That sounds like what you name your dog, not your kid. Maybe you can compromise and use it as a middle name, but I would 100% oppose it. But that is just me.
2007-05-18 09:10:07
answer #1
answered by Mr. Taco 7
Is there a reason other than he thinks it sounds masculine that he wants to name the baby Duke? The childs name should be something you both agree on, plus you have to think about growing up with a name like that. As we all well know, other kids will tease about anything and you can be sure they will call him Dukie. Would you want to go through grade school being called Dukie?
2007-05-18 09:12:44
answer #2
answered by on2lifesjourney 3
Do name searches to find out the meaning of names. Find about 2-4 boy names that stand for what he is looking for in a name... Let him know these are the choices that you like and that if he wants to call the baby Duke can't it just be a nickname.
2007-05-18 09:10:52
answer #3
answered by RLSelin 2
Duke is a little over the top. I have a friend who named their baby Maverick. Every time I see their son (who is 8 now) I feel sorry for him. They ended up calling him Rick most of the time. Maybe suggest it be a middle name or a nickname instead of their actual legal name. Then your child will have the option to go by other names when they are old enough to decide.
2007-05-18 09:17:12
answer #4
answered by Sarah S 2
I have to admit Duke is not high on my list of names. So how about this come up with a name you both like and use Duke as a nickname? Then you will both be happy and when he is older he can choose to use either name in the business world.
2007-05-18 09:11:20
answer #5
answered by danielle p 2
It's entirely your decision what you call your child... But you have to take into consideration abbreviations which can't really be done with Duke, initials and rhyming....
Having an usual name won't necessarily cause you problems... Mine is usual and I never had problems....
You can use the name Duke (which in Latin means Leader and is short for Marmaduke), as a petname for your son, something only you and Dad call him... We have petnames for our children, Muffin for our daughter or Princess or angel and Diddie for our not so diddie son but he was when he was born....
Either use it as a middle name as another suggestion then your not taking it away from your hubbys choice...
Think of your suggestions and try and put yours along with duke and see how the WHOLE name sounds...
Initials are important cause if they sound out a word then kids can be cruel.... I knew someone called Wayne, ok sounds ok but with the last name of KERR you sound it out.... Then you have Timothy Ian Thomas... People don't think about that....
Good luck and whatever you choose you'll know it's right....
2007-05-18 09:45:00
answer #6
answered by K 3
Well when I hear the name, I think it sounds masculine too. I'm not crazy about the name, just because its so common. I like more unique names. But since he has been calling the baby that, and talking to "him" using that name, it will start to grow on you. And since you love your little one so much already, its sweet to have a name to put with "him." So if the name is starting to grow on you, and it is a boy, I say go for it! You'll love him so much whether he's a Duke/Mike/Chris/Josh, whatever! lol CONGRATS!!
2007-05-18 09:11:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I say go with your gut instinct. Do you remember anyone in your school growing up who had a different sounding name or one that could be made fun of by children and do you remember them being teased mercilessly? I certainly remember several children with what I thought were awesome names who were repeatedly teased in grade school and into high school. My husband has a different name and got made fun of a lot. In fact he still talks about it to this day and about how he would get into fights over it. Please tell your husband to choose a different name as a first name and then use Duke as a middle name. Do it for your child's sanity and well-being at least.
2007-05-18 09:16:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Okay, my first thought was Dukes of Hazzard, however, thinking strong, Duke University... maybe that is a better thought?
Personally, I don't think it's THAT bad, however, just depends on middle and last name when you go with *different* names!
2007-05-18 09:10:57
answer #9
answered by Deanna D 2
Duke is a dog's name. Tell him not to name the poor kid that because kids at school will try to call him like a dog.
2007-05-18 09:11:05
answer #10
answered by Snowflake 5