The Bible calls "speaking in Tongues" EVIDENCE of being filled with The Holy Spirit. When you fill a glass with water it will eventually overflow if you continue to pour into it. This spiritual overflowing of the Spirit is evidential in the Speaking in Tongues. Also, it is a gift, free!
God knows in this world full of hate, and sin Christians would face things harder than we could imagine. The Holy Spirit prays through us to God in a perfect way. He knows what to pray and what to ask. We are just the vessel He chooses to use.
Tongues are different one from another. Used for praise and prayer. And yes it is at times interpreted when there is need for understanding. I don't understand why so many unchristian people answer these questions like they actually know. I don't think any of them have ever been close enough to God to understand what Tongues could possibly entail.
2007-05-17 20:37:14
answer #1
answered by Honee-Bee93 3
there was a time (see Acts) when God gave His Apostles what many call "Sign Gifts". Tongues was one of them, but there is much confusion about what speaking in tongues actually is. It is no longer needed today because we have the completed Bible. When God did distribute this gift (its the Holy Spirit that decides who gets what gift) it was a language that was used to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The first time He used it was in Acts Chapter 2, the beginning of the New Testament Church, the day of Pentecost. Read it carefully, there were God fearing Jews from EVERY nation their that day, the gift was needed to communicate the Gospel.
There are those who make it out to be something much different. They get all excited, very emotional and babble, not saying one word that makes sense and they think they are super spiritual, their anything but spiritual when they do such NONSENSE.
2007-05-18 14:01:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
tongues were a sign , not to those that believe,but those that do not believe,,during the transition period between judaism to christianity, an aposolistic sign,,,jews were gathered together from all distant lands,,many different languages,,the word "unknown" was added by the translators from the original hebrew and greek text,,unknown does not mean some spiritual language,,,it was a sign of the times so to speak,,,if you read closely you will see that the corinthians were having alot of " ungodly" things going on in their church,,you notice Paul was trying to get them straightened out,,he also compared their unintelligeble babbling to pagens as well,,,,it appears they were mostly acting to be more holy by putting on a show by useing this "gift",,,if they did speak in "unknown" tongue they were to have an intupreter,,,if this was to be the case, it then couldnt be some unknown spiritual tongue,,right ? a study of Joel will show you this gift will come back to the jews after the rapture of the church,,,this will be to the remaining 12 tribes,,(the 144000 )after the rapture they will know and believe Jesus Christ is the messiah,,they will go into all the 4 corners of the world preaching the gospel, the gift of tongues will be reinstated at that time,for that reason,,,,you will notice as well that, tongues were never mentioned at anytime except to the corinthians and only during the transition period during passover,,,tongues were not taught or used or ever mentioned anywhere else,,it will return after the rapture as a "sign" as it was only a SIGN of AN APOSTAL,,,during the transition period,,,,,
2007-05-17 18:52:53
answer #3
answered by Greg C 2
When the apostles spake in tongues in the book of Acts it was so others of different nationalities could learn the gospel.
"Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?" Acts 2:6-8
Read, study & pray about 1 Corinthians 14.
Speaking in tongues has been greatly misused in today's churches - that's a gift that Satan has twisted into falsehood.
2007-05-17 18:35:10
answer #4
answered by V 5
Well, from what I know, you cannot "learn" to speak in is supposed to just come to you if you accept it...
I was raised pentecostal, though now an atheist and this is what was always taught...
While you were not looked down on for not speaking in tongues, you were cherished if you
I would say save yourself from some heartache and start asking questions, but it is your choice, and I am only answering as I have been taught in the past.
2007-05-17 18:20:48
answer #5
answered by Star 5
As a gift of the Spirit, tongues receives the last place in 1 Corinthians 12:28 (which presents the order of importance from apostles and downwards) because its possibility to edify is very limited (1 Cor. 14), except in gospel work on the mission front. Paul, in his travels, spoke in foreign languages certainly using his spiritual gifts but not in his home assembly.
2007-05-17 18:23:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am Baptist and most people of my denomination say No Way to that. I on the other hand still do believe in tongues. 1st Corinthians goes into detail about the proper way to use tongues and I think the guidelines still apply today.
Pray to God for an answer, that is what I did. When i was about 10 i thought i recieved the gift of tongues but was scared to act on it. I prayed and prayed to God until one night i felt like i should pray to him in tongues. Ever since then i have been a believer!
Good luck in your quest
2007-05-17 18:19:39
answer #7
answered by Ecclesiastes 3
The gift of speaking in tongues is something not to be played with or made fun of. Speaking in tongues is an awesome move in the Holy Spirit...a personal way for you to communicate with Jesus via the Holy personal and corporate worship. Different denominations teach different things regarding the speaking of tongues, and some don't believe in it at all. All I will say is for you to pray and seek God for your own spirit to receive understanding on the gift of speaking in tongues, and if it is in God's will for your life, that gift will manifest itself in due time.
2007-05-17 18:23:58
answer #8
answered by spr1920 2
As far as we know, nobody has interpreted 'tongues' yet, so it could be absolute drivel being spoken! we just cannot prove it! But people go on fainting and coming out with these 'tongues' or having 'visions' probably for the notoriety it brings them in their church group! Have a good day.
2007-05-17 18:28:37
answer #9
answered by wheeliebin 6
You do not want "junk answers," but you are asking and "trying to learn" about COMPLETE NONSENSE.
Here's your answer: people "speaking in tongues" are on drugs or they are doing it purposely to impress, brainwash, fool and cheat the idiots, who listen and believe in this.
That's it. Say what you want, copy and paste the whole Bible here, it doesn't matter.
"Speaking in tongues..." give me a break.
2007-05-17 18:38:47
answer #10
answered by Anonymous