I myself do not agree with the dinosaurs. Satan can do anything but create life, but he can make bones
He will do anything within his power to pull people away or second guess God
2007-05-17 17:04:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The anunaki created adam and eve first. Then they made many more. We are not imbread as the bible states. The mayan calander goes back befor the bible was written so the whole bible is a story book. dinosaurs were here farther back than we think. The earth was totally covered at one point, not allowing the suns radiation to destroy the carbon in all things. It wasn't until the atmostphere was pierced that the radiation started to decay carbon. So carbon dating is a joke and only works if something was created after the atmosphere was peirced. Even then it is not even close to accurate.
Cave paintings also show UFO's and this is where I have a hard time understanding how people could be so retarded to believe that they don't exist.
2007-05-17 17:10:46
answer #2
answered by God!Man aka:Jason b 3
Adam spoke the language of man. That is what it was called then. After the tower of Babylon, Seth and his relatives spoke what would later be called the Hebrew language.
Cave paintings came into existing after the flood.
We don't know the animals look like, but we have there descendants here on earth now.
2007-05-17 17:09:11
answer #3
answered by Here I Am 7
I dont quite understand the dilemma with cave paintings. Creationists believe people lived in caves long ago, and some people still live in caves to this day. It wouldnt be surprising that they would draw pictures on the cave walls. What really is surprising are the cave drawings of dinosaurs, I love it when secular scientists try to explain those away: "Thats a person, thats a deer, thats a buffalo, thats a.....mythological creature"
I do, there are petroglyphs or dinosaurs among regular creatures, search for yourself
2007-05-17 17:05:31
answer #4
answered by the hamburglar 4
We don't know
Dinosaurs came LONG before ADAM and EVE
And EVEN science agrees there were not HUMANS at that time
As for the cave paintings, they could be "reasonable" contemporaries of Adam and Eve
Is there a painting in a cave of a Terantasaurs Rex?
Dinos were 250 million years
Man was 150 thousand years
Civilization was 6 thousand years
2007-05-17 17:16:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Adam and Eve is a symbolic story written during the Dispora. It was not meant to be taken literally. Pretty much, it says that God is great and can make all things. The Catholic Church even teaches that evolution is correct. They do not believe in Adam and Eve, anything more than symbolically. It, like much of the bible, is to be interpreted, not read literally, like some extremists do.
2007-05-17 17:04:13
answer #6
answered by mistert0312 2
i think of different christians have different theories. There are christians who quite have faith that dinosaurs lived interior the process guy and that they have got been on the ark. i think of a tyrannosaurus could have eaten all the different animals if that have been real. that's a daft concept. as far as evolution is in touch maximum christians deny it because of the fact it conflicts with adam and eve. For me, i've got faith in god yet I even have faith in medical reality. all of it fits jointly we purely don't have each thing. many human beings will argue for one edge or the different and while they are in a position to't clarify it logically they only say this is not real or they make up their very own ideals.
2017-01-10 05:47:35
answer #7
answered by dirks 3
The story said God confused their language. He caused different language. I believe Hebrew was the first language.
I see no problems with cave paintings, etc..
2007-05-17 17:06:03
answer #8
answered by RB 7
Well, the language thing is explained away by the Tower of Babel story.
2007-05-17 17:01:45
answer #9
answered by Doc Occam 7
my point of view about adam and eve it's a metaphor about the origin of the civilization,. I can call adam and eve as the first humans.. totally humans.. they ancetors were the monkeys.. I think speak a language which disappeared
2007-05-17 17:03:33
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
some people think god created adam and eve, but some people think scientifically, which is that god created dinousers first. right now nobody knows what happened in past, those are just stories
maybe later if somebody makes a machine to time trevel we might know what happened. lol
2007-05-17 17:07:42
answer #11
answered by Maja A 1