As salaamu 'alaikym warahmatullahi wabaraktu! Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim, congratulations and blessings upon you for your recent conversion to Islam.
Please be aware that one of the major focuses of Islam is knowledge, education and manners. This represents a major part of each persons diin (faith). As such, please begin reading such boks as "Towards Understanding Islam" by Abul A'la Mawdudi, "The Message of iIslam by Abdur-Rahman, A. Al-Sheha, "Bearing True Witness (or, "Now That I've Found Islam, What Do I Do With It?"), by Dr. Laurence B. Brown, MD, "In the Footsteps Of the Prophet, Lessons from the LIfe Of Muhammad" by Tariq Ramadan and "Muhammad, A Prophet for Our Time" by Karen Armstrong. Of course, you should be reading the Holy Qur'an daily. To that end, return to the masjid where you made your shahada and begin studying Arabic. (As good as translations of the Holy Qur'an may be, none of them are as good as actually reading the Holy Qur'an in the language in which it was originally revealed.) Continue to perform your five daily salats. (The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said that if one abandons or does not practice the daily prayers, one has left the faith.)
You should already know from your reading of the Holy Qur'an that all human beings are created as Muslims. Allah, Subhanna wa Ta'ala, created all souls and called them to Himself before he sent them to Earth. Allah, Subhanna wa Ta'ala, asked all created things who was their God? All created things professed their belief and recognition of Allah, Subhanna wa Ta'ala as the one and Only God (Ashadu ila illah il Allah). Some souls have now either forgotten that or have rejected their proffession of faith. What this points to is that all created beings, who witness to the reality that there is only One God and that Allah has no partners, associates or sons or daughters and who submit their wills to the Will of Allah and then live their lives accordingly are in Islam and thereby Muslims.
You should also be prepared for the type of reaction that the first person who commented on your recent conversion made. Most persons in this country only know what they have been fed by the major media outlets, never realizing that the same are very biased and distort the facts until whatever truth they may have been exporting is no longer recognizable. Most persons do not know that Islam mean peace through the submission to the Will of Allah. The best way to help educate these person is to be as good of a person as you can be, treating them with love, respect and understanding just as the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, did when dealing with the non-believers in his own time. Love and kindness overcome hate, insha'Allah.
May Allah, Subhanna wa Ta'ala, bless you and lead you on the straight path of Islam.
Ma'a salaam.
2007-05-17 09:07:33
answer #1
answered by Big Bill 7
Allah is great no doubt about it but I call him by a different name.
This path is not righteous for it propagate hatred and intolerance.
Truth need not be violent.
And why do you need lots of people in your religion? Is it because you seek security in numbers? Lot of people in this religion because you multiply like rabbits and not because people are attracted to it and converting.
So, why indeed every person on earth be a Muslim????
2007-05-17 15:52:22
answer #2
answered by P'quaint! 7
No. I will never convert to muslim. Not because Islam is bad but because most bad people who kill others and blow other people up are Islam. And I think its not true that their religion tells them to do all that crap. Its just being mis-interpreted by politicians or whoever that trains these terrorists.
2007-05-17 15:43:33
answer #3
answered by dog_hell_red 5
The same reason everyone on Earth should be Buddist, Christian, or even Satanist. Im not gonna say "who are you gonna blow up" like those idiots above me, I know the difference between a Muslim and an extremist. But I say you should let people find their own way on their own without influence from people of different religions.
2007-05-17 15:40:18
answer #4
answered by Par 4 7
Many will choose the lie over knowing God it is indeed sad that man thinks God owes him salvation that the creator of the world is indebted to his creation and that their God would choose to pretend that which is not holy is righteous and good...It is hard for me to imagine why? But the Bible says many will choose the lie.
2007-05-17 15:44:05
answer #5
answered by djmantx 7
No more roasted pork for you.
The more of you convert to Islam, the cheaper pork meat will be.
BBQ pork ribs in hot sauce, delicious
2007-05-17 15:46:30
answer #6
answered by argus 5
If you really wanna feel great, convert to Christianity!!!
2007-05-17 16:10:06
answer #7
answered by Oreo Schmoreo 7
How does your suicide belt feel ? Does it need a little adjusting to fit right ?
The truth will set a lot of people free, but it won't come from Islam.
2007-05-17 15:41:16
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Congratulations on your reversion to Islam! You have found God, alhamdulillah.
However, with the way you've worded this question, you will receive lots of flack from people who know nothing of Islam except for the hatred-filled, anti-Islamic propaganda they see on TV. Be ready for some nasty comments, but know that they speak not from knowledge, for they have none of Islam, but from a deep hatred. It's like getting the KKK to speak about Blacks, Jews, Muslims or anyone else that is not like them. Lol, put your protection shield on!
Again, alf mabrook (1000 congrats) on your decision.
2007-05-17 15:40:32
answer #9
answered by Dolores G. Llamas 6
will you take gihad 101 now?? now you must go and strap on a bomb and kill yourself along with several other innocent people you dont even know, your parents will be so proud of you. Feel like a newborn? just sh*t yourself huh, .......get a clue
2007-05-17 15:51:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous