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How could they think such a thing...is there really that much hatred towards females in this religion? I find so many religions try to dehumanize women...but saying we don't have souls is quite extreme.

I'm an athiest for a reason.

2007-05-17 07:57:24 · 21 answers · asked by cotton~candy 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

people are saying the only reason I'm an athiest is b/c of this one act (that did happen, no I'm not misinformed you ignorant bible thumper) that is not the case. I'm one for a multitude of reasons and yes as one man pointed out the bible is one of them. The bible is just one book of hatred towards gays and females all for what? Being born non straight male...what kind of love is that?

2007-05-17 08:15:33 · update #1

21 answers

This is a new one.

Some people accuse us of worshipping the Blessed Virgin Mary as a goddess and then you come along try to claim we even tried to take her soul away.

Please cite the documents or provide links to your claim so that the rest of us can do proper research. Thank you.

With love in Christ.

2007-05-17 18:53:26 · answer #1 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 3 1

You are misinformed. Such a thing never happened. Christianity, and therefore Catholicism, which was the only Christianity for 1,000 years after Christ, elevated women to a dignity they had never experienced in any previous society. Is there no limit to the absurdity of anti-Catholic bigotry? First Catholics supposedly elevate a woman to the status of God. Then they regard women as beings without a soul. Well, which is it?? Obviously, neither one.

Yes, you are an atheist for a reason. The same reason as all atheists - ignorance. But must you display it so publicly?

2007-05-17 15:01:19 · answer #2 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 4 1

Religion has always had a problem with female kind, they are only Prostitutes, Witches or Nuns, NEVER true equals.The Council of Trent is available on line, it is absurdly archaic, and drips with superstition, conceit, and ignorance. Worth reading just to remind all freethinkers that religion is an invention aimed at the gullible, by the ignorant.

2007-05-18 20:25:23 · answer #3 · answered by ED SNOW 6 · 0 0

There is many things that the catholic church has done in the past and still do that are as satanic as you can get.They have forbidden the laity to have Bibles,they tortured and killed the Anabaptist in the 1500 for not excepting infant baptism,they sold for money repentance.The list could go on and on.These people are of the Antichrist,they are not Christians but everyone seems to put catholics and Christians together.They are as different as the day is with the night.And unlike Daver I am sure this has made a difference in your life.Please don't judge Christianity by what the catholic church does.Just look at their answers and you should be able to tell the difference in those who have Christ in their life, and those who don't.John is glad that you are atheist.Why? because that makes you wrong and his cult right.

2007-05-18 07:37:20 · answer #4 · answered by don_steele54 6 · 1 2

I have never heard of such a thing. Please site your source.

The Bible is full of women with souls...the Catholic church teaches that Mary was assumed into heaven "body and soul." With this knowledge I can't imagine that Catholics ever tried to prove that women didn't have souls. Women were always taught to model after the Virgin Mary...I mean what we know of Catholic history just doesn't allow for such a belief.

Did you get this from reliable source? It sounds to me like someone spewing Catholic hate stuff. It happens a lot.

2007-05-18 13:42:31 · answer #5 · answered by Misty 7 · 1 1

First, I want to say that if that is the only reason you're atheist, that shouldnt be enough to go against a religion. Just saying.

Its because the bible was written by evil men most likely. They denounced women to be used for sex for the most part. Most of this crap about women being inferior wont be seen in the new bible, because it's been revised countless times so people can stick with the faith and see it more believable suitable for modern times. Check older versions, and yes, it is written there. This is a fact.

But hey, I'm just some guy, right?

2007-05-17 15:10:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Catholicism has ALWAYS taught the existance of the soul in every human being, both men and women.

I find it interesting that you refer to this teaching in the past tense, "Catholics once try to prove" - implying that Church Doctrine has developed to the point of including women as the bearers of souls.

You then change to the present tense and, "saying we don't have souls is quite extreme." - implying the Church still believes women to not have souls.

I find so many atheists try to dehumanize believers. How could they think such a thing?

I am a believer for that reason.

Besides, you as an atheist, must not believe in anyone possessing a soul. Therefore, what difference does religion's teachings concerning the soul make to you?

You say, <>

I have no idea who this is directed towards but calling someone an "ignorant Bible thumper" only hurts you. You are the one who claimed to be an atheist using only a bogus claim that the Church once tried to deny belief in the existance of women's souls. If there are other reasons, perhaps you should have mentioned them.

We answerers only have as much info as you deem fit to include with your question.


The Bible is not a book of hatred. Yes, there are many examples of hateful acts - but those are acts committed by human beings towards other human beings. The reason the Bible is filled with such vivid accounts of human misery is to demonstrate how much the human race needs God.


The Catholic Church hates no one on account of being homosexual. Catholics believe in "hating the sin, not the sinner." Merely being a homosexual does not constitute denial of your dignity as a human being.

All Christians, not just the homosexual ones, are called to chastity. Like any unmarried hetero-sexual Catholic, you must not succumb to your temptations.

Believe me, it's hard enough for a hetero-sexual to do that, never mind homosexual. Maintaining a chaste lifestyle is especially difficult for homosexuals. Is that fair? No, of course it isn't - but it's the unforntunate reality of being a member of mankind with a fallen nature.

Here are teachings from the Catechism of the Catholic Church. These are the Church's *real* teachings as they pertain to homosexuality:

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

2396 Among the sins gravely contrary to chastity are masturbation, fornication, pornography, and homosexual practices.

2007-05-17 22:27:13 · answer #7 · answered by Daver 7 · 2 1

Well...back in the day, Women were a subspecies of Man. They weren't as smart, useful, or articulate as Men were. (this was due to the culture). With this in mind, we see it was probably logical to think that women were merely animals that were created (or evolved) to serve Man. It was thought that animals didn't have souls, and therefore by default, neither did women. It makes perfect logical sense if you think of it the same way you would think of it back in archaic ages. It is obvious times have changed and the above conclusion has been proven wrong. That is why logic is flawed and cannot be trusted....and you can take that to the bank.

2007-05-17 15:29:06 · answer #8 · answered by Presagio 4 · 0 2

Because someone told you without proof that Catholics once voted on something you have decided there is no God? Wow I could tell you many bad things done by us sinful people that are only saved by the grace of God through the atonement. I believe in God because I know God not for what people say to me..

I am a Christian for a reason.

edit The Bible is about the ultimate sacrifice and the ultimate love. Those who love the truth find him. God does not hate he laid his life down for every sinner. There is no male in female in the spiritual sense we are all made in the image of god male and female. Disernment of the word comes form God if you seek the truth you can have a personal relationship with him.

2007-05-17 15:09:14 · answer #9 · answered by djmantx 7 · 2 3

Yes, extreme, and as a former female Catholic only by upbringing, I'm glad I'm out, too.
Now, an anthropological, feminist answer:
Many thousands of years ago, societies were much smaller and were matriarchical.
Childbirth was a miracle of women, and girl, did they use their miraculous stature as heavy political weight.
Men were second-class citizens, and were excluded from all-female priestess/goddess orgies.
The priestess were all barren, suddenly.
That was about ten thousand years ago, when men woke up and declared that they must indeed be the ones who created life. Because of their resentment, women were degraded, not valued as equal egg donor contributors. What did they know of sperm and eggs? All the men knew was that they had been subjugated unfairly.
So, the Earth and Moon goddesses that people once adored were trumped by new, male SUN gods.
And we have been paying for the female sin of hubris for these ten thousand years.
It will come back to balance, one day.
After all, we know about sperm and egg. We know about equivalent, if not equal, contribution.
All ideologies that defy equivalency will one day out of favor.

2007-05-17 15:07:56 · answer #10 · answered by starryeyed 6 · 1 3

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