I knew him 20+ yrs. He's 6 yrs younger than me (I'm 44). We had a relationship ages ago, I lived with him & his family b4, he cheated, we broke up, I got revenge, but we stayed tight, always had love & friendship. We're like family. We lost contact for yrs but found each other thru a mutual friend, got in touch, was excited & happy to hear from each other. He lives with a girl now, gave me his home & cell number, told his girl I'd call. When I call, she was nice about it, but now he told me to call him on his cell, not the house because he doesn't want her to get mad if I start "calling too much". He doesn't answer my text msgs or calls if she's around. He's 1 of my closest friends, he's like family, at the same time we will always have a "thing" for each other but I respect his relationship & dont want drama/trouble, I think he will cause a problem where there is none with this "hiding" biz. Maybe he still feels for me? Why is he hiding? How should I handle it? Can anyone advise?
10 answers
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Family & Relationships
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His girl might suspect something else. You used to have a relationship so that might bother her, even though you two are friends. Talk to him and see if there is a problem if so , you might want to not call very much. Then again he probably hasn't told his girl the truth about you.
2007-05-17 04:26:41
answer #1
answered by cyran 3
He is hiding because she probably told him she does not feel comfortable with him being close friends with his ex. Or he is hoping you will become his girl on the side and is laying the ground work. If I were you I would contact his girl and ask her if she has a problem with you contacting him. If she says yes explain to her that you have no romantic interest in him and are just his friend. Offer to start hanging out with her also and maybe with your boyfriend you can go out on a double date. Refrain from mentioning the good old days or laughing over shared secrets as that is rude, petty and mean.
2007-05-17 04:27:31
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
He's hiding it because he knows it would upset his wife. I'm sure she has heard of you before when they were getting to know each other and talking about past relationships. I think it's best to leave him alone and let him work on his marriage. If he still has feelings for you it could eventually ruin his marriage and I'm sure you don't want that. Sometimes we have to give up friends of the opposite sex when we get married, just out of respect for our spouse and our marriage vows. Be the bigger person and leave him alone.
2007-05-17 04:23:32
answer #3
answered by vanhammer 7
I would flat out ask him if there is a problem and if he does still have feelings for you. I think that he may be confused with is feelings and isn't sure how to act at the moment, he also may be hiding his feelings from his girlfriend and that is why he doesn't want her to know about you.
2007-05-17 04:27:38
answer #4
answered by ***ME*** 3
Some guys, no matter how old they are, never really get the concept of, "oh wait, women are human beings and garner the same respect as everyone else." Either his girlfriend is jealous (can't help you there), or he still doesn't get it.
2007-05-17 04:22:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
if you dont want to cause drama, stop talking to him and talk to some otha man. Girl if how would you feel if you found out ur bf was talking to another girl and he wasn't telling you about it, would u think he felt she was just a friend? Be honest with urself.
2007-05-17 04:22:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
may-be for her she might be a very jealous person so he wants to talk to you, but not wanting to get into a fight with her every time you guys talk…
I think you should just keep out of it, you aren't doing the wrong thing, he is hiding it from her and that was his choice, so he will have to face her one day when she finds out...
2007-05-17 04:25:55
answer #7
answered by LadyinOz 3
it seems that after you called the girl got alittle jealous..and seems that he is interested in the relationship he has not to ruin it..its great that you found each other after some time..but it is time to let go..he apparently told her to much and it is time to end it..sorry to say that but..youve had the chance to talk alittle its more than what some of us get..good luck
2007-05-17 04:23:01
answer #8
answered by sunshine01 3
Is that mean that your GF's proper buddy is a guy? if it fairly is so ... yah... its weird and wonderful, reason i'm precisely such as you .... i'm jealous individual, too. (too plenty) however I could desire to administration it sometime..... I mean particularly some the time...hehe. in any different case, that's the tip of the relationship. yet for a fashion long we can carry it on??? basically God is acquainted with. i comprehend different ladies in an analogous subject...too. i in basic terms won't be able to look to comprehend why they are so nicely suited with one yet another as buddy yet, they could't be as enthusiasts? fairly that's weird and wonderful. Or in my assessment, i think of .... they have what they call ... secret emotions to a minimum of one yet another, they only can't say it. the clarification why they like to hold up mutually. i opt to assist you realize ....to bear with that in case you fairly love her .. yet, for what reason she is doing this? If she is chuffed with different guy ... what are you there for??? she will call you every time if she choose any help or information. you are able to nicely be her proper buddy too? actual??? There are 2 ideas: - in case you won't be able to give up it ... take it (settle for being 2nd to her). and attempt your proper to act and do your section as her BF. - in case you won't be able to take it. flow away it. Why do you would be able to desire to go through and punish your self. If she fairly loves you. she would be waiting to be chuffed just to be with you and not with the different guy. yet wait .... do you have any reason to be jealous??? perchance this guy is a ..... she????? examine it out..... goodluck.
2016-10-05 06:10:24
answer #9
answered by ? 4
Maybe his girlfriend is psychotic and hes trying to protect you
2007-05-17 04:22:06
answer #10
answered by Anonymous