Debt consolidation is provided by credit-counseling firms. These firms will total up all your monthly debts and let you make one payment to them. With this amount, the firm will pay the lenders till the entire debt is cleared off. But exercise caution while selecting a credit-counseling firm, since some firms do not offer free services. People who have utilized debt counseling will assist you in choosing the right firm. The other option is to go for a debt consolidation loan that has quite a low interest rate.
2007-05-17 23:37:28
answer #1
answered by See Saw 3
It has to come from you..
All of the debt help you here about is a scam. Consolidation, debt counseling ect ect...ussualy end up making things worse.
The only suggestion I have for you is to look for 0% balance transfer offers. I got an offer from Disocver card that let me do a lifetime interest free balance transfer with no transfer fee. Then its easier to chip away at it.
Remember that simply having debt doest not always hurt you.. most people are in debt one way or another. The key is how you handle the debt. NEVER miss a payment under any circumstances and your credit score will always be pretty good no matter how much debt you have.
2007-05-17 10:04:31
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Credit Card Debt
If you have a serious problem with credit card debt, these articles and resources can help. - Get Out of Debt [Credit Center]
Credit ... Credit Card Calculator. Tools & Resources. HOW-TO GUIDE - FREE. Get out of ... Card or Low Rate Card? Should I consolidate my credit cards? -
Credit Counseling and Debt Consolidation -
At CareOne Credit Counseling, we are committed to providing all of the support and guidance you need to become, and continue to live -
2007-05-17 10:03:28
answer #3
answered by Robert S 6
The service offered by credit repair companies can be done by you. Call the credit card companies and ask them to reduce the interest rates. Then, cut your cards up. Pay off the card with the higher interest rate first by paying as much as you can afford each month. Pay the minimum payments on all the rest. As you pay off your cards, close the accounts. If you close the accounts before paying off the cards you are going to pay more in fees, so don't do that.
Good luck.
2007-05-17 10:05:23
answer #4
answered by iluvnola 3
when you ask about "anything out there," you make it sound like you are expecting to take a pill that will reduce your debt, or find an aerosol spray that you spritz on your bills to make them smaller. the answer is simple--to get out of debt, you have to stop charging stuff, and give your creditors money every month until the debt is paid down.
2007-05-17 10:04:51
answer #5
answered by njyogibear 7
Contact Consumer Credit Counseling Services, they are free and will work with your creditors to lower both your monthly payments and your interest rates. I used them several years ago and was debt free in 36-months.
2007-05-17 10:29:42
answer #6
answered by ? 7
It is all up to you, since your credit issues are yours, so you have to decide to make a plan to repay and rebuild your credit. There are a lot of options for you and it can be confusing which way to go. If you think you can do this yourself I have a site that can help you.
2007-05-17 14:24:06
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
U would be better off doing it yourself. Stop using your credit cards and pay off all your bills on time..
2007-05-17 11:40:29
answer #8
answered by shorty21 5
call your credit card comapnies and ask them to reduce the interest. You will pay it off quicker that way
2007-05-17 09:58:34
answer #9
answered by ocnfann 1
Apply a scissors to your cards.
2007-05-17 12:07:53
answer #10
answered by Michael B 5