Unless you lied to get credit or used the cards knowing you could not pay, this is NOT fraud. You can't go to jail in the US for failing to pay debts unless you committed fraud. It is illegal for the collection agency to threaten actions they can not legally take. Next time they contact you, mention the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. That is the law they broke by making the threat. People that appear to know their rights are usually treated better by collection agencies.
2007-05-16 13:51:25
answer #1
answered by STEVEN F 7
If you have any credit left use it to buy a tape recorder. When the collector threatens you with jail you'll then have it on your recorder and will be able to use the tape as leverage. It is 100% illegal to threaten someone with jail for not paying a debt. Don't let these guys hassle you. If you cannot pay send them a certified letter instructing them not to call you again. They will then be forced to communicate only through the mail. Good Luck
2007-05-16 21:09:54
answer #2
answered by GUS 4
They are breaking the law.
According to the FDCPA, collectors must follow these rules: 1) A collector cannot call you after you’ve told them not to do so. 2) A collector cannot call you at work. 3) A collector cannot tell other people about your debt. 4) A collector cannot threaten you (with court, jail or other).
Next time they call, tell them that you are recording them. If they threaten you with jail you can sue them.
2007-05-16 20:51:06
answer #3
answered by scott d 1
They can't put you in jail for having debt unless you commited fraud, which you didn't. You need to call a debt consolidation company to help you out before this gets worse and your credit gets completely ruined.
2007-05-16 20:33:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Actually they CAN jail you. Credit card freud is a federal crime. THey can't for "being behind", but if it is clear that you ran up a bunch of debt with no intention of paying it they can press charges. If you are a month behind on payments you have nothing to worry about, other then bad credit and late charges.
You need to call all three and arrange some sort of payment plan. If you are making a good faith effort they will not push it any further.
If your father co-signed for your cards they will go after him and what he owns.
2007-05-16 20:44:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
you cant go to jail unless you frauduantly used them (they werent your credit cards). In fact, you can report them, and collect money damages from them if they threaten or harass you.
No, you will not go to jail.
no you will not go to jail.
no you will not go to jail.
screw them. you have rights. read the following website below. This is your rights under the FTC
2007-05-16 21:32:46
answer #6
answered by bigdonut72 4
There are laws set by the FTC on creditor harassment. One law is that they are not allow to threaten you. You can view all current laws set by the Federal Trade Commission and how to report violators below.
2007-05-16 20:55:21
answer #7
answered by williamt8517 1
They can't the best thing to do is not to talk to them. Don't make minimums because it doesn't help. Declare Bankruptcy and don't fall victim of credit card companies again, and collection companies will collect money from you but it doesn't go on your debt.
2007-05-16 21:21:05
answer #8
answered by Earth to Mars 5
They can't put you in jail, do not let them threaten you. Go to http://www.cash4us.net for debt consolidation. The debt consolidation company will get the creditors off your back.
2007-05-16 21:06:57
answer #9
answered by timjw2 1
write letters to the credit card agencies and ask them for assistance with your situation.
2007-05-16 20:32:39
answer #10
answered by khorat k 6