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Some people refused to accept the truth about our Jesus! satan has them so blinded from the truth. Its really sad! Don't they know that christians only tell them about Jesus. Because they care and love! We don't want no one to go too hell! A true christian cares and loves. Jesus is the only true living God! I believe and I know God is real and created us all!! Believeing and haveing Faith in Jesus. Then you will know Hes real! God created everything. satan really has a hold on some people and they don't even realize it. satan will lie to you and fool you. satan don't want you to accept the truth about Jesus. he knows if you do you will be going to Heaven. satan don't want that. he wants all the souls he can get to take too hell with him. satan knows he don't have alot of time. so he is working hard on people to get them away from Jesus. Because he knows when Jesus comes back. that he will loose and be lock in hell forever! For Jesus is more powerful!

2007-05-16 12:02:27 · 34 answers · asked by summerbluerose 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Jesus is comeing back for the ones that live and worship Him!

2007-05-16 12:03:21 · update #1

The ones that accept Jesus as there Lord. He will take Home with Him in Heaven! Praying for the lost!

2007-05-16 12:04:35 · update #2

Jesus loves you all and He saves!! Jesus forgives

2007-05-16 12:05:40 · update #3

Praise our Jesus for He is Holy and all powerful! He is the massieh!

2007-05-16 12:07:04 · update #4

Jesus Christ is the true Massieh! He is our God! Praise Jesus for He is Holy. Holy, Holy,Holy is the Lamb! Praise Jesus!

2007-05-16 12:10:33 · update #5

This is not my truth. It is the truth!!

2007-05-16 12:12:36 · update #6

34 answers

Your on the money honey.

Most of these people don't believe in Satan either, so you can't convince them.
We all have more power in us than Satan has, although if you don't allow the light of Christ to enter your lives, Satan can read your countenances, which can almost be the same as reading our thoughts, our auras. than it would be easier for Satan to trick you. So basically by allowing the light of Christ to enter our lives. As we do this the light of Christ will shine through us and will actually appear in our countenances..... protecting us.

2007-05-16 12:23:41 · answer #1 · answered by inteleyes 7 · 1 1

Oy gevalt! If you truly care about me and "love" me (I've never understand how one can feel the emotion of love for someone one has never met), then please do as I ask and stop trying to convert me. I've heard everything that can be said about becoming a Christian and none of it has made sense to me. I'm glad for you that you have this in your life, but worried at the same time that you have gone off the deep end and need some balance in your life. I'm a 60-year-old Jewish woman and I can tell you that satan has no power over me because I don't believe there is a satan. I'm as sure of that as you are sure of what you believe. Did Jesus say that after you have "spread the word", you should keep on doing it over and over again to people who have already been told? Did he say that the more you harangue people the more likely it is that they will accept what you say? Think about that the next time you do this kind of thing, okay?

2007-05-16 12:24:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Some people refused - Wrong tense
christians - Should be captialized
Believeing and haveing faith in Jesus - Incomplete sentence and misspelled words
We don't want no one to go too hell! - Double negative and misspelled word
satan don't want...he don't want...satan don't want that - Capitalization and subject/verb disagreement
Incorrect punctuation and capitalization throughout

Perhaps you should put down the bible and pick up a grammar book. Those lessons will help you become a productive member of society.


And, yes, I know I'm a snob when it comes to the written word.

2007-05-16 12:23:50 · answer #3 · answered by beatriceorme 3 · 1 1

When will you (not you specifically, but Christians in general) realize that it's that whole idea of "hell" that keeps many of us from joining your religion? The thought of eternal punishment doesn't make me reconsider; it drives me AWAY from Christianity. You can say all you want about how God really doesn't want anyone to go to hell, and how much he wants everyone to go to heaven; but the point is that he allows it to happen, and that's ridiculous. Some of the best people I know in my life are going to burn forever if everything you're saying is true, and why? What was their greatest offense? Choosing the wrong religion.

Forget the fact that they were nice. Forget the fact that they were loving. Forget the fact that they cared for their families and hated no one. And their donations to charity. And the fact that they helped people. And the fact that they tried to be there for their friends. And their compassion. And their tolerance. And their efforts to make this world a better place.

Nope. None of that matters. They weren't Christians, soooo... too bad!

That really makes sense to you? Well, it doesn't make sense to me. I find it ridiculous. I find it absurd. And as long as that kind of policy is in place, I want absolutely no part of it.

2007-05-16 12:14:13 · answer #4 · answered by . 7 · 3 1

Yes it is your truth. There is no absolute truth. There is no ONE true religion. Jesus or not, there are many other Gods and Goddesses all over the world throughout many cultures that hold their own truths, will you deny them their beliefs just because you think you have found "God"? How do you know that yours isn't a false god. After all, he decreed that no other gods should be put before him. So to me your god appears to be a jealous false god who needs to deny the existence of all others.
Keep trying honey, it still won't work.

2007-05-16 14:38:29 · answer #5 · answered by meg3f 5 · 0 1

genuine! you have to be courageous sufficient to settle for the way the international is! some people see the international in chaos. they see discomfort and suffering and demise. yet in certainty it is how the international has been for hundreds of years! so we permit it tear us aside emotionally. you could't compel somebody to settle for the certainty, if shall we the international would not be how that is immediately! and a few people discover the certainty so painful they cant face it, they use issues like drugs or eating to flee it

2016-11-23 18:47:04 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Accepting truth requires change. Rather its changing your outlook on life, behavior, attitude, change is something that is very hard to do. From what I see, most people just want to do what they want to do and not have to answer for it at all. This is the immaturity in our society. A lot of people just want to be “free” when in reality they trap themselves. Examples: Pre-marital sex; from this sin we see countless fatherless children, STD’s, etc. Homosexuality: from this we see an unprecedented increase of STD’s, suicides, broken families, and not to mention low self esteem problems. People not loving there neighbor as they love God, Jesus and themselves; from this we see a careless society where we take from one another rather than give and help one another.

Remember that the devil/satan is the author of confusion, not GOD!

The bottom line is, rather people choose to believe in God or not, and or how they choose to serve God, we will all face him come judgment day. As Christians and or believers, we must continue to pray. When we see a non-believer, pray! We can’t change anybody but God and Jesus can and the act through our spirit connecting with the Holy Spirit, so pray!

2007-05-16 12:12:16 · answer #7 · answered by THe T 3 · 1 3

I think you're giving Satan a rather harsh rap here. Check out Job and Zechariah, where it's clear he can only act with God's permission.
So it's really your God who is allowing you to be lied to and fooled, according to your interpretation.

The bottom line question, of course, is, "How do you know all this?"

2007-05-16 12:15:24 · answer #8 · answered by barry 4 · 3 1

Our Savior, through Himself on earth, said that "No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draw him: and I will raise him up on the last day.'' (John 6:44). I'm going to add that no one can understand this concept unless the Father opens the mind to it. Even most professional and lifelong religious people don't grasp that, so it's no wonder most don't allow themselves to be converted, and most religious people continue to moan and lament about it.

Oh, and forget about Heaven. Ain't happening; that's not my eternity, nor my Father's. It's yours. And Hell is your place of revenge. No mercy there.

2007-05-16 12:18:57 · answer #9 · answered by Who Knew? 2 · 0 1

If Jesus couldn't be bothered to come to my ancestors, I don't see the overwhelming need to follow Him -- if it were that important, surely God would have made other arrangements than the faulty process of transmission along human lines of migration?

Thank you for your concern, though. If being Christian makes you happy, go to it.

2007-05-16 12:07:58 · answer #10 · answered by prairiecrow 7 · 3 2

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