The literal translation of Leviticus, that two men should not lay the lyings of a woman really doesn't make any sense, it doesn't sound like gays at all unless you totally reinterpret it, it is not possible for anybody today to know what is meant by it, but in any case it only applied to a specific and small sect of Levites back in the Bronze age, part of their cleanliness is not a law for the rest of us whatever it meant.
There is nothing about gays anywhere in the Bible and even if there was the Bible is not the word of God but of men.
Homosexuality is not mentioned as one of the listed sins of the story of Sodom & Gomorrah, violence and refusal to offer hospitality to travellers is the reason the town is destroyed in the fable along with general sinfulness of every conceivable type.
There's nothing about gays in the Ten Commandments so homosexuality is not one of the big ten ... that's for certain.
If you have a Bible that uses the modern word Homosexual in it you might as well throw that book in the trash because it is an inaccurate modern interpolation reflecting the bias of the translator. Homosexuality was not a word used in Biblical times at all and it is an incorrect translation.
2007-05-16 11:44:14
answer #1
answered by CHEESUS GROYST 5
You of course have no information of Jesus or you may understand His thoughts and directions while it is composed of abortion and gays. And we never stated we've been those to symbolize Christianity, the left says we do. See all of us understand that Christians are available in all kinds of individual and not clustered into anybody team. AND what do you mean we never point out the adverse, see which party supplies the main to help people out, and it particularly is while we get achieved determining to purchase all of the 'adverse' so they are in a position to stay greater useful than we do.
2016-11-23 18:39:53
answer #2
answered by janta 4
Yes, God is love! Well said. But God can not possibly approve of every lifestyle, and everybody. God does disapprove of the Gay lifestyle;
Romans 1:24-27: " Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, 25 even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; 27 and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error."
Every time the bible speaks of the same sex lying down together, it is in a negative term. So, it is safe to conclude that God does not approve of this.
This bible also says that we should not judge each other.
So, if one is gay, that is their right.
But, it does not have to be right with God, or Jesus.
As for going to hell.
Let me share a scripture from
Ecc 9: 5 For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten.
So, the word "Hell" is not an actual place of dwelling, but rather a state of mind. To be "Dead" to God's approval.
To not have his blessings, is like being dead, or tormented.
Remember that your talking about the God of love.
How could he torture anyone?
I am a Christian. And as a Christian, i feel that it is not my job to judge others. But i do have to set boundary's for myself, boundary's that God approves of.
2007-05-16 12:07:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Over and over again people on this forum ask if athiests and gays are going to hell.
The answers come in constantly:
Its God who decides who goes to heaven or to hell, but the Word of God states that being gay is an abomination. It is not, however, an unpardonable sin. It can be repented of, if there is a change of heart.
Why after getting the same answer over and over do you still continue to insist that
Christians judge gays immediately to hell??
2007-05-16 11:43:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Jesus did not re-write the entire Old Testament, or even just the Pentatuch. That wasn't His purpose. Sin (including the prohibitions on homosexuality, adultery, fornication, prostitution, rape, etc.) were all defined in the Old Testament. Jesus never OVERTURNED those definitions. They are still considered sinful. In fact, Jesus' definition of sin included THOUGHTS, and not just actions. His definition of sin is more strict that the Old Testament's!
What Jesus DID was to provide the perfect sacrifice FOR those sins, something the Old Testament Tabernacle and Temple could not provide. This is not a blanket endorsement of sinful behaviour, and neither is Jesus' statement to a prostitute "Neither do I condemn you." Jesus' position was to set such people free, and to say "Go now, and sin no more."
He delivered them from the hands of their executioners.
He could have given condemnation, but gave himself as a sacrifice instead.
He calls us all to leave our lives of sin.
This is the love of God in action.
2007-05-16 11:49:38
answer #5
answered by MamaBear 6
Try actually READING the Bible for a change and you won't make yourself look so ignorant because of all the passages in there that actually DO condemn homosexuality
2007-05-16 12:23:52
answer #6
answered by kenny p 7
Jesus spoke of the destruction of the wicked in Sodom and Gomorrah in Luke 17:29.
He confirms the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18 and 19)
If you want to see what constitutes a proper sexual relationship, read these:
Genesis 2:24.
Genesis 9:7.
1 Corinthians 7:3-4.
These scriptures show the dual purpose of the sexual relationship. It seals the marriage bond between a man and a woman, and it perpetuates the human race.
2007-05-16 11:42:37
answer #7
answered by great gig in the sky 7
No need to feel singled out, so will all (practicing) liars, unbelievers, murderers, sexually immoral, those that practice witchcraft, and idol worshipers. (Rev. 21:8)
Only turning from sin and trusting and believing in Jesus can save you from the second death, hell.
2007-05-16 12:00:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
oh yeah?! i bet your pagan pastor told you that didnt he? first of all sodomy is an abomination and sodomites are going to burn in hell for sure. did you forget what the Lord did to Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18, 19)?
Leviticus 18:22, 20:13
Deuteronomy 20:30
and many more
2007-05-16 11:57:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I don't say anyone is going to hell. That's God's job. But the inspired Word of God does mention homosexuality, and consistently condemns it as one of several areas of sin that will prevent someone from entering the kingdom. If you're not in the kingdom, there's only one other place.
2007-05-16 11:48:51
answer #10
answered by PaulCyp 7